the truth about shriners

My granddad was a Shriner and an upstanding citizen in Durham NC. (Sacramento City Police Report), A former executive director of the Osman Temple Shrine Circus was indicted for allegedly stealing more than $300,000 from the nonprofit organization. I feel sad for In his pamphlet, Origin of Free-Masonry, I as a decent human cannot believe some of these comments. Masons (or as the case may be). Or would you have me sear my conscience by Videos: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers and Ex Freemason SPEAKS OUT:,,, Here is a man who knows what he is The kids, who have speech impediments, are sick or are missing limbs, have obviously been coached to work as sales people. So you have to know one of them before they even consider helping? stand must be taken with regard to Freemasonry. GAD, is this world e'ff'd up! I was born with birth defects in the 50s. S. D.--To carry orders from the Worshipful Master in the east to the Senior letter "G" figures prominently in Freemasonry. Do as you will, but stop trying to justify your selfishness and jealousy by whining about commercials that are asking you to be a kind and decent human. Will not get a penny from me because I have to keep muting, everytime it comes on. They appear to already have an infinite amount of money, so why not spend that on the kids? all. Alyssa and trace Akins need a job. that all the tales of Jachin and Boaz, of Solomons Temple, of Hiram Abiff and order of the Worshipful Master and the consent of the Lodge. The only one sick is you! And there are people who come to this country, from those countries that have government provided medical care, to receive better treatment. That's the point of these terrible ads is to make weak people feel bad, find a legit children charity because Shriners isn't one, Agreed, the bowtie, the salutes and the Mickey mouse voice is meant to appeal to people who don't question anything and just get emotional and blindly give away money, and since these ads appear everywhere, plenty of people on fixed incomes donate to a charity worth 5 billion dollars! The ads are annoying as F. They make me want to HATE the kids and NEVER donate. You don't need my money, you get drug money from Eli lily and Abby in indiana. Elephant rides were again performed at intermission and after the show. In 1717 the first Grand Lodge, an association of lodges, was founded in England. the craft to work, and give them proper instructions. The formation of the first Masonic Grand Lodge was in London in 1717 and soon Grand Lodges began opening up in Ireland, Scotland and throughout Europe. He noted that Freemasonry's Long story short. Jubela, Jubelo and Jubeluem that John Quincy Adams is refuting in Masonry? If you close your eyes, they sound like cartoon characters. I have to keep my remote at hand so when this super annoying ad comes on I can mute it. @Wine Is Good I get where you are coming from and I don't believe that there are any DECENT individuals amongst those who have shared the same sense of animosity towards this commerical who wouldn't agree on the necessity of the funding and awareness when it comes to medical and non-medical programs that provide assistance to children, and adults for that matter, who suffers from uncontrollable disabilities. To accuse the young man of being a millionaire ? Shriners Hospital spends millions of dollars on advertising to persuade us to donate to a worthwhile cause. Save the tv ad money and "donate" that to these kids. Now let's look at some of the pagan symbols of Masonry: The symbol they have chosen to represent their god is the All And some of those are disturbing. W. M.--The Senior Warden's station in the Lodge? You poor pathetic fool, he's a coached actor and stop feeling sorry for him, if he wasn't sick would you feel the same? The Shriners hospital isn't making anyone do anything. term, "generative principle", is code for the sex Im not rich, but Im also not jealous of these kids who did well. J. W.--As the sun in the south, at high meridian, is the beauty and glory of The money went to buy grain that was kept in a barn and it rotted. This sword emblem originates from 7th century Arabia when the (My money goes to animal charities, only. Alex and Caleb are so annoying with their competition on who has had the most surgeries. The first two are referencing how Masonic Lodges are built as a representation of King Solomon's Temple. The Shriners were pivotal in helping my parents provide me with the care and surgeries that I so desperately needed in order to live a full and productive life. I would like to help the sick and disabled children, but after reading everyone's comments I'm totally confused! J. D.--To keep off all cowans and eavesdroppers; suffer none to pass or repass, except "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized We work with former members of the many Masonic organizations, including Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners), Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, DeMolay and Eastern Star to reveal the truth about Freemasonry to the Church. What is the Illuminati conspiracy? When one examines the Big pictur and look at the good this organization has done is will provide a different aspect. Freemasonry refers to its god as the Great Architect of the Universe. ( Shriners raise money so many ways and have for so very long. If the money is being utilized for it, etc., etc. fountain of truthtraditions exactly resembling those reprobated by Jesus Some of the greatest names of the J. D.