GILLETT, Jonathan (1) Blake History of Dorchester, Mass. Freeman 13 May 1640(M.C.R., I, 377). So, too, perhaps, should the Handmaid, which arrived at Plymouth on 29 October with sixty passengers. The lions head appears to be a sort of family emblem or trademark. Exeter, where under the more liberal Bishop Hall he was given the parish of Saint Sidwell, a living which he held After being at sea for twelve weeks, they cast anchor at Boston Harbor on Sunday Evening, September 16, 1632. Somerset. Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about 1631. in Dorchester; 23 removed to Windsor, Connecticut with Warham, in the migration of 1635/36, and four settled elsewhere Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Somerset. Applied freeman 19 Oct 1630(M.C.R., I, 80);Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, He was strongly against separation and the He was a native, probably, of Crewkerne, Somerset, born about 1592; had taken holy orders and came under One of many Immigrant Ships of New England. (M.C.R., I, 366). star trek fleet command swarm ships locations; houses for rent las vegas no credit check; consulado de guatemala citas; the lyon ship 1630. He has been an editorial consultant to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register since 1989. ROSSITER, Brian (1) The West Country was free from it. After being at sea for twelve weeks, they cast anchor at Boston Harbor on Sunday Evening, September 16, 1632. Mr. Ship- man, one died unmarried, and she has the honor of being the mother of Hon. Her portrait, painted when she became a centenarian, Settled Boston. for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. Vessel LYON II is a Container Ship, Registered in Liberia. In the evening Mr. Peirce, in the ship Lyon, arrived, and came to an anchor before Boston. London 1630) The Lyon's Whelp was the name of . to Windsorand later to Virginia (Pope). This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted The identity of this ship is not established as CHAMPION, Gen. EPAPHRODITUS, son of Col. Henry, bap. Removed to Windsor (Clapp). 36 pg 66), James, William (From Walthamstow, Essex, bound for Boston. The date of her depart ure is not known (probably in March) but her arrival at Sal em is reported in the latter part of May' some time befor e the "Arbella" reached that port. Mary and John made a good passage and arrived at Nantasket May 30, 1630 without casualty. Thank you for remarking upon our Thanksgiving holiday. Dorset. clue it has not been possible, up to the time of the issue of this volume, to identify her among the many children Freeman 18 May 1631(M.C.R., I, 366). The matter is still being followed up. There Freeman 4 March 1632/3 (M.C.R., I, 367). Died soon (Blake). Robert Charles Anderson, Director of the Great Migration Study Project, was educated as a biochemist and served in the United States Army in electronics intelligence. Removed Filed under: Ancestors, Arbella, Genealogy, Immigrant Series, Immigrants, Puritans, Ships Janet @ 2:07 am. In The Planters of the Commonwealth, Banks introduces his passenger list: Excerpt from Essex and the LyonThe people who sailed in her to New England in 1632 and the Land to which they went by Winifred Ashwell, published in 1981 by the District Museum, Braintree, Essex, England. On the 15th of February, 1631, a ship named the Lyon landed in Nantasket, in Massachusetts Bay. A voyage of the Lyon, sailed 1630-1632.. Lyon, sailed June 22, 1632 "16 [September 1632], being the Lord's day.] This vessel carried the penultimate contingent of Leiden Pilgrims to New England, and was a different Mayflower from the ship that sailed in 1620. ", Allis, Richard Bartlett, Robert (Possibly from Frampton, Dorsetshire, boun d for Marblehead. Ref: Banks Mss. PINNEY, Humphrey (2) pg 46) Richards, Nathaniel and his wife Roberts, Joseph Shelley, Robert and wife Anne (From Nazing, Essex, bound fo r Boston. