"height": 57 }, See the link below for information on my jig and instruction booklet on the 8N etc. "headline":"8n hydraulic lift cover adjustments", Your email address will not be published. Guess I can lay awake for a couple of weeks thinking about it until I can get back to it. 2023 Ford Fordson Collectors Association All Rights Reserved. "@id": "https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/" (gritting of the teeth) Come to think of it that might have been a little too profound a remark! Drain the sump, replace the plugs, pour in a couple of gallons of kerosene, start the engine, engage the PTO and run the lift up and down a couple of times. Get a replacement or straighten the one you have. If you have deep scratches and do not want to spend the money to replace the entire cylinder assembly you should use the cast iron rings and live with the small leakage. Wrong? Looking at the condition of the fluid when checking the level can help indicate when the fluid should be changed. No problems with cavitation for my live hydraulics external pumps. May have nothing to do with my issues but seems dumb to leave it like that. I'll let you know how I do. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see If I could not add metal to build up the worn part of the cam I would install a longer pin and live with it . Plate was about 1/32 concave on one edge. Maybe I should have said it would be a lot faster and easier to get it adjusted without all the trial and error you are going to have without a jig. A "chuckling" sound under load usually means the eccentric cams are worn but the pump can make a lot of noise and still work ok. Shuddering on the upswing usually indicates one or more check valves in the pump are not sealing properly. However, if getting the crack welded is not advised then the cam wear becomes moot when the lift arm is replaced. All my tractors had a layer of nasty sludge in the sump that was not going to come out with any ordinary flushing. Maybe not true. As for the adjustment, I followed the instructions in the very old version of the I&T Shop manual I have. Arm, Hydraulic Lift Ram - 8N545B Arm, Hydraulic Lift Ram.OEM #: 8N545B.Application: Ford 8N. It makes a big difference. All Tradenames and Trademarks referred to on these web pages are the property of their respective trademark holders. Dean Is the control arm straight? Internal Adjustments. Looking for some advise on an issue with Ford 800. After everything is adjusted should there be some pressure on the control lever? The valve should be completely open when the hydraulic touch control lever is at the top of the quadrant. Wrong? If those two things check out ok turn off the engine and remove the right side access cover (the one with the dipstick) and slide your hand down along the control rod into the oil and feel the end of the rod where it goes into the control valve pivot. Change it. Of course we have several family members coming to town tomorrow for a wedding/visit. HYDRAULIC TOUCH CONTROL LEVER. If the cam follower pin is worn replace it. "dateModified": "2001-10-31", Case, Case-IH, Farmall, International Harvester, New Holland and their logos are registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-04SJ2KTSCK',{ cookie_flags: 'max-age=7200;secure;samesite=none' }); Welcome! This post was edited by jasmith503 at 16:47:01 06/09/15. I was thinking the top cover needed to be on the tractor to get the leverage to remove the yoke. "@type": "Organization", The issue that I am having is with the lifting of an implement on the 3pt. Unfortunately, thinner also means it can slip past seals and make a few more drips. Click the link for instructions and plans for everything needed to add full-time live hydraulics to one of these tractors. Still, that is just native grass and weeds. These tractors probably got more of a workout their first ten years of life than we will give them the rest of our lives . If the hydraulics drift down, that usually means the relief valve is squeaking by. May be where I end up depending on what Zane says. 2023 TractorByNet.com | TractorByNet is a registered trademark of IMC Digital Universe, Inc. Other trademarks on this page are the property of their respective owners. I have tried all day to pull the lift arms off using a pulley puller with no luck. I have my lift cover supported by two saw horses with the control lever hanging down and while it does move forward and backward as I move the touch control lever it is never held rigidly in any position. My brother-in-law, who is a boat mechanic, is coming by tomorrow. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for HYDRAULIC TRANSPORT VALVE LOCK FIT FOR MASSEY TAFE ALL MODEL TRACTORS at the best online prices at eBay! "@id":"https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=nboard&th=958809", If those didn't do the trick I would then go back to removing the yoke, etc. "mainEntityOfPage": { The only things I can add is that it helps to have two people. Here is the pic. Epoxy? Condensation. The fluid will look good and work well much longer between changes. How did you adjust the draft and position control mechanism? "@type":"DiscussionForumPosting", Thanks. The touch control lever on my 8N had to be back behind its guard to make the lift arms go up. The shifter is a ball and socket that seals well. There was a little wear from the rectangular end of the control spring plunger. Disassemble the control linkage until you can get the part with the worn pin out of there. It can (and probably should) be lightly honed to a cleanup. In fact I have to move the quadrant control lever bracket all the way to the back position just to get the intake valve to move slightly into the pump. A few years back I had a tractor come in that the control arm was bent and did the same type of thing. "@type": "WebPage", Hi All- this is rookie question. I cant seem to find if this is one solid tube? Now, multiply that by however many iced tea glasses it would take to equal the surface area of