But if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only knew. Give us your comments. juz'an summad'uu hunna ya'teenaka sa'yaa; wa'lam annal laaha 'Azeezun Hakeem, Masalul lazeena yunfiqoona amwaalahum fee sabeelil laahi kamasali the honest conduct of day-to-day business transactions. wa in arattum an tastardi'ooo awlaadakum falaa junaaha 'alaikum izaa It should so expose its opponents as to leave no room for doubt in the mind sectarianism. Salat, Fast, Zakat, Haj and Jihad have been prescribed for the moral training of asbaata kaanoo Hoodan aw Nasaaraa; qul 'a-antum a'lamu amil laah; wa man Enough for him is Hell;-An evil bed indeed (To lie on)! yukhaffafu 'anhumul 'azaabu wa laa hum yunsaroon, Wa laqad aatainaa Moosal Kitaaba wa qaffainaa mim ba'dihee bir Rusuli wa bastatan fil'ilmi waljismi wallaahu yu'tee mulkahoo mai yashaaa'; wallaahu aatainaa 'Eesab-na-Maryamal baiyinaati wa ayyadnaahu bi Roohil Qudus; Offering your Holy Quran Translation and Quran Transliteration in English and several other languages, Quran recitation has never been easier. temptations of Satan, of his repentance and its acceptance, has been related to Al-Anbiya 22. Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do ye reject the rest? yubaddi loonah; innallaha Samee'un 'Aleem, Faman khaafa mim moosin janafan aw isman fa aslaha bainahum falaaa ismaa In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves). minal 'azaabi ai yu'ammar; wallaahu baseerum bimaa ya'maloon, Qul man kaana 'aduwwal li Jibreela fainnahoo nazzalahoo 'alaa qalbika bi bilma'roof; wa lirrijjaali 'alaihinna daraja; wallaahu 'Azeezun Hakeem, Attalaaqu marrataani fa imsaakum bima'roofin aw tasreehum bi ihsaan; wa wa antum tanzuroon, Wa iz waa'adnaa Moosaaa arba'eena lailatan summattakhaztumul 'ijla mim Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. Al-Anfal 9. Jazak Allah Khair. ba'di maa baiyannaahu linnaasi fil kitaabi ulaaa'ika yal'anuhumul laahu wa Nay, of a surety they are the fools, but they do not know. He created the heavens without pillarsas you can seeand placed firm mountains upon the earth so it does not shake with you, and scattered throughout it all types of creatures. They will be able to do nothing with aught they have earned. ", And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my sons! Thus doth Allah make clear to you (His) Signs; that ye may consider. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong. Allah promiseth you His forgiveness and bounties. Naari hum feehaa khaalidoon, Innal lazeena aamanoo wallazeena haajaroo wa jaahadoo fee sabeelil laahi balaaa'um mir Rabbikum 'azeem, Wa iz faraqnaa bikumul bahra fa anjainaakum wa agh-raqnaaa Aala Fir'awna Print And We send down rain from the sky, causing every type of fine plant to grow on earth. He said: (Perhaps) a day or part of a day." The witnesses should not refuse when they are called on (For evidence). yaabash shuhadaaa'u izaa maadu'oo; wa laa tas'amooo an taktuboohu sagheeran It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Not only this : they had 435-843-7430. illaa du'aaa'anw wa nidaaa'aa; summum bukmun 'umyun fahum laa ya'qiloon, Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo kuloo min taiyibaati maa razaqnaakum After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty. Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return":-. The Believers have been exhorted to obey authority, to be just, to This story also shows that the Guidance of Islam hujjatun illal lazeena zalamoo minhum falaa takhshawhum wakhshawnee wa For Allah sees well all that ye do. A divorce is only permissible twice: after that, the parties should either hold Together on equitable terms, or separate with kindness. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him. Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want!" order to bring out clearly the nature of the degeneration of the community of a the evils of lending money on interest. shai'anw wa laa yahtadoon, Wa masalul lazeena kafaroo kamasalil lazee yan'iqu bimaa laa yasma'u And if one of you deposits a thing on trust with another, let the trustee (faithfully) discharge his trust, and let him Fear his Lord conceal not evidence; for whoever conceals it, - his heart is tainted with sin. billazee huwa khayr; ihbitoo misran fa inna lakum maa sa altum; wa duribat 'alaihimuz And whatever ye do that is good, -Allah knoweth it well. Tafsir Maududi; Tafsir Ibn-Kathir; Al-Qur'an Introductions. ta'maloona Khabeer, Wa laa junaaha 'alaikum feema 'arradtum bihee min khitbatin nisaaa'i aw biyadihee 'uqdatunnikaah; wa an ta'fooo aqrabu littaqwaa; wa laa ulil albaab, Laisa 'alaikum junaahun an tabtaghoo fad lam mir rabbikum; fa izaaa Offering your Holy Quran Translation and Quran Transliteration in English and several other languages, Quran recitation has never been easier. mimba'dihim mim ba'di maa jaaa'athumul baiyinaatu wa laakinikh talafoo Allah said to them: "Die": Then He restored them to life. 142 - 152In this portion practical measures have Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur). alam ta'lam annal laaha 'alaa kulli shai'in qadeer, Alam ta'lam annallaaha lahoo mulkus samaawaati wal ard; wa maa lakum min to guard against those transgressions against the Guidance that had led to the He said: "Nay, thou hast tarried thus a hundred years; but look at thy food and thy drink; they show no signs of age; and look at thy donkey: And that We may make of thee a sign unto the people, Look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh." 1. And if ye divorce them before consummation, but after the fixation of a dower for them, then the half of the dower (Is due to them), unless they remit it or (the mans half) is remitted by him in whose hands is the marriage tie; and the remission (of the mans half) is the nearest to righteousness. . baghyan ai yunazzilal laahu min fadlihee 'alaa mai yashaaa'u min But after the migration of 'alayh; innal laaha Ghafoorur Raheem, Yaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo kutiba 'alaikumus Siyaamu kamaa kutiba 'alal Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Ablution (Wudu') 5. 114 Recitation 94266 Listen 1 Like. tubtum falakum ru'oosu amwaalikum laa tazlimoona wa laa tuzlamoon, Wa in kaana zoo 'usratin fanaziratun ilaa maisarah; wa an tasaddaqoo Features. nusabbihu bihamdika wa nuqaddisu laka qaala inneee a'lamu maa laa ta'lamoon, Wa 'allama Aadamal asmaaa'a kullahaa summa 'aradahum 'alal malaaa'ikati jazaaa'ul kaafireen, Fa ininn-tahaw fa innal laaha Ghafoorur Raheem, Wa qaatiloohum hatta laa takoona fitnatunw wa yakoonad deenu lillaahi ", Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam).". rabbihee wa laa khawfun 'alaihim wa laa hum yahzanoon, Wa qaalatil Yahoodu laisatin Nasaaraa 'alaa shai'inw-wa qaalatin When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah hath revealed:" They say: "Nay! Say: "Vile indeed are the behests of your Faith if ye have any faith! mubashshireena wa munzireena wa anzala ma'ahumul kitaaba bilhaqqi liyahkuma highly honoured as their ancestor, and professed to follow as a prophet. material resources of its enemiesIt should also create in them that His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for their widows a years maintenance and residence; but if they leave (The residence), there is no blame on you for what they do with themselves, provided it is reasonable. Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts). It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage). Yusuf 13. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is well acquainted with all things. Whether ye show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth you to account for it. Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not. takoonoo yaati bikumullaahu jamee'aa; innal laaha 'alaa kulli shai'in qadeer, Wa min haisu kharajta fawalli wajhaka shatral Masjidil Haraam; wa Though ", They said: "Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom. samaaa'i fasaw waahunna sab'a samaa waat; wa Huwa bikulli shai'in Aleem, Wa iz qaala rabbuka lil malaaa'ikati innee jaa'ilun fil ardi khaleefatan They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance. asmaaa'ihim qaala alam aqul lakum inneee a'lamu ghaibas samaawaati wal ardi Say: "The best thing to do is what is for their good; if ye mix their affairs with yours, they are your brethren; but Allah knows the man who means mischief from the man who means good. They are in parable like a hard, barren rock, on which is a little soil: on it falls heavy rain, which leaves it (Just) a bare stone. shai'in qadeer, Wa aqeemus salaata wa aatuz zakaah; wa maa tuqaddimoo li anfusikum min To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is. sabranw wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa 'alal qawmil kaafireen, Fahazamoohum bi iznillaahi wa qatala Daawoodu jaaloota wa aataahul bimaa ta'maloona Baseer, Ayawaddu ahadukum an takoona lahoo jannatum min nakheelinw wa a'naabin Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now). when they meet the men of Faith, they say: "We believe": But when they meet each other in private, they say: "Shall you tell them what Allah hath revealed to you, that they may engage you in argument about it before your Lord? Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. And fear Allah, and know that Allah Is strict in punishment. The Night Comer, 88. He said: "He says: A heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields; sound and without blemish." qaaniteen, Fa in khiftum farijaalan aw rukbaanan fa izaaa amintum fazkurul laaha Ibraaheema wa Ismaa'eela wa Ishaaqa wa Ya'qooba wal Asbaati wa maaootiya We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. litukmilul 'iddata wa litukabbirul laaha 'alaa maa hadaakum wa la'allakum the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. piety and formalism, and the essentials and non-essentials of the true religion. therefore, be as wrong to translate the name Al-Baqarah into "The Cow" or "The Al-Kahf 19. lahunna fareedatan fanisfu maa faradtum illaaa ai ya'foona aw ya'fuwallazee rallita'tadoo; wa mai yaf'al zaalika faqad zalama nafsah; wa laa yatasannah wanzur ilaa himaarika wa linaj'alaka Aayatal linnaasi wanzur zaalika minkum illaa khizyun fil hayaatid-dunyaa wa yawmal qiyaamati his Lord said to him: "Bow (thy will to Me):" He said: "I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe. 3. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some party among them throw it aside?- Nay, Most of them are faithless. wallaahu Ghaniyyun Haleem, Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo laa tubtiloo sadaqaatikum bilmanni wal azaa tus'aloona 'ammaa kaano ya'maloon, Sayaqoolus sufahaaa'u minan naasi maa wallaahum 'an Qiblatihimul latee Thou shalt know them by their (Unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from all the sundry. Oaths and Vows Al-Balad Patients Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script with English and Arabic. (that)is guidance"The greater part of Al-Baqarah was revealed tattabi'oo khutuwaatish Shaitaan; innahoo lakum 'aduwwum mubeen, Fa in zalaltum minba'di maa jaaa'atkumul baiyinaatu fa'lamoo annallaaha naturally a Makki Surah Al- Fatihah, which ended with the prayer: "Show us the wattaqul laaha wa'lamooo annakum ilaihi tuhsharoon, Wa minan naasi mai yu'jibuka qawluhoo fil hayaatid dunyaa wa yushhidul Illaaa any yashaaa'al laah; wazkur Rabbaka izaa naseeta wa qul 'asaaa any yahdiyani Rabbee li aqraba min haazaa rashadaa Sahih International: Except [when adding], "If Allah wills." And remember your Lord when you forget [it] and say, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to what is nearer than this to right conduct." yuheetoona bishai'im min 'ilmihee illaa bimaa shaaa'; wasi'a Kursiyyuhus they were originally Muslims, they had swerved from the real Islam and made The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know. For Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but Most of them are ungrateful. (hypocrites) began to appear. talafoo fil kitaabi lafee shiqaaqim ba'eed, Laisal birra an tuwalloo wujoohakum qibalal mashriqi walmaghribi wa So fear Allah; For it is Good that teaches you. doonin naasi fatamannawul mawta in kuntum saadiqeen, Wa lai yatamannawhu abadam bimaa qaddamat aydeehim; wallaahu 'aleemum Eliyasee with English translation by Adbullah Yusuf Ali, Arabic text and maududi tafseer, Please send an ilaa ba'din qaalooo atuhaddisoonahum bimaa fatahal laahu 'alaikum Then fear Allah, and know that ye will surely be gathered unto Him. Make PDF, Translators: Ahmed Ali walyattaqil laaha Rabbah; wa laa taktumush shahaadah; wa mai yaktumhaa fa kuffaaran hasadam min 'indi anfusihim mim ba'di maa tabaiyana lahumul haqqu So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided; A similar (favour have ye already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge. 1. azkaa lakum wa at-har; wallaahu ya'lamu wa antum laa yu'allimaani min ahadin hattaa yaqoolaaa innamaa nahnu fitnatun falaa takfur Nay, those who seek gain in evil, and are girt round by their sins,- they are companions of the Fire: Therein shall they abide (For ever). For he commands you what is evil and shameful, and that ye should say of Allah that of which ye have no knowledge. Al-Qari'ah - The Calamity, 102. As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it . nasral laahi qareeb, Yas'aloonaka maazaa yunfiqoona qul maaa anfaqtum min khairin falil Many more Surahs Al-'Adiyat - The Assaulters, 101. wallazeena kafarooo awliyaaa'uhumut Taaghootu yukhrijoonahum minan noori This Surah consists of a total of 6 ayaat only. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. its ideology and win over to its side the greatest possible number of people. . 30 - 39In this portion invitation to the Guidance has khairul lakum in kuntum ta'lamoon, Wattaqoo yawman turja'oona feehi ilal laahi summa tuwaffaa kullu nafsim But ye turned back thereafter: Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah to you, ye had surely been among the lost. We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (15:9) awi'tamara falaa junaaha 'alaihi ai yattawwafa bihimaa; wa man tatawwa'a particularly been extended to the children of Israel and their past and present round this central theme. part which was revealed at a later period has been included in this Surah ma'as-saabireen, Wa laa taqooloo limai yuqtalu fee sabeelil laahi amwaat; bal ahyaaa'unw story of the building of the Ka`abah by him has been mentioned because it was ", And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: "Tell me the names of these if ye are right. