The persevering Christian shall win the prize from backsliding professors, who once stood fair for it.". The sheep which grazed round Laodicea were famous for their soft, violet-black, glossy wool. (2.) Then comes the salutation. The name Sardis (Sardeis, G4454, in Greek) is really a plural noun, for there were two towns, one on the plateau and one in the valley beneath. "We are chastened of the Lord that we may not be condemned along with the world" ( 1 Corinthians 11:32). However other Scriptures make it clear that God will catch up all Christians, faithful and unfaithful, at the same time (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:9). "Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 478-507, for further explanation of the four major premillennial views of the Rapture; and see Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour, for refutation of the partial rapture, the midtribulation rapture, and the posttribulation rapture views. So many Jews emigrated here that the Rabbis inveighed against the Jews who sought the wines and baths of Phrygia. I believe that God has blinded their eyes until the fullness of the gentiles has come in. (i) In the heathen world no worshipper was allowed to approach a temple of the gods with soiled clothes. cit., p. 101. In fact, the principal burden of the great prophecies about to be unveiled was that of strengthening and encouraging the church against that very event. Philadelphos ( G5361) is the Greek for one who loves his brother. In his book Out of Nazareth Donald Baillie cites three witnesses to the uniqueness of this conception. God's word was there to deal with human conscience. At night with a band of brave men he climbed the steep cliffs. Lord, if there is something wrong in what we are doing, how we are doing it, let your Spirit reveal to our hearts. Tacitus (see Wetstein, in loco) mentions an earthquake that sank twelve cities in Asia Minor, in one night, by which, among others, Philadelphia was deeply affected; and it is possible that there may have been reference here to that overwhelming calamity. The subject-matter of this epistle, where. He would give them grace to bear up under trials with a Christian spirit, and in such a manner that their salvation should not be endangered. 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; 8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not . say you. [Note: Chitwood, p. 101. But we must never forget that he is looking for our love, our loyalty and our service. (3.) Examine the use of woman symbolically, and you will find, I believe, that this is true. Clearly such a position made it almost impregnable. 62. This would mean even more in the ancient world than now. It has two aspects of meaning. The Christian must live well and live in love because the judge is standing at the doors ( James 5:9). At the same time they fatally compromised Christ by alliance with the world, and there followed the practical return to the world out of which grace had taken the church in order to union with Christ in glory. But the day comes, if he goes on taking what is forbidden, when he does without a qualm that which once he would have been horrified to do. [2.] The royal apparel is for the man whom the king honours ( Esther 6:6-11). The Rapture and the Second Coming cannot occur back to back but must be separated by the seven-year Tribulation. Thus then it is with the seven golden lampstands. (i) He is he who has the seven Spirits of God. Why espouse a book that you can't trust or is not true? In Revelation 3:4 there shines through the darkness a ray of hope. Indeed, there is nothing more remarkable, especially when we bear in mind who the writer is, than the absence here of His proper relationship to the children of God. ], The Greek word translated "testing" (peirasai) means to test to demonstrate the quality of a thing, not to purify its quality. [Note: Chitwood, p. When Paul was writing to the neighbouring Church of Colossae, he says sternly: "Say to Archippus, See that you fulfil the ministry which you have received in the Lord" ( Colossians 4:17). But John saw "in the midst of the [seven] lampstands one like the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot." "[46] "The thrust of the verse is against this interpretation. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" ( Matthew 5:8). Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord is our righteousness. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:1. Here is a promise of the great favour God would bestow on this church, Revelation 3:9; Revelation 3:10. It was not as once. Verse Revelation 3:10. Not a bit. I may be a fool, and an old-fashioned bigot, but I am not a turncoat, and I cannot quit the word of the Lord. There the word of God had been kept away, because the clergy and the word of God can never go together thoroughly. In A.D. 61 it was devastated by an earthquake; but so rich and independent were its citizens that they refused any help from the Roman government and out of their own resources rebuilt their city. The coming wrath of God is described in detail throughout chaps 6-19, and features the unleashing of divine wrath in judgments as expressed in the seals, trumpet, and bowls. Too many of us are Christian one moment and unchristian the next. Trench makes a list of people in the Bible who lost their place to someone else because they had shown that they were not fit to hold it. "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars." Laodicea prides itself on the magnificent garments it produces but spiritually it is naked and nakedness is shame. At first all addressed the people in His name. Jesus Christ will mark his faithful ones with his new name: what that name was we need not even speculate, for no man knows it ( Revelation 19:12), but in the time to come, when Christ has conquered all, his faithful ones will bear the badge which shows that they are his and share his triumph. "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos" comes a very different message. The following example shows the process from tribulation to patience: PHILADELPHIA--The church with opportunity. A new evil appears. Surely love can go no further than that. Nevertheless it is God's word and Christ's testimony, though as a whole composed of visions. Omit the opening clause and begin, "saying, What thou seest, write in a roll, and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia." Eventually they would have to admit their error, at the judgment of unbelievers (the great white throne judgment) if not earlier (Isaiah 45:23; Isaiah 60:14; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10-11). In Revelation 3:8-9 there is a problem of punctuation. It was a time of drunkenness and feasting and the giving of gifts and celebration as the sun past through the winter solstice. Remember, Christ praises FAITHFULNESS, not success. The common text which gives rise to the current versions spoils the sense completely. There was deipnon ( G1173) ; this was the evening meal; the main meal of the day; people lingered over it, for the day's work was done. I value more a solid confidence in the word of God than even the knowledge that comes out of it; for that faith is a saving habit, a sanctifying habit, in every way a strengthening and confirming and preserving habit. They hoarded up divine knowledge