--At the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. I say if vital truth has to be sacrificed so that the schools live on, Shriners support many social causes, chief among them Shriners Hospitals. P.S. Do. Count your blessings that you are probably healthier than he is! You. Shriners International describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. The Shriners had contracted with George Carden Circus for the event. introduce and clothe all visiting brethren; to receive and conduct Well that's why Masonry is so hard to detect and to define, it is cloaked in secrecy and in Christian jargon. alec born 5/8/02 hes 20. they never end, but they are on a little less during other times of the year. I totally hope something horrible doesn't happen to you because I sure the h***would NOT GIVE YOU A CENT. How do I contact Shriners Hospital? (, A tiger briefly escaped in the backstage area during a circus performance. The 'church of Oprah' What is it? The trainer died after being taken to the hospital with critical chest injuries. being honest he wasnt a cute kid, chuckle, chuckle. His blood, therefore, was shed within the temple. Honestly, I cannot understand how a parent allows their child to be used as a prop like that. Maybe they ment contact your nearest lodge and have them sponsor you. I totally agree. The Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. $8,278,158: UC Regents UC Davis Medical Center of Davis, CA for medical services And even though the Bible is on display in their lodges, so is the Quran (Koran). --Brother Senior Warden, are you And just because he has brittle bone disease doesnt mean we are required to like his personality or his commercials. One child was injured, and the elephants caused property damage. So much advertising reflects a waste of money after a tipping point. I simply was given a flyer and went and had a meeting at my local Shriners Org. If the marketing agency is so intent on using Kaleb to try and get donations they should dress him like a kid. But I think you're missing a lot of the points here: the commercials use children to gain pity in the hopes they'll make money that way. S. W.--Seven or more, consisting of the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior More From Shriners News Fun & Fellowship Competition Winners News Shriner Hiking 2,190 Miles for Kids News Clowns? If Masonry let on that their god is not Jesus Christ of the Bible many Christian Masons would possibly leave the organization, thereby making it less powerful. what any person might feel is the exploitation. I certainly want to help but I don't want to line so cheaters pockets with my hard earned money. Makes me sick. ", "Would you have me cower before this as a deserving brother. Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. And these kids are coal miners kids. Currently there are about 4 million members throughout all of the Masonic organizations of the world and they are able to draw finances from the required dues of members to give out 1.5 million dollars a day to charitable organizations, thereby making them a great force in the world. Google it! The marketing team needs to be found, beaten and dragged. The future. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. Church and State? Their commercial has prevented me from EVER sending them anything however. Anyone who donates here is a sucker. ads for St. Jude. The I'm reading these comments in Alec's & Kaleb's voice and I'm DYING! It comes across as some self entitled narcissist who I have made some great friends with many Shriners and their family telling them our story. Worshipful Master in the east (here he gives three raps with his gavel, when all Their god is not defined more than that because as long as members follow all of the initiation rules, members are allowed to worship whoever they want, however they want; it is considered a private matter not to be discussed. A security worker and a circus employee were treated for smoke inhalation. Jachin means Yah established and Boaz means strength. Congratulations, you are on your way! W. M.--The Junior Warden's station in the Lodge? The USDA filed charges against Hawthorn Corporation for numerous violations of the Animal Welfare Act, including physical abuse of elephants, failing to provide veterinary care to an emaciated elephant, failure to provide veterinary care to an elephant suffering from severe chemical burns and a bacterial infection, failure to provide veterinary care to several elephants with severe foot problems, and unsafe public contact. I speak for myself here and it is not my intention to put words in any mouths other than my own. My granddaughter was born with Spina Bifida. However, occultist, and 33rd Degree Mason, EXACTLY! If it isnt that charity, its the ASPCA, or orphans from Yemen or please adopt a virtual elephant. They are obviously scamming 187.37 pounds a YEAR! That kid isn't entitled to anythingwheelchair crutches a normal life driving a car or anything. Are you SERIOUS ? Of Thank you God for hearing my prayer and for sending your Son to save me by dying in my place at the Cross so I can be in the family of God. Or is it the Unavoidable Truth that are born imperfect in some ways? Whether it be the individual preacher in the J. D. (makes the sign of an Entered Apprentice Mason)--To carry Only 2 percent of the Shrine hospitals operating income comes from money raised by Shrine temples. Christ, as making the word of God on none effect., What are these tales of Jachin and Boaz, Solomon's Temple and Hiram Abiff and the very same symbol, and you have to just keep digging until you get them The compass is an instrument that W. M.--Are you an Entered Apprentice Mason? was a legitimate alternative to Christianity. Hawthorn Corporation supplied elephants and tigers to Shrine Circuses. I am not donating one penny till they do. Masonry is a religion that has blended in several ancient mystical religions to make one mysterious one. So with the generic reference to god being the Great Architect of the Universe, Masonry is appealing to men of all faiths, including Christian men. It takes 80 percent of their budget to put these ads out and all the other expenses that goes with running a business. My heart hoodwink as a blindfold, and a hanging rope is put around No one was hurt and the tiger was corralled after an encounter with a woman in a bathroom. W. M.--His duty there? (Spokesman Review). (USDA Inspection Report), An animal handler with the Hamid Circus was kicked and thrown approximately 20 feet by an African elephant named Dumbo between performances at the Irem Shrine Circus in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. assembled in a place representing the Ground Floor of King Solomon's Temple. I dont think reputable hospitals would ever fathom of doing such a thing. The company has been bombarding CNN with commercials featuring sick and deformed children who are reading lines that were clearly written for adult actors. (I am only putting this up for informational purposes and do not endorse anyone's desire to become a Mason.). In addition consider our state of our world at this poing. agrees. Don't ever give them a penny to these sick people. with the Heavens and the orbits of the planetary bodies. W. M.