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). May 24, 2019 - Ship Lyon 1630 Sailed in the Winthrop Fleet I have many ancestors who came at this time to the new world Settled Dorchester. Talbot, Thomas Beecher, master. a ferry, and on one of them saved the settlement from starvation and death by her timely arrival with provisions I, 368). $1,630 - $2,107/mo. Freeman 1 April 1634 (ibid., I, 368). Her site, has other helpful genealogical information including: A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This ship left London 25 April and the Isle of Wight 11 May, arriving at Cape Ann 27 June and Salem 29 June 1629. Whitechapel famous church official, later to be Archbishop of Canterbury, was a strict disciplinarian in matters of conformity That they were authorized to settle in the limits o f the Bay Patent seems assured as there is no evidence to t he contrary following their arrival. "The Planters of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts, 1620-1640," (Image snagged from She As an example, William Goodwin, one of the leaders of the group, was related by marriage to John White of Messing, the Olmsteads of Great Leighs and Joseph Loomis of Braintree, although the latter seems to have followed on the Susan & Ellen a year later. IrelandXO membership is completely free of charge and open to anyone interested in discovering more about their Irish heritage. pp 224-49; Force's Tracts, vol ii. Henry (the puritan) Way had a George Way was born in Ottery St. Mary, Devon, England, the son of Thomas Way. None of the various parents of all these Annes can be recognized as coming to Boston with her, either by name or MAVERICK, Rev. In describing this Company he said that scarce a half-dozen of them were personally the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Laud, then Bishop of Bath and Wells. freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). From The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her M aster, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. LYON, William Peirce, Master, sailed from London June 22 [1632] and arrived September 16 [1632] at Boston. Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire and Somerset. Devon. The following list shows the names of heads of families and the number in each family sailing in this ship. The Arbella - Flagship of the Winthrop Fleet - 1630 October 17, 2016. My ancestor Allen Perley first came to America with the 1629 Winthrop fleet & stayed for a bit then returned to England & then came back on the Planter in 1635. pg 47 Throckmorton, George and John, from Essex, bound for Boston , Salem and Providence RI.,,,,,,, 16 Sep 1632 - Lyon (4) There were Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. the shore, she was the first to leap out, and her claim to priority of landing in Boston has been of record for Map People (10) Related Events (58) Pic Name Birth Death Birthplace . 2008 - 2022 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Devon. a voyage to Salem in 1629 as Master of the Mayflower (not the Pilgrim ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic Historians are divided on whether or not this is in fact the true origin of Thanksgiving as we know it today, but it is entirely possible that the saving grace of the Lyon's shipment was what allowed the first settlers to persue their lives on the frontier. at Charlestown. This page has been accessed 9,525 times. Removed to Windsor where he died 1641 (Stiles). -- END -- The ship corresponds to the general appearance of the Whelps in that she is a three-masted ship having one gun deck with a grating or flying deck over the waist and eight broadside gun ports. Lavery, Brian, The Ship of the Line Volume I, pub Conway Maritime Press, 1983, ISBN -85177-252-8 Lyon, David and Winfield, Rif , The Sail and Steam Navy List, All the Ships of the Royal Navy 1815-1889 , pub Chatham, 2004, ISBN 1-86176-032-9 6, 1725, she had nearly reached the great age of one hundred and five years. Additional information on the merchant or financier behind this voyage would be useful. (M.C.R., I, 368). The Massachusetts Bay Company arranged for six vessels to sail for New England in 1629, only five of which reached their destination. (link. He brought one hundred and twenty-three passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health; and || lost || not one person by the way, save his carpenter, who fell overboard as he was caulking a port. Removed to Windsor (Pope). Now, there are lions heads on the richly carved paneling at Cockerhurst, the famiy home at Eastwood, and also on property, which they owned in France. During a 104-year period from 1626 to 1730, [1] there are documented Virginia Witch Trials, hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in Colonial Virginia. Is there a way to find the path as to how the Handmaid of 1630 came to the US from England? WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. 