LakeviewElementarywillimprovestudent academic performance througha culture ofcare and collaborationamong faculty, staff,parents,and community members thatinspires students to be respectful and responsible problem solvers. I am proud to join the dolphin family here at Lakeview Elementary as your new Principal. CHIP Offers Quality Health Care for Uninsured Kids and Teens. Do you Believe in Wishes? As always, if the Open Enrollment Transfer request is granted, bus service will not be provided. Shes so small.. The magic of the lesson was evident each time she turned the book to show the class; all the students sat up to try and read the text on the page. At the request of a student named Jojo, the conversation shifted to the exceedingly important topic of hedgehogs and what exactly they look like. Click The Link to Sign In or View The Start Here Guides, Click The Link To Join Our Public Sports & Activities Pages. Make sure the box for "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" is, Select the Advanced tab. 112 Lakeview Dr last name at graduation. Read More about Discover Lakeview Elementary Upcoming Events Jan 11 Late Start Wednesdays Districtwide All Day Jan 16 Martin Luther King Jr Day (no school) Districtwide All Day Jan 18 Late Start Wednesdays Districtwide All Day 724-376-7911. Arden Road Elementary; City View Elementary; Crestview Elementary; . High school students read chapters in Spanish so Lakeviews English language learners and their families could participate as well. 13 Feb. 2023-2024 Aeries Online Registration OPENS on 2/14/23. The Wilson County Board of Education will meet in a Special Called Meeting on January 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Wilson County BOE Administrative & Training Complex, 415 Harding Drive, Lebanon TN 37087. Great job to all of the students and Art teachers!! Time: 6 PM - 7 PM. The children in the school's five kindergarten classes started the day by donning gray wigs and bowties and marching through the school. I am excited to support the staff at Lakeview in continuing their great work. Lakeview Elementary School kindergartners aged about 95 years in a single day when they dressed up as 100-year-olds to celebrate the 100th day of school on March 1. Yearbook 2022 - 2023; Everyday Hero or Future Career Day; Our School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Lakeview Elementary School 3371 Brittany Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 941-2600 (Attendance) Office Hours: Calendar Staff-Directory Menus Enroll Home COVID Safety Plan Our School Parents Students Activities & Events District Links Announcements Upcoming Events Lakeview Elementary School Rescue Union School District Calendar Our District Principals have a lot of different responsibilities and classes to attend to, so when Principal Jen Pontillo came into this particular kindergarten classroom in person, the students were certainly surprised. Each group wore T Shirts corresponding to their elementary school, green for Lakeview, Black for Austin Road, and Yellow for Fulmar Road. Were excited to announce that Mt. We are very excited to announce that Mrs. Amy Gullion has been named as the districts Elementary Instructional Supervisor. Students, parents, employees, and others doing business with or performing services for the Centerville Community School District are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability or socioeconomic status in admission or access to or treatment in its programs and activities. Yearbook Order; Bullying Prevention Information and Resources; . Some students slowed down, encouraging their winded classmates who were struggling to keep up and pushing them to make it to the end. When you get a challenge coin in the military, the assistant superintendent said, you have to keep it on you and always be prepared for a member of your team to ask you to show it.. The reading schedule was placed on the website, with chapters assigned to each day. Lakeview High School. Students wrote the name of the book that they read so that they could find it again if they were interested reading it. The runners were off. It was a race and the torture was when Mrs. Pontillo got bonked over the head with a barrel full of lemonade. Special Called Board Meeting, Kick Kindness into Gear (wear crazy socks/shoes), Share the Spirit of Kindness (wear LES spirit wear or colors), Take time to thank our dedicated school leaders. In order to help incoming middle and high school students and parents become familiar with their new schools for next year, Osceola County's secondary schools will host Student Orientation Nights. Buy Your APS Yearbook NOW!!!! The Wilson County Board of Education will meet in a Regular Board Meeting on January 18, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Wilson County BOE Administrative & Training Complex, 415 Harding Drive, Lebanon TN 37087. The Pajaro Valley Unified School . PUBLIC NOTICE: Regular Board Meeting - January 18, 2023, PUBLIC NOTICE: Special Called Board Meeting - January 23, 2023, Stoner Creek Elementary Hosted Official Ribbon Cut Ceremony, Christine Miller Named Federal Programs Supervisor, Beverly Sharpe Named Wilson County Schools Principal of the Year 2022, Amy Gullion has been named as the districts Elementary Instructional Supervisor, Bryan Adams Named as the New Deputy Director of Student Services, Dr. Alexandra Juneau Named West Elementary School Principal, Dr. Jennifer Ankney Named New Principal of Wilson Central High School, Lance McAllister Named Exceptional Education Coordinator for Secondary Instruction, Bonnie Holman Named Supervisor of Career & Technical Education. Congratulations to Emily Perry (2nd grade teacher) for being named Lakeview's Teacher of the Year! Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The yearbook needs YOU! Graduation caps will fly on the following days and times for Osceola County's 2023 high school graduates: May 22nd - 26th. The Lakeview Alumni Scholarship Foundation, Bullying Prevention Information and Resources, Red Flag Recognition Training to Prevent School Shooters, Click to access PENNDOT Winter Travel Tool, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The images must be school activies and appropriate for the yearbook. Caz, who likes having her cheeks scratched, didnt mind the children fussing over her. Share the good news with us! Show dates are January 26-28 at 6:00 PM. The Osceola County School Board approved Friday, March 10, 2023, as make-up day due to Hurricane Nicole. For the past several years, they have participated in the Macys Believe campaign in support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Upload pictures as soon as possible after the event. Teachers throughout the Mahopac school district were celebrated by parents, students, PTOs, the Mahopac Teachers Association and administrators during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2 to May 6, 2022. Based on the "see something, say something" model, the training takes roughly 30 minutes, is free to public, and you will receive a certificate of course completion. Kindergarten Teachers 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade Grade 4 Grade 5 Title 1 Teachers Learning Support Specials Francesca recently moved, so the teddy bears adventure spoke to the her. Literacy Night, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM The program was a big hit right from the start. Students were greeted by jazzy coffee shop music and desks covered with menus and small stacks of books. It is our mission to provide a dynamic learning environment where our community of learners, both adults and students, value education, seek opportunities to learn, and accept responsibility for their part in acquiring knowledge. A longtime educator and dedicated administrator, her expertise in understanding administrative, teacher and student needs spans across 27 years overall. Shes a pug who wants to be a pumpkin, Kaylee said, showing off her pug-faced squash. We, like so many others, are tired of waiting for change. Yearbook 2022 - 2023; Decades Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday; Our School. de gnero, raza, etnia, color, religin ascendencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, identificacin de grupo tnico, estado de inmigracin, sexo, orientacin sexual, estatus marital o parental, embarazo, edad discapacidad fsica o mental o en base a Fourth graders in Jeanne Russos class at Lakeview Elementary had the chance to see Assistant Superintendent Michael Tromblee in a new light when he made a Veterans Day visit to speak about his own military experience. The Lakeview fourth graders listened closely as Tromblees described his experiences in the mountains of Montana, in Italy, and even during his forward deployment to war-torn Bosnia. I think it is so great to expose kids to animals that they would not normally see.. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Children and their families were asked not to jump ahead. School Board Workshop, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM The Osceola School Board is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. Family Engagement Calendar Lakeview Elementary School. Mrs. Nancy J. Keeling is the Oakview Elementary Principal for the Lakeview School District. Mahopac Elementary Code of Conduct 1.pdf, Family Community Engagement Meeting Slides. Steve Barnet 1966-1972. Yearbook 2022 - 2023; Everyday Hero or Future Career Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday; Our School. For further information about copyright laws visit the U.S. In this post, the QPR Institute releases a first-of-its-kind web-based training program to prepare ordinary citizens to recognize and respond to red flag warning signs of a possible school shooter. Elementary school age students love to see the adults in their lives take time out of their day to involve them. Its about these children who move to a new house and accidentally leave their teddy bear behind Francesca said. They read for six minutes before taking a few notes about their book in the menus that had been provided to them. It is located on the right of the navigation bar, next to "Staff Resources.". Basketball - Junior High - Boys, 6:00 PM Tromblee described a deployment activity to Bosnia where he aided special forces operators participating in anti-sniping missions, working to address communication equipment issues their team was having. Some teachers do chapter read-alouds.. 17510 Lakeview Avenue Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Phone: . Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. By clicking Submit, you agree to the Classmates Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Together, we will strive for excellence! The Osceola School District has detailed comprehensive safety and emergency plans for every site, and all schools regularly conduct various drills, such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills, to prepare students for an emergency. Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering, Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The 145 second, third, fourth, and fifth-grade students sat on the grass at Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park listening as physical education teacher Bill Huestis prepared them for the run. Is your school helping us build our legacy as we move from Good to Great? Please sign up to be a volunteer today! The School District of Osceola County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities, on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status or genetic information in its educational programs, services or activities, or in its hiring or employment practices. Purchase an 8th Grade yearbook shoutout for $20: Email [email protected] to provide the 3 photographs and message for the Shoutout.   On a recent sunny morning the couple brought a few of the small farm animals to Lakeview for all of the second graders to see. Input for Title I Federal Application 2022-2023; Overview of Program; Home-School Connection. persons association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The children in the schools five kindergarten classes started the day by donning gray wigs and bowties and marching through the school. Order your class yearbook, shop for your custom class ring, shop for your graduation needs, and show your pride with custom school apparel and gifts. Dr. Tiffany Brown, PrincipalKori Medd, Assistant Principal. Given that several students had to be reminded repeatedly that they needed to leave one of their books behind to move on to the next table, its safe to say that this book tasting was a success. Parents and teachers congratulated students as they poured across the finish line, handing out ribbons and medals. Students at Lakeview Elementary School do! Less 100 left. Please do not upload blurry, out of focus, or underexposed pictures. So when the principal of Lakeview Elementary School came down to Mrs. Jennifer Borsts kindergarten class to read to the students, the entire class was listening. Discover Lakeview Elementary Our vision is to empower students to become lifelong learners and engaged global citizens. Send your picture via email to [email protected] Include your child's full name, [] He explained the concept of military bearing, saying that it was important to exhibit a professional demeanor and not to reveal one's emotions. Then they spent much of the day working on activities that involved the number 100. The visit concluded with a conversation concerning the many ups and downs of being a 5-year-old. The purpose of the Board Meeting will be to discuss developing a Directors Evaluation tool. To have that shared experience culminate in an event that the entire school can witness and participate in was the icing on the cake!, The challenge sparked such interest in reading that Iker is now reading the second book in the series, "The Lemonade Crime.". As such, March 10th will now be a regular school day for all students, faculty, and staff in order for the district to meet state requirements regarding the number of instructional minutes in a school year. On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 we held our annual Family and Community Engagement evening. Tromblee passed around a shadow box, containing his commendations and medals as well as a photograph of his grandfather, who served in Europe during World War II and in the Korean War. Riverside Elementary School; Rock Lake Elementary School; Rock Springs Elementary School; Rolling Hills Elementary School; Rosemont Elementary School; Sadler Elementary School; Sally Ride Elementary School; Sand Lake Elementary School; Shenandoah Elementary School; Shingle Creek Elementary School; Southwood Elementary School; Spring Lake . At Lakeview, its an annual tradition to support the Believe Campaign each November/December. Wilson County Schools is very pleased to announce that Lance McAllister has been named as the new Exceptional Education Coordinator for Secondary Instruction. Please enter this code: 0W4JzBXK-ZZiF94Xg6EFGTg. Facebook Page; Twitter Feed; or copy and paste the URL into your browser: Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. . The best part, he said, was The Challenge, in which Lakeview Principal Jennifer Pontillo and several teachers had a Lemonade War of their own. He had a pile of special Mahopac challenge coins which he handed out for the classs excellent questions. The Mahopac Central School District believes that positive parent and family engagement is essential to student achievement, and thus encourages such involvement in school educational planning and operations. The purpose of the Board Meeting will be to discuss any matters legally brought before the Board. During the pandemic, we needed a way to do read-alouds for the kids, so we decided to record teachers reading each chapter, Huestis said. We are located at 20500 Jacquard Ave. W., Lakeville, Minnesota 55044. Any person having inquiries concerning the school district's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 504 or Iowa Code 280.3 is directed to contact: Equity/Affirmative Action Coordinator: Andy Hoteck Centerville Community Schools, 634 North Main Centerville, Iowa 52544 (641) 856-0601 who has been designated by the school district to coordinate the school district's efforts to comply with the regulations . Referencia: Quejas de empleados: Rick Lopez