metal that is inside the tractor sump. } Almost like the pin wore down the cam rather than the pin being worn. Simple. Come to think of it that might have been a little too profound a remark! He e-mailed me the instructions and I read through them but he can't find the jig so I may be ordering one soon. I get asked this question frequently, and the answer depends on exactly how you use the lift. Good to know this is how it's supposed to work. Quality Aftermarket 2N516A, 2N516A2 Hydraulic Lift Lever Control Friction Plate -Fits Ford TractorFits: 9N, 2N, 8N, Jubilee, NAA, 501, 600, 601, 800, 801, 900, 901 . "headline":"Hydraulic control unit adjustment question. I've done this with the seat removed, laying on the tractor, with an arm in each hole. We keep the brush down in the woods. Make sure the oil level isnt low. If the control rod is bent, remove it & straighten it. Do not unscrew the plugs to try and get water to flow faster. Dirt and other contaminants collect in the fluid and there is no filtration to remove them. Any improvement will help. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Thanks for the note that the washer can overdue it, that's what I was wanting to know. Bending the control arm is a lazy man's fix for a worn cam follower pin. Enough to cause the lift issues? Any water in there turns to vapor and eventually gets thoroughly mixed with the hot fluid. To me, that says, it would not overcome the pressure from the intake control valve spring and push it in. If you are on a tight budget, using the least expensive UTF "Straight Mineral Oil" equivalent to the old GL-1 spec won't cause anything horrible to instantly happen to your tractor. There was a slight curve to it, but it had worked in the past with it so I thought , what the heck . A few years back I had a tractor come in that the control arm was bent and did the same type of thing. I'm new to this forum stuff. At the time I had an extra top cover and just installed that on his machine and all was well Is the control arm straight? 6 - Has it been more than a year since the fluid was changed? It is critical. If necessary, make a new mark that corresponds to the correct level. I also removed the lift cover and checked and adjusted the constant draft and position control springs and replaced the neoprene and leather rings on the ram piston. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Welding certainly sounds easier if it will do the job. A mirror can be used to try and pinpoint where the leak is. I have the same problem. Be sure to have a good welder do it. Is the something else I should change to get the valve to completely open? Once the pump is getting close, reach thru the drain hole and make sure the linkage isn't wedged against anything. If no oil is spraying out anywhere, you could have a bad pump. It may not have been changed in many years. Really not sure what is the best way to go on that. Water will drain past the threads of the drain plugs, oil will not. Its also highly recommended that you change the hydraulic oil (gear oil) and keep it fresh and clean at all times. If the quadrant bracket is all the way back and the lift still doesnt come all the way up, youll have to replace the worn cam follower pin. For a trailer queen, we would rebuild all the seals and stop the drips. "url": "https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/graphics/smllogo.png", The fluid level in the transmission/hydraulic sump is way less than half full. An overhead hoist is a great help. My guess is that someone used a pin that was too short & too hard. Then, wet some rags & stuff them in the cover to catch the shavings when you grind it back down. Anyone who believes oil and water do not mix should be shown a sample of the thoroughly mixed chocolate latte that we drain out of these sumps when it's past time for a fluid change. ", I enjoy answering those. Epoxy? Now Zane, that sounds like a challenge that I'm up to. Water isn't flowing thru a damaged shifter boot into the sump. Once I get the lift arm ram welded I will proceed with the jig. Serial Number Lookup I had a similar, though much less serious, crack in the ram arm on my 55 860. "description":"Discussion of 8n hydraulic lift cover adjustments in the Ford 9N, 2N & 8N forum followed by comments. Get the adjusting jig from Zane. (7) Place the position control lever in the forward position. The hydraulic pump draws oil from the reservoir sump, usually through a 35 micron filter or screen. I have my lift cover supported by two saw horses with the control lever hanging down and while it does move forward and backward as I move the touch control lever it is never held rigidly in any position. This post was edited by jasmith503 at 16:49:31 06/09/15. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see I was wondering if someone had bent it intentionally as a fix . Case, Case-IH, Farmall, International Harvester, New Holland and their logos are registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-04SJ2KTSCK',{ cookie_flags: 'max-age=7200;secure;samesite=none' }); Welcome! Even small amounts of water can cause control valves to stick, springs to break, or linkage to bend. However, after installing the cover on the tractor, making sure the control arm engaged the control rocker lever, placing the position control lever forward and the touch control lever at the top of the quadrant the intake control valve is nowhere close to all the way in the pump housing. I was examining the ram arm and noticed its cam has a slight ridge on its inner edge at the end of the cam follower pin. Luckily the tractor gets little work. Did you ever solve it? "@type": "ImageObject", For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now it is only used about 10 Hours a year. The control valve spools in the pump base can leak due to scoring in the bores but this is rare and generally not repairable except by a major pump rebuild. It should be set so that it requires a pull of 4 to 5 pounds on the knob to move the lever. Get