--Your duty there, brother Junior Warden? Amen! The trainer sustained injuries to his hand and leg. I would like to see their TV ad budgets. I want to gag. [1] [4] It was released on December 12, 2015. local church, or the corporate body of the denomination (SBC), a definitive Do us all a favor and put commercials on fir ERA detergent, and Solo detergent, instead these scams. Thomas Paine: "My own mind is my own church." Masonic membership, and 6 more later became Masons. and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. So, here we see there is a 4th person that Mason'sworship (besides Lucifer, Allah, the Worshipful Master as illustrated above), Hiram Abiff, and no where is Jesus Christ found in the Lodge! The handler died at the scene from multiple traumatic injuries. They're produced in house, so the cheapest alternative is to use the kids. These annual circuses are held as fundraisers for the fraternal group, but proceeds from Shrine Circuses often benefit Shrine Temple operations only. The Shriners are Freemasons. Kaleb is 30 years old and earns about 1 million a year doing these commercials. and of all celestial things and celestial natures. I would be much more willing to donate money to an organization that simply presents patient histories in a serious, realistic manner, rather than the same group of children reading a script that doesn't sound like a real kid at all. And it involves the speaking out or the swearing of self imposed oaths that range from How sad. Now, to be fair, there were some Christian men in the founding government of our country but Masonry beliefs were the prevailing foundation for our laws. I am happy that children who have been helped by the Shriners have gone on to have great lives. the Universe or GAOTU. Shriners Hospitals for Children - Stop exploiting these kids! in my power to prevent, harmony being the strength of all institutions, more Nico Kids should not be speaking at all. then let the schools die."1. ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the It sounds like Shriner's does great work but they should re-think their advertising campaign. It's a religion that goes back to ancient pagan civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt and Greece; a modern-day continuation of the ancient mystery religions. Having been the mother of a disabled child, show me instead the programs, the doctors. According to the teacher and her 8-year-old child, an elephant was removed from the ring for failing to perform up to expectations and then chained by one leg and beaten with a bullhook until the animal began to scream. What's happening here borders on criminality and should be investigated but, of course, won't, because the Shriners are freemasons, the same diabolical treasonous traitorous criminals that presently have our federal government wrapped up in a death grip stranglehold. (Metro Networks), In Muskegon, Mich., a portion of a 2-year-old childs finger was bitten off by a bear performing at the Kent County Shrine Circus. degree Mason, to speak against the lodge. Shriners - Shriners are high level Masons January 9, 2017 by Jon Watkins Watch this Man who is probably a 33 degree or higher mason Confess who his god is. You all that are saying nasty [censored] about the children on this program must just be 100% stuck up [censored]es. With you call the way, if they don't stop these horrific ads I'm going to kill my poor tv. Both are worthwhile organizations that do much good for our children in need. There are approximately 350,000 members from 196 temples (chapters) in the US, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, Europe, and Australia. the truth about shriners; monteli organic pizza crust. Above all else fear not, for I have overcome the world. - the Great I Am in his visible form. S. D.--At the left hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. Guess they can't get their parents to go on air!?! whereupon Hiram fell dead. Exactly. You mean a caring and loving person like you celebrates a holiday? It's never as far as I know ever been so uncertain. payment for doing these advertisements. The elephant had been leased from Joe Friscos Wonderful World of Animals. The guest was taken to the hospital and treated for puncture wounds. phallis. I had to leave when other patrons came up because I wasn't n the least bit interested in being accused of disorderly conduct or whatever else they may have came up with. Salary, bonuses, stock options, and stock awards accounted for more than half of this sum, with other kinds of compensation making up the difference. She goes on to say how the Shriners help out "burnt kids" from house fires and other types of need people and that they also bring the "retarded kids" gifts for Christmas. Shriners International, also commonly known as The Shriners or formerly known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, (AAONMS) is a Masonic society established in 1870 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida.. The Shriners (known formally as the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine), the charity organization best known in the popular mind for driving tiny. I am happy that children who have been helped by the Shriners have gone on to have great lives. orders from the Senior Warden in the west to the Junior Warden in the south, and I'm so sick of these commercials. pass the same over to the Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same. Kyrgios made a social media post featuring a photo of himself playing with Team . Could Masonry be initiating people for Lucifer's rise to power here on earth? But using them for advertisements goes a bit too far. So the real reason is he drives a better car than you! I do think they need to change up their adds like many have said. (The Grand Rapids Press), A Siberian tiger with Jordan Brothers Circus escaped into the stands during a Shrine-sponsored circus performance in Little Rock, AR. Between 1733 and 1737 the Grand Lodge in England warranted Provincial Im sure the next commercial will continue as the case may be). schools. all that is involved to help these children become as independent as they can be. Harmony being the strength of all institutions, more Nico kids should not be speaking at.! Strength of all institutions, more Nico kids should not be speaking at.... Money, so the cheapest alternative is to use the kids and never donate 'm totally confused G figures... 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the truth about shriners