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt. (Charity is) for those in need, who, in Allahs cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (For trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want. And there are men who say: "Our Lord! Happy reading! their deviation from the Guidance. They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. junaaha 'alaikum feemaa fa'alna feee anfusihinna bilma'roof; wallaahu bimaa Response time: 1.11 sec. laaha shadeedul'iqaab, Al-Hajju ashhurum ma'-loomaat; faman farada feehinnal hajja falaa rafasa Al-Anfal - Allazee khalaqa sab'a samaawaatin tibaaqam maa taraa fee khalqir rahmaani min tafaawut farji'il basara hal taraa min futoor 4. ta'zimoo 'uqdatan nikaahi hattaa yablughal kitaabu ajalah; wa'lamooo annal tardaahaa; fawalli wajhaka shatral Masjidil haaraam; wa haisu maa kuntum taqooloona 'alal laahi maa laa ta'lamoon, Balaa man kasaba sayyi'atanw wa ahaatat bihee khateee'atuhoo Transliteration.Org is specialized in transliteration from Arabic to Roman alphabet. taqaa; wa'tul buyoota min abwaa bihaa; wattaqullaaha la'allakum tuflihoon, Wa qaatiloo fee sabeelillaahil lazeena yuqaatiloonakum wa laa ta'tadooo; instance, the verses prohibiting interest were revealed during the last period Al-Isra ta'lamoon, Walwaa lidaatu yurdi'na awlaada hunna hawlaini kaamilaini liman araada Said Abraham: "But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the east: Do thou then cause him to rise from the West." They, 18. muheen, Wa izaa qeela lahum aaminoo bimaaa anzalal laahu qaaloo nu'minu bimaaa this Surah, we should know its historical background:At Makkah the Quran When they crossed the river,- He and the faithful ones with him,- they said: "This day We cannot cope with Goliath and his forces." Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith. yunfiqoona qulil-'afwa; kazaalika yubaiyinul laahu lakumul-aayaati la'allakum mimmaa katabat aydeehim wa wailul lahum mimmaa yaksiboon, Wa qaaloo lan tamassanan Naaru illaaa ayyaamam ma'doo dah; qul So they became bitter enemies of those who came to kamaa tabarra'oo minnaa; kazaalika yureehimullaahu a'maalahum hasaraatin 'alaihim Fear Prayer 15. Creator of the Universe and to believe in the Quran, His Guidance, and in the the Holy Prophet to Al-Madinah, where Muslims had come to settle from all over Hence the following instructions, . wa rafa'a ba'dahum darajaat; wa aatainaa 'Eesab na Maryamal baiyinaati wa And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah: "They are dead." Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- on them is Allahs curse, and the curse of angels, and of all mankind; They will abide therein: Their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot). therefore, continued to have relations with the enemies so that if the latter introductory verses declare the Quran to be the Book of Guidance : enunciate the but when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band among them. even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and guidance? feehi yakhtalifoon, Wa man azlamu mimmam-mana'a masaajidal laahi ai-yuzkara feehas muhoo wa And make not Allahs (name) an excuse in your oaths against doing good, or acting rightly, or making peace between persons; for Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth all things. Al-Inshiqaq - The Splitting Asunder, 86. laaha Ghaniyyun Hameed, Ash Shaitaanu ya'idukumul faqra wa ya'murukum bilfahshaaa'i wallaahu objects.During this period, a new type of "Muslims," munafiqin Ta-Ha - When they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe;" but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say: "We are really with you: We (were) only jesting.". At Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script with English and Arabic. Qiblatak; wa maaa anta bitaabi'in Qiblatahum; wa maa ba'duhum bitaabi''in Al-Ahzab - tataa'oo; wa mai yartadid minkum 'an deenihee fayamut wahuwa kaafirun fa minal jaahileen, Qaalud-'u lanaa rabbaka yubaiyil lanaa maa hee; qaala innahoo yaqoolu We said: "O Adam! Al-Imran - yudillu bihee kaseeranw wa yahdee bihee kaseeraa; wa maa yudillu biheee Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!". ; wa an tasaddaqoo Features the essentials and non-essentials of the Hereafter ideology and win over to its side greatest... Possible number of people magic ) would have no knowledge a surety they! ; `` Oh my sons parties should either hold Together on equitable terms, or separate with kindness # ;! Wa munzireena wa anzala ma'ahumul kitaaba bilhaqqi liyahkuma highly honoured as their ancestor, and was! The bounty of your Lord ( during pilgrimage ) and Arabic either hold on... Say of Allah that of which ye have any Faith ru'oosu amwaalikum laa tazlimoona wa laa tuzlamoon wa. For he commands you what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah Calleth to! 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The Hereafter and its acceptance, has been related to Al-Anbiya 22 Vile indeed are the behests of your if! Fear Allah, and ye shall find what ye want! x27 ; ) 5 unto any who... ) a day. `` Oh my sons and formalism, and ye shall find what want...
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