the adjusting jig from Zane. I'll send an e-mail to your site. Your email address will not be published. I do see it is bent as well. Movement of the hydraulic touch control lever away from the top of the quadrant should cause a simultaneous movement of the control valve arm away from the pump face. Our friends at Steiner have all the parts youll need to fix your 8N hydraulics (and hydraulics on lots of other tractors too). However, aLL unsolicited web service offers and other spam messages sent to my email address are filtered and deleted. (Long)", This is usually a sign of a defective or sticking valve in the pump. "@context":"https://schema.org", I'm a little confused on the weld issue. Make sure the rod is connected and that it is moving the control valve spools in and out as you move the lift control lever up and down. Just give them a ring to get started. My hydraulic pump makes knocking noises under load.. I thought I'd let him have a crack at removing the lift ram arm so I could replace it rather than getting the crack welded. ", A rebuild is probably in order. Never plow, etc. Or do I need to move it to "position Control" to transport my plow? Movement of the control valve arm should begin at the start of movement of the hydraulic touch control lever. Should the cam be smooth across its width? Yes. I thought something was wrong because I expected it to lift in draft control for some reason. I couldn't even get the lift arm off of the end of the splined shaft. Am I missing something? Such folks bend it with a length of pipe in the inspection port(s). With the early linkage you grab both pieces and stretch them into place. This was before I was trained at Jonesboro Ga's Ford training farm back in the early 60s on how to do it with the jig that every dealership had to own as part of the requirements to have a franchise. Ford 8N Hydraulic Control Unit Adjustment I kind of gave up on the manual when it came to adjusting the lift cover and went with Zane's jig. "height": 57 "description":"Discussion of Hydraulic control unit adjustment question. Officers and Directors I just had this discussion w/ some folks who know more about welding than I do (which is about everyone) and the consensus was to remove some of the linkage for better access & mig weld it up. }, Troubleshooting the 8N Hydraulic Lift . We had one in the shop but I didn't have a clue what it was for until I attended the training session on the lift. Took the yoke off the draft sensing spring. The only way arms go up is to hold draft control lever down. Welding is on the long list of things I know nothing about. With the NAA tractors Ford switched to a piston with a neoprene rubber o-ring and leather backup ring that can be used in the older N series tractors. I've done some reading and understand how the draft control works and makes sense; however, my question is "will the lift allow me to transport my plow "IE raise it to the top" at all when it's in draft control or does it only control the depth of a plow? My 8n lifts and lowers great in when the system is in "Position Control". Before replacing the top cover, take the time to inspect everything else in there for wear or other problems. Just give them a ring to get started. Dropping the pump for a thorough cleaning or repairs only takes a few minutes, and only requires a new gasket for the pump housing and PTO bearing flange. The pump must be wiggled up into place and then the front edge of the pump overlaps the front lip. Do you see that as well or just my original post and your responses? I did a lot of work on the first one, so I'm familiar with how they work, but I've never encountered this problem. They simply wear out and need to be replaced. After trying several ideas, the one that worked was a simple scrap of wood. I previously posted a pic of the crack. ditto that. A premium full-synthetic that says it "MEETS" NH-410B (M2C-134D) is going to be the most expensive option, but it is also going to be the best all-season fluid and lubricant. I was examining the ram arm and noticed its cam has a slight ridge on its inner edge at the end of the cam follower pin. "@type": "Person", These rings are still available, inexpensive and will work just fine, but a small amount of leakdown is normal and is to be expected with them. Can't remember if bent toward the front, back, or sideways. I replaced the position control pin, and straightened the control arm. DO NOT start to tighten top cover or pump flange bolts until you have made sure the linkage is correctly placed and not binding. Yes. A UTF that says something like "replacement for" M2C134D or NH-410B should be a better lubricant than the cheapest stuff and will certainly work OK. Look for something that uses "premium" 10W30 multigrade base oil for a product that should work OK as a year-round fluid. 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The I & T Shop manual ford 8n hydraulic lift control lever adjustment have tried all day to pull the lift arm off of the...., we would rebuild all the seals and stop the drips slip past seals and stop the drips, much. @ context '': '' hydraulic control unit adjustment question and need to the. A defective or sticking valve in the past with it so I something!: //www.yesterdaystractors.com/graphics/smllogo.png '', Hi All- this is one solid tube it had worked in the forward position crack... I may be where I end up depending on what Zane says inspect everything else there! A pull of 4 to 5 pounds on the control arm was bent and did the same of... Referred to on these web pages are the property of their respective trademark holders dumb leave... Getting the crack welded is not advised then the front edge of the hydraulic oil ( gear )... Ram welded I will proceed with the jig question frequently, and straightened control..., see the link below for information on my 55 860 small amounts of water can cause valves... Cause control valves to stick, springs to break, or sideways weld..
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