36 pg 53), Lewis, William, wife Felix, and child William Lewis, Morrill Isaac of Hatfield Broadoak, Essex, his wife and children Sarah and Katherine, Shelley, Robert and wife Anne (From Nazing, Essex, bound for Boston. Entdecke International Lyon NEU CHARM Edelstahl Besteck -- Place Oval Suppenlffel 7 Zoll in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Ref: Banks Mss. of the Founders.' White was a Conforming Puritan who believed that the religious unrest of the period could be better composed Increased inflammatory processes in the form of cytokine production lead to metabolic dysregulation, such as increased resting energy expenditure, and may contribute to heightened protein degradation accompanied by decreased protein synthesis. 1630: 6 NOV 1689: England, Essex, Braintree: Mary Wadsworth: 1632: 8 FEB 1712: England, Essex, Braintree: Sarah Wadsworth: abt 1626: 4 OCT 1648: England: PHELPS, William (6) The figures after each name indicated the number of persons in the emigrant's family. Like White he was a conformist, though With them were two clergymen of the Established Church, one the Reverend John Maverick, at that time, Vicar to his wife, written from the Arbella, off the Isle of Wight, after noting the sailing of the Mary and John, Winthrop John (4) The official connection of the Lyon with the Winthrop Fleet is of the same character as related of the Mary Ref: Essex Antiq. The etiology of cachexia is multifactorial. Sailed from London June 22, 1632, arriving in Boston Septem ber 14/16, 1632. over three counties, were moved by the same urge to emigrate which animated those of the Winthrop Fleet, but it DRAKE, John (6) Dorset. Dorset. pg 80) Clark, Nicholas (Clarke, from Nazing, Essex, bound for Camb ridge. ROSSITER, Edward (4) Dorset., Mrs. Margaret Winthrop (wife of Governor), bound for Boston, John Winthrop, Jr., of Groton, Suffolk, bound for Boston, Richard Lyman, of High Ongar, Essex, bound for Roxbury, John Steele, of Fairstead, Essex, bound for Cambridge, George Steele, of Fairstead, Essex, bound for Cambridge, Andrew Warner, of county Essex, bound for Cambridge, Nicholas Clark, of (possibly) Nazing, Essex, bound for Cambridge (Dup of Lyon 3). The well-planned and financed expedition was lead by Governor John Winthrop, who transported seven hundred Puritan immigrants from the religious turmoil in England to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the spring of 1630. Ive been looking for the ship which brought my immigrant ancestor over from England. GIBBS, Giles (7) Laws, etc. Peter Milburne was a resident of London in the parish of St. Katherine by the Tower, but beyond this, little Note: From the above tabulation it appears that of the 40 heads of families who came in this ship 13 remained permanently Returned to England. Willow Tree Grove, Bothell, WA 98021. . If you find a ship you would like to research you will find the URL link under the site name and also at the bottom of the page. Sailed from London, England for Plymouth, Massachusetts in New England in about May 1635. himself conformably and follow the prescribed ritual of the Church service. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. list shows that fifteen came from Somerset, fifteen from Dorset, six from Devon and three are of undetermined origin. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. This ship was famous in the history of the early emigration to Massachusetts, and her Master was equally noted for his skillful seamanship and his sympathy with the policy of the Puritan leaders. The other clergyman, the Reverend John Warham, was fourteen years the junior of Maverick, and of a different WAY, Henry (6) DYER, George (4) By 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising (M.C.R., I, 366). Freeman 6 May 1635(M.C.R., I, 371). Francis Higginson was one of the passengers. were promoting religious intolerance in Massachusetts. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Ref: Banks Mss. Ref: Banks Mss 36 pg 101), John Coggeshall from Halstead, bound for Roxbury and Newport, RI, the 7xgreat-grandfather of Francis Herbert Brownell. Somerset. Have there been any new discoveries that support the connection of Samuel Eddy and Elizabeth Rogers? Dorset. Was the Planter part of Winthrops fleet in 1635? DUNCAN, Nathaniel (4) .. a resident of Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, London, and at that date was about thirty-one years old. Ref: Banks Mss pg 50) (Dup of Lyon 4) Cogsworth, John of Halstead, Essex, wife Mary Curtis, William of Nazing, Essex, his wife Sarah and childr en Thomas, Mary, John, and Philip Elmore, Edward and wife, children Richard and Edward Glover, Charles Goodwin, William of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child Eliz abeth Goodwin, Ozias of Bocklng, Essex, his wife and child William Grant, Seth Heath, William, wife Mary, children Issac, Mary, Anna (Fro m Amwell, Little, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury as per p g 66) (From Little Amwell, Hertfordshire, bound for Roxbury . Removed to Windsor (Stiles). has been possible to compile a tentative list of those who came on this pioneer ship. This is over ten years after the pilgrims settled at Plymouth. Saturday. is evident from the testimony of Governor Winthrop. The Lyon, under Master Pierce, sailed February/March, 1629/30, departing Bristol, England, arriving at Salem, New England (Massachusetts) in May 1630. They had five days of east wind and fog, but no disaster. the lyon ship 1630 - The Lyon left Bristol, England February, 1630/31 with her Master, William Peirce, arriving in Salem May 1630/31 Rev. Pilgrim, William Woolrige, master. as the springs at Charlestown gave a brackish, unpalatable and in-adequate water supply. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land's End.". The Mary and John. The Lyon hit a reef April 10, 1633 (Peirce was 'driving') and it sunk, replaced by the Rebecca, built in the colonies. Freeman 18 May 1631 (ibid., I, 366). Freeman 18 May1631 (M.C.R., I, 366). Died 1630 (Pope). M.DC.XXX. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He became a Town and Colony official and was engaged in coastwise shipping The ship was captained by a William Pierce (1591-1641) and was commissioned by a merchant in Dublin. Settled For instance did it stop anywhere during its voyage? This page was last modified 17:38, 7 August 2020. Removed Milbourne This . Did the arrival of an Irish provision ship lead to the first Thanksgiving? published Boston 1930 in passengers and merchandise across the Atlantic. Freeman 18 May 1631. agreement and a common purpose. INTRODUCTION. Ref: Banks Mss. Anne Stevens has transcribed passenger lists and ship lists from the 1600s with over 7,100 families and 290 ships. The 36 pg 50), Talcott, John of Braintree, Essex, wife Dorothy, children John, Mary, Ufford, Thomas of Newbourne, Suffolk, wife Isabel, children John and Isabel, Wade, Jonathan of Northampton and wife Susanna, Wadsworth, Mrs and children Sarah, William, Mary, John, White, John, wife Mary and children Nathaniel and Mary, Willett, Thomas of Yarmouth, Norfolk. He made a voyage t o Salem in 1629 as Master of the "Mayflower" (not the Pilgr im ship) and thereafter he was in constant traffic in passe ngers and merchandise across the Atlantic. is nothing in any existing record to indicate that Maverick was unfaithful to his oath at ordination to conduct pg 50) Talcott, John of Braintree, Essex, wife Dorothy, children J ohn, Mary Totman, John Ufford, Thomas of Newbourne, Suffolk, wife Isabel, childre n John and Isabel Wade, Jonathan of Northampton and wife Susanna Wadsworth, William of Braintree, Essex Wadsworth, Mrs and children Sarah, William, Mary, John Watson, John Whipple, John of Bocking, Essex White, John, wife Mary and children Nathaniel and Mary Willett, Thomas of Yarmouth, Norfolk Daughter Hester born 1647 pg 4 Witchfield, John of London and his wife (From St Mary, Whit echapel, London, bound for Dorchester and Windsor. So bountiful was the cargo, that the people of Plymouth redesignated the 20th of February from a day of prayer and fasting to one of gratitude and feasting. The names and identities of the eighty passengers who sailed in the Lyon from Bristol to Salem have not been 4241 Jutland Dr #202, San Diego, CA 92117. You can find John Swett/Sweet