Hot Wheels Vehicles (6) with Ramps (2), McDonald's Happy Meal Toys, Vintage 1990's. NIP. Collectors are expected to pay $400 for the Texaco Version. 1. The car that would become the Hot Wheels Python was initially called the Cheetah inside the company. It was almost impossible to grow up with Hot Wheels and not have a . most expensive hot wheels from the 90s. The Red Baron car was inspired by the infamous WWI flying ace of the same name, and it would've felt right at home on Penelope Pitstop's racing grid. Hot Wheels Value - The 'Value' of my. 7Most Valuable Star Wars Trading Cards Worth Thousands. That also makes it the most expensive Hot Wheels car. Nintendo mini classics were the bomb, and Zelda freakin' ruled. The Collector Number 271 is worth around $3,500. No "best offer" sales on eBay were included because the exact sa. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Although these beaters don't burn oil, they fall under the same price range as real cars that share the same term. Redline series - Redline Hot Wheels were manufactured from 1968 to 1977 and are considered the most collectible Hot Wheels from the vintage era. It also helps that the Oldsmobile has a famous designer, Larry Wood, and had the rarest overall casting of all Hot Wheels toys. Our global marketplace is a vibrant community of real people connecting over special goods. The 1968 over chrome Camaro was an antifreeze model purposely designed to shine, making them stand out from other commercial toys. 1995 Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt Set valued at $3,600, Hot Wheels Collector Number 271 valued at $3,000+, 1995 Treasure Hunt 67 Camaro valued at $1,900, 1996 Hot Wheels Holiday Employee VW Bus valued at $1,600, 1997 Don the Snake animated Funny Car valued at $650, 1998 Zamac Hot Wheel Convention valued at $600, 1998 Hot Wheels Ferrari F40 Zmac valued at $500, 1996 Treasure Hunt Lamborghini MIP valued at $400, 1999 Model Shop Employee Christmas valued at $400, 1999 Employee Happy Holidays 56 Ford valued at $400, 1996 HWs Treasure Hunt Set valued at $350, 1992 Hot Wheel Real Riders #1275/03500 valued at $250, 1992 Hot Wheels Supreme Fleet Flyer Transport Car valued at $250, 1994 Hot Wheels Jack Baldwin Trans Am Limited Edition valued at $250, 1998 FAO Schwartz Enzo Ferrari valued at $230, 1994 Treasure Hunt #5 VW Bug valued at $225, Hot Wheels #37 1990 All American Hot Bird valued at $200, 1997 Kyle Petty Interactive Car valued at $200, 1990 65 White Mustang Convertible #26 valued at $150, 1990 California Custom Blown Camaro #1289 valued at $150, 1991 Hot Wheels Bigfoot Champions Monster Rig valued at $126. Those who were wise kept their collection pieces separate from the 99 cent cars, which are still only worth a few dollars today. . Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you? We may earn a commission for purchases made through our links. How did it get from the hands of Mattel execs to a mobile home? WHY. $23.40, $39.00 Toy collectors mean business, and they're willing to drop boatloads of cash for what most people think looks like old junk. Keep in mind that less than ten of them were produced. Pascal told us Hot Wheels can use as many as 30 different sets of wheels a year. Furthermore, do you already know the things you need to do in order to sell your models for a high price? A peek at the toys you kept safely stored on the highest shelf in the original packaging you never dared let yourself openwhich ones are total garbage and which could pay off your student loans if only you hadn't tossed them the last time you moved. Because the 'Cheetah' name belonged to a GM executive, so this specific design had to be renamed. Do not forget this because however small this is, the difference can be as big as night and day. What It's Worth: The Hot Wheels Funny Car Collector No. Did you know that models outside the box cost 20-25% less than models maintained in mint condition? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thediecastmodel_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',614,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thediecastmodel_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');They are distinguished by their card packaging, which features a green bar with text saying Treasure Hunt or T-Hunt.. Youll notice that the cars that make this list are Vintage Hot Wheels, produced in their early years from 1969 to 1971. So I want to, Read More Is Painting Necessary for Gundam Models? The 90s era was a mix of all of these. ), Are Hot Wheels a Good Investment? Hot Wheels 1990s versions can be valuable depending on condition and model. The Happy Birthday Dodge Viper is another special Hot Wheels that was made in the 90s. Issued only in the U.K. as part of Mattel's sponsorship deal with racer Ed Shaver, this model has been on the radar of collectors for years. For more information, you can visit our Affiliate Disclosure Page, Are Diecast Toys Safe? Q: How do I find out how much my Hot Wheels are worth? According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than half a million children aged one to five in the US have blood lead levels high enough to harm their health. Its one of only two models and, like the Over Chrome Camaro, was meant for advertising purposes, was for internal use only, and never sold. Mattel produced the Mike Zarnock's Altered Roadster from the Drag Strip Demon Series in 2009, basing it on Zarnock's own hot rod. While there are many lime or "antifreeze" Hot Wheels, this is a rare antifreeze-over-chrome-finish Camaro used for advertising purposes. Answer these questions, and youll know if your die-cast car toy is worth anything. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Collectors will typically look for Hot Wheels in mint condition when purchasing them. With Pascal as a guide, here are the hottest Hot Wheels. 1968 was the peak year for Custom designs by Mattel, and the company produced the following cars Camaro, Mustang, T-Bird, Cougar, Barracuda, Firebird, Fleetside, Eldorado, Corvette, and Volkswagen. What It's Worth: Stacked with diamonds, the diamond-encrusted Custon Otto is priced at $140,000. What the Most Valuable Johnny Lightning Cars Are Really Worth. We may also participate in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. 1 2000 First Editions 2 Mainline Segment 2.1 Future Fleet 2000 Series 2.2 Hot Rod Magazine Series 2.3 Seein' 3-D Series 2.4 Snack Time Series 2.5 Mad Maniax Series 2.6 Attack Pack Series 2.7 Circus on Wheels Series 2.8 CD Customs Series 2.9 Kung Fu Force Series 2.10 Speed Blaster Series 2.11 Tony Hawk Skate Series 2.12 Secret Code Series Did you know that a real estate agent, Bruce Pascal, owns a Pink Rear Loading Beach Bomb, which sold for $100,000 per Fatherly? Available in approximately 18 colors, the Beatnik Bandit's most sought-after hue is this ultra-rare pink. What It's Worth: Any of these rare commercial Over-Chrome cars are priced around $3,000 damaged to around $40,000in good condition. This will differ depending on what options are available for the item. Out of these 12bright blue trailblazers, only sixhave been verified as official Hot Wheels cars. Before the decision was made to change the name to Python, a small number of Cheetah prototypes were assembled, and, predictably, a few escaped the confines of the Hot Wheels empire. (Which Should You Buy? When you take all that into consideration, you could maybe see why some collectors are willing to shell out $275 for this one. 1971 Purple Olds 442 It had two surfboards loaded behind through the rear window. One man's trash is another collector's treasure. An author of more than a dozen books on Hot Wheels, Zarnock is a member of the Diecast Hall of Fame and has twice been selected a Guinness world record holder for his Hot Wheels collection. Please see listings for reviews. Original Price $39.00 The prototype features two surfboards loaded into the back via a rear window. Not all Hot Wheels Cars are valuable, but you can make thousands of dollars ($1000 $175,000) on selected models. Learn more. Only two models made in pink entered into circulation, one of which belongs to Bruce Pascal, a Hot Wheels hobbyist with over 6,000 pieces in his private collection. How could Hot Wheels go wrong with a whacky car design featuring a German helmet in place of the car's roof, two machine guns mounted on the sides, and a hot rod red paint job to match? A: Check accredited websites like eBay and Amazon or the direct Mattelshop. The 50 Coolest. Even if theyre cheap, some are still highly sought after by artists and customizers who wish to cut costs in their restoration efforts. There are also some fake packaging versions too, so don't get click happy if you happen to see one on eBay. Vintage 90s Hot Wheels - FAO Schwarz - History of Hot Wheels 2. What these misguided executives failed to understand was that girls didn't need a special 'girly-fied' version of their toys to want to play with them. Teed Off started production in 1999 with an awkward name and design. Typically, orders of $35 USD or more (within the same shop) qualify for free standard shipping from participating Etsy sellers. Made between 1969 and 1971, the Custom Charger was an extremely popular model. Car lovers and nostalgic Gen Xers alike dig a rare prototype toy, and Hot Wheels' 1968 White Enamel Camaro falls primely into that category. 2008 Diamond-Encrusted Custom Otto 3. Many collectors consider it to be a prototype, not a series production model. We may earn money from the links on this page. First issued in 1974, Rodger Dodgers with a black interior are relatively common; those with the white-colored interior are rare, as pictured here, and are the ones that collectors desire. Whats the difference between a 10-cent toy, and one worth more than a real Porsche Taycan? Hot Wheels from the 1990s that have recently sold for a high price include: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thediecastmodel_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thediecastmodel_com-leader-2-0');Some Valuable Hot Wheels Honorable mentions are: Prices will also vary greatly depending on whether the car is still in its original packaging or if it has been opened and played with. To find one of these cars would be to unearth a true gem. However, Mattel changed the multi-design into a single identifiable model Tiger Shark after running into yet another copyright issue. Mattel designed the 1968 Over Chrome Camaro as an advertisement piece just like the Over Chrome Mustang. I recommend this if you know what youre doing. Featuring the name 'Cheetah' on the base, only six have been found so far. Even with treatment, lead poisoning can have a long-term impact on a childs development. This car is worth $3,500 currently but could be worth far more in the future. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. $18.74, $24.99 As recently as 2020, one was discovered and with how rare of a find it is, it's estimated to be worth up to $100,000. It's this universal need for speed that makes some Hot Wheels so valuable 60+ years after they first emerged on the toy market, and this nostalgia makes some collectors willing to spend a small fortune for a tiny metal car that can fit in the palm of your hand. Finally, were talking about the king of expensive Hot Wheels Cars, the number one model youve seen hints of from the beginning of this guide. Babies and, Read More Are Diecast Toys Safe? You must know the scales of diecast collectibles and how much space you can allow them. ", "Thank you so much! It is more expensive than a real-life model because it was handcrafted with intricate details at a scale of 1:8. Only a few Cheetah Pythons have been verified as official Hot Wheels cars. The Turbo Mustang line of cars didn't last long either, only from 1980 to 1985. Mattel Hot Wheels corporation makes a specified amount of specific cars that are only available to employees which show the value they have for their workers. 271 has sold onlinefor around $7,000, but has a generalauction price point of around $2,800. This can include packaging as well as listing the car as one make of car and it being an entirely different model. Designed by Paul Tam, the Open fire is based on a stretched AMC Gremlin. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. That makes examples that came with a white interior the rarest of the bunch. 5Vintage 70s Toys and What They Might Be Worth. A: The Blue Custom Camaro was the first Hot Wheels Car made and released into the market in 1968. For instance, the ultra-cool 1971 Purple Oldsmobile 442 was only produced for the Hong Kong market and never made its way across the Pacific Ocean to the U.S. :)", "Thanks. In fact, because of their limited production and scarcity, their price is becoming more expensive year by year. Does it have a white interior? 271 exist. Out of these 12 bright blue trailblazers, only six have been verified as official Hot Wheels cars. Painting requires not only tools but also space which prevents beginners from trying the hobby. It was orange over white and in good condition they sell for $1,500 up to $3,000. Is the inspirational model iconic? The 1969 Pink Beach Bomb is a rare Hot Wheels model because it was a prototype. They have changed and grown from the first car through the production of current designs. CollectThembyEllen. The 17 Most Expensive Hot Wheels Ever Sold 1. They started as childrens toys but soon became an adult favorite due to Mattels choice of using popular luxurious cars as models. (Work With, link to Kididddo 39 Pcs Kids Tin Tea Set: Full Review, link to PLAY BRAINY Magnetic Emergency Vehicle Toy Set: Full Review. The 59 year old owns what is considered the world's most valuable Hot Wheels collection, a staggering array of 7k rare toy cars . (25% off), Sale Price $12.74 Hot Wheels made a protype tanker truck in the 90s. Most Valuable Collectible Hot Wheels. This content was originally posted on It is worth approximately $150-$200, In 1999 a 32 Ford was given a Dream Halloween remake. Youll see the cars brand, model, and the year written in all caps. Well, here are some of my cleaning hacks for removing scratches, oxidation, and so much more. When you are looking for the most expensive hot wheels car, you'll surely come across this Red Baron. Zarnock's been plugged into the Hot Wheels scene for decades, knows all the players, all the prices and, most importantly, all the cars. So, the old burnt orange Cheetah base Python became extremely rare and thus valuable. These select reviews describe buyers' opinions of listings found in this category. For 1969, Hot Wheels' second year on . In 1968, American toy maker Mattel, famous for its Barbie dolls, introduced a new collection of toys into the market Hot Wheels die-cast 1:64 cars. Bone up on your color-wheel skills and find the purple, because it is the rarest of Mattel's Bye Focal colors. The company produced it in both the USA and Hong Kong, using red as its default color. (Should You Collect Them? But those Hot Wheels that fetch for as high as $150,000 came from the 60s. By night, he buys $5k Hot Wheels cars on eBay. Everyone knows what a Mad Maverick looks like, so we focused on the important part here: the base. What do the numbers on the bottom of Hot Wheels mean? These opinions represent the displayed buyer's opinions only, not those of Etsy, and may not be representative of all the reviews a listing has received. Unfortunately, it didnt make the target. Continue with Recommended Cookies. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Hot Wheels, the fully diamond-encrusted Hot Wheels car was created. Tip: Remember, the black interior Rodger Dodger is common, and you should look for the white interior model. This Strawberry Over Chrome Mustang has a story to tell. LOT OF 5 VINTAGE DIECAST HOT WHEELS - 1990's 2000's $9.99 $7.00 shipping SPONSORED Vintage 2000 Hot Wheels Dodge 088 Mattel Die Cast Car Toy $21.24 Was: $24.99 $6.10 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Lot Of 28 Hot wheels & Matchbox 90's 2000's &2010's New On Cards Look! The 74 Blue Rodger Dodger has a flaming paint job with a muscle engine poking out of the hood, and collectors believe its unique color was a U.K. exclusive. Therefore it is critical that, should you come across one of these AMXs, you determine whether or not the stickers are sly reproductions. On this website, I will be sharing what I've learned in taking care of diecast models. This Tea Set for Little Girls is the perfect gift for your child. 34 Collectible Toys and Their Value Today. Lets find out! In case youve forgotten, heres a quick reminder for you; Youre well on your way to starting a Hot Wheels collection. One sold for a record-making $150,000 at auction. ), Can You Put Hot Wheels in a Fish Tank? All rights reserved. While most Transformers action figures from the 1990s can fetch around $20-$40 each, large collections like this one could sell for roughly $150. These can harm the models parts and paint. 5 Popular Toys From the 90s That Are. The seller might still be able to personalize your item. ", "This is an awesome piece for any hot wheels collector. Other non-custom designs include; Hot Heap, Beatnik Bandit, Python, Ford J-car, Deora, and Silhouette. The less available a Hot Wheels die-cast toy is, the more valuable it becomes. The company designed the Beatnik Bandit in the fashion of Rat Finks Big Daddy, real name, Ed Roths real car of the same name. I also had the same question since I know that Old Hot Wheels are really worth a lot of money. Check the hot wheels logo on the packaging for a period at the end of HotWheelswritten in yellow on a red flame. It is optional but in my opinion, the price is well worth it for the comfort it gives. From classic toys, board games, and action figures to popular building blocks like Legos and Duplos, I love to play with them all! Check your collection for these valuable Topps Star Wars trading cards from the original film series. Its brown exterior comes with modified letters on the roof, which make collectors speculate that the brown version is either a prototype or an early production of the Woody. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Some are based on movies and TV shows, while others were the first to be created and sold. You have a tiny car that's worth about $3,000. ), Are Hot Wheels and Matchbox Tracks Compatible? Hot Wheels popularity grew with each new model released. How do I know if my Hot Wheels are worth money? Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. If you find the missing tabs under the car's interior where they'd normally go on a Hot Wheels Camaro, then you might have one of the 25 known copies today. Hot Wheels from the 1990s that have recently sold for a high price include: 1995 Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt Set valued at $3,600 Hot Wheels Collector Number 271 valued at $3,000+ 1995 Treasure Hunt 67 Camaro valued at $1,900 1996 Hot Wheels Holiday Employee VW Bus valued at $1,600 1997 Don the Snake animated Funny Car valued at $650 With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help creative entrepreneurs start, manage, and scale their businesses. What makes Hot Wheels stand out from other models? It was a prototype made by Mattel in 1969. Since the 1960s, Mattel has been a force of nature in the toy making world. In time for grandsons bday. Also, the packaging contains the exact info of the cars number in its collection. But, hardly anybody had the chance to play with one, since only two were ever made thanks to a botched rear-loading design that left the car overbalanced with two neon-colored surf boards. He first received two Blue Rodger dodgers in a trade-off with an unnamed English collector, then five more upon request, and that was the end, to his dismay. August 1, 2020. Designed by Larry Wood, the Superfine Turbine was one of three new castings released in 1973. Hot Wheels used numerous shades of blue, purple, and magenta for its models, and it is easy for the novice collector to confuse them all. However, the revised version that entered the market had side-mounted surfboards shifting the pressure from the top and allowing it to have a full-length plastic sunroof and plastic side windows. 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