in their memories, preserved it in their affections, used it in their experience, and practised it in their lives. There may be something of two meanings here. It is very possible, when the epistles were sent out in the days of John, that no particular emphasis would be laid on "the things that are;" but inasmuch as these things have been going on from that day to the present, we can see the immense force such a phrase thereby acquires. This was an excellent spirit, and, when sanctified by the grace of the gospel, would render them an excellent church, as indeed they were, for here is no one fault found with this church, and yet, doubtless, there were faults in it of common infirmity; but love covers such faults. [Note: See Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, pp. Take no notice of anything I say if it cannot be supported by the word of divine truth. It was picked up by the Protestants. We have intervention on every side. However the grace of the Lord might act, however He might animate as well as warn, still the address is made directly to His servant John, and not to the church; and even where we have addresses, as we shall find afterwards in the second and third chapters, they are not immediately to the churches, but sent to their angels. Even in Sardis there are the faithful few. And have we not seen it ourselves? No one goes to hades before he dies death being in relation to the body, hades to the separate spirit. That is a door which no man can ever shut and it is one which Jesus opened when he assured men of the seeking love of God the Father. He is man; but the man seen then and thus is a divine person, the eternal God Himself. Galatians 2:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-10). Writing to the Corinthians of the work which lies ahead of him, Paul says: "For a wide door for effective work has opened to me" ( 1 Corinthians 16:9). The hour of temptation A time of sore and peculiar trial which might have proved too much for their strength. and the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but a synagogue of Satan." To the true heart His approval is enough, and sweeter than triumph before the universe. 3. You must not think it is merely a question of England; it holds equally abroad, as in Germany and elsewhere in fact, wherever Protestantism is found, and, above all, wherever this is provoked, either by scepticism on the one hand, or on the other by truth that condemns both with the brightness of heavenly light. It is Christ coming in judgment. how loyally He accepts, and will not speak inconsistently with, the place of man to which He stooped. John 1:51; John 3:3; John 3:5; John 3:11). In the three previous churches it may be noticed, the call to hear is first, because the Lord is still dealing with the general conscience of the church. [Note: See Thomas D. Ice, "The Meaning of Earth Dwellers in Revelation," Bibliotheca Sacra 166:663 (July-September 2009)350-65.] There can be few of us who have not experienced the power of some habit into which we have fallen. At that time the emperor made the declaration that Christianity should be the recognized religion throughout the Roman Empire. It was literally astride the great road to the east which went straight through Laodicea, entering by the Ephesian Gate and leaving by the Syrian Gate. He is spoken of as Son of man; and, as we know, this is the quality in which it is given Him to execute every kind of judgment. It was specially connected with a tunic called the trimita, so much so, indeed, that it was sometimes called Trimitaria. He puts His voucher on the book from the beginning. Where was the labour of love? May we tonight, O God, listen to what you would say to us. Here we are evidently on broad ground. If a man deserves my commendation, I am only paying a debt when I give it to him, and it is dishonest to withhold it under the pretence that he would not use the payment rightly. But if a man has a faith tried and refined in the crucible of experience, there is nothing which he cannot face; and he is rich indeed. But there is more also. No, all Christians will experience transformation at the Rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Let us weigh a little more these remarkable words. There will be indifference to all that is good; and the only kind of zeal, if there be zeal, will be for what is bad. "And from the seven Spirits which are before his throne." If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief." After his usual manner, our Saviour promises a glorious reward to the victorious believer, in two things:-- (1.) Nobody cares a button about him. Ephesus does not, nor Smyrna, nor Pergamos: the only semblance of it is in threats of present judgment. The rock on which Sardis was built was friable, more like close packed dried mud than rock. The man whose walk with God is close on earth will enter into a nearer companionship with him when the end of life comes. Remember what Solomon says, "The conies are a feeble folk," but he puts them down as wise people, for they have their habitation in the rocks. Men who deserve praise can bear it, and some of them even need it. The Protestant Reformation in Europe is dead. And all of the enemies of God we are just going to subdue when we are manifested finally as the sons of God before the world. When the church was seeking the place of public glory, the encouragement to faith was the hidden manna. Thus the creed commonly called Nicene, which had for its object the assertion of Christ's consubstantial deity, was published at this same time. "The time is at hand." They stored it up as bees store away honey, and they were as ready to defend it as bees are to guard their stores. Just as Jesus was marked by valuing the word of God, and loving it being the only One that could truly say to Satan as true of Himself, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," so here Philadelphia is distinguished by the same living by faith. (iii) It was a very considerable medical centre. In chapter one, He was known as the faithful and the true witness. He opens. This has nothing to do with His presence for us; but after our own delight and thanksgiving have gone forth towards Jesus, the testimony to others most suitably follows the song of praise that had, I may say, involuntarily burst forth at His name. There are many who in the church mock the idea of the Lord returning and interrupting history. Its purpose is to demonstrate the quality of those who "dwell upon the earth." And no doubt also it was intended in this sense that they had obeyed the word of God. The star is that which acted on the assembly; it professedly was the vessel of light from the Lord for bearing on the condition of the saints of God. 1:19 + ). Have we not heard of it? "But to you I say, the rest (or remnant) in Thyatira." The man who is faithful to his pledge will, beyond a doubt, some day hear God say: "Well done!". A synagogue of Satan. violet-black, glossy wool glorious reward to the true heart his approval enough! God had been kept away, because the clergy and the blasphemy them... As a thief. victorious believer, in revelation 3:10 commentary things: -- ( 1. God has blinded their until. Close on earth will enter into a nearer companionship with him when the church was seeking the of... 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