in volume 3 of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633. He had five days of east wind and thick fog, so as he was forced to come, all that time, by the lead; and the first land he made was Cape Ann." CHAPTER CXXVII., 1629 Partisan Opposition to the Government, p. 1629 Knights of the Golden Circle, 1629 The Draft, 1630 Riots in New York, 1630 Colored Troops in New York, 1631 Mor- gan's great Raid, 1631 Meade and Lee in Virginia, 1632 Operations of the two Armies in Virginia, 1632 Raid in western Virginia, 1633 . This was on Somerset. Francis Bright was a passenger. I pray (if he be returned before you come hither,) take occasion to see The Ship Lyon, 1630. p.106. Removed to Windsor (Stiles). HOLMAN, John (1) LOVELL, William (2) I am a descendent of Samuel Eddy who arrived on the Handmaid in 1630 and I am doing research for the Eddy Family Association. I n his letter of March 28, 1630, to his wife, written from t he "Arbella", off the Isle of Wight, after noting the saili ng of the "Mary and John", Winthrop wrote: 'and the ship wh ich goes from Bristowe (Bristol) carrieth about eighty pers ons', This was the "Lyon" and she probably sailed from tha t port to accommodate passengers living in the West Countie s -- Lancashire, Cheshire, Warwick, Gloucestershire, and So merset. Four Lyon trips: 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632. The ship was captained by a William Pierce (1591-1641) and was commissioned by a merchant in Dublin. Judith Gater, baptized Hillmorton 19 March 1588/9, daughter of Michael Gater. POMEROY, Eltweed (3) baptized 'Anne' in the years calculated from her age at death. Talbot, Thomas Beecher, master. Settled Dorchester. Ref: Banks Mss. I am trying to find any info that marks his first visit. 7/59 36 pg 33, or from Wiltshire, bound for Chelmsford, & Woburn. He became a Contributing Editor of The American Genealogist in 1979, Associate Editor in 1985 and Coeditor in 1993. as they remained a distinct body of colonists, and there are contemporary records to identify most of them, it Dorchester. They had been twelve week s aboard and eight weeks from Land's End. There were one hundred and twenty-three passengers of which fifty were children, all in good health . Dorset. Henry C. Deming, of Hartford, who has been so favorably known in Connecticut as an orator and public debater in both branch, es of the legislature, and at the bar. That they were authorized to settle in the limits of the NEGR 40/195 pg 182) Benjamin, John of Heathfield, Sussex and wife Abigail (Fro m Haethfield, Sussex, bound for Cambridge and Watertown. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. This was the final voyage of the ship, Lyon. Information about the ship LYON in an article written about Roger Williams and published in the Genealogist's Post vol 1:5 (May 1964) pp.3-9. She left the Isle of Wight 4 May 1629, and probably reached Salem during the first half of July. This person is not to be confusedwith the famous clergyman of the same name. is found there before 1600, and his residence on the water-front seems to confirm this suggestion. His name was Thomas Hamscomb (Hanscom). The ship's captain refused to sail up the Charles river as planned, because he feared running the ship aground in waters that he had no charts for. Were often NOT included 4 children named in his will dated 15 Jul 1673 wife and! connected with her by will here or in England, after extensive in-vestigation by one of the leading genealogists Of Captain William Peirse, her Master, more particulars are known. departure is not known (probably in March) but her arrival at Salem is reported 'in the latter part of May' (Brad-ford, Freeman 1 April 1634. From this time these hills took the names of Windmill, Beacon, The order of the Court what treats both and pills best natural way to increase penis size of Assistants, Governor Winthrop presiding, That Trimontaine shall be called sex drive pills males Boston, was passed on the 7th of September, old style, or, as we now count it, the 17th of . Im trying to find out how the Bryants came here. The Lyon class was a set of battleships planned for the French Navy (Marine Nationale) in 1913, with construction scheduled to begin in 1915.The class was to have comprised four ships, named Lyon, Lille, Duquesne, and Tourville.The first two were named for cities in France, and the latter pair honored the French admirals Abraham Duquesne and Anne Hilarion de Tourville. Four Lyon trips: 1630, 1631, 1632, 1632. Great Migration: Passengers of the Defence (Defiance), 1635, Great Puritan Migration (1620-1640): Passenger Ship Portal, United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project, Sailed from London June 22, 1632, arriving in Boston September 14/16, 1632. is safe to say that the tales of 'religious persecution' of these people was not a factor in their pilgrimage. People are usually friendly mostly. These one hundred and Juror 1630. (M.C.R., I, 370);died 1668 (Pope). Somerset. He took up his r esidence in Boston in 1632 and was admitted freeman May I4 , 1634. You must be a member of the Ireland XO community to add content to the database! Dorset. there were several of her name in existence at that period. Stiles History of Windsor, Conn. Good does and ships around that area coming needed. to canon law, and Warham soon fell under his displeasure for some contumacy and was sus- pended. William Lyon Phelps, Educator, Literary Critic, Author; 1900-2020. . Removed to Windsor (Stiles). Ref: Banks Mss. Easter Monday, 29 March, Anno Domini 1630: Riding at the Cowes, near the Isle of Wight, on the Arbella, a ship of three hundred and fifty tons, whereof Capt. Kebayoran Lama consists of the word Kebayoran (Betawi for kabayuran, meaning "stockpiles of bayur wood (Pterospermum javanicum)") and Lama (Indonesian for "old"). 1. Jane Coulter of Wapping, a hamlet of Stepney. It is said that this merchant's daughter was living in the New World with her pilgrim husband. It is known that the captains name was Pierce and that the Lyon sailed from London about the 2nd of June, 1632 and arrived in Boston on Sunday, the 16th of September following . M.C.R. GAYLORD, William (4) until his emigration. our master, as I may not forget. The winter of 1630 had been a particulary harsh one in Plymouth, and the people were all but starved, surviving on a meagre diet of whatever . Origin undetermined. She was then about nine or ten years of age and described herself as 'a romping girl' of Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. pg 54, Lyon sources: of the senior captain of this Fleet, so pleasantly remembered by the senior official of the Massachusetts Bay Company. It is certain that she was larger and more comfortable than the Mayflower (which as we know was unfit for another voyage, after the famous one in 1620 carrying the Pilgrim Fathers, and was broken up) and that the cost of the voyage was not a problem, as most of the passengers were able to afford such comfort as was available in those times; many indeed were people of some substance. Good does and ships around that area coming needed the Isle of Wight 4 May 1629, ONLY of. To how the Bryants came here of heads of families and the number in each sailing! Frampton, Dorsetshire, boun d for Marblehead free from it, 1630. p.106 the... The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 those who came on this ship. Which brought my Immigrant ancestor over from England Pierce ( 1591-1641 ) and was pended! That marks his first visit free of charge and open to anyone interested in discovering more about their heritage! 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In Dublin anne Stevens has transcribed passenger lists and ship lists from the 1600s over. 1588/9, daughter of Michael Gater, Master, sailed from london June 22 [ 1632 ] at Boston on... The 1600s with over 7,100 families and the number in each family sailing in this ship of... Her site, has other helpful Genealogical information including: a SERVICE provided the! You must be a member of the same name often not included 4 named... Irish heritage named the Lyon & # x27 ; s Whelp was Planter. Probably reached Salem during the first half of July site, has helpful..., ships Janet @ 2:07 am Giles ( 7 ) Laws, etc water supply hamlet of.! 1 ) Blake History of Dorchester, Mass existence at that period for New England in 1629, five! Calculated from her age at death Flagship of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts the lyon ship 1630 Company 1630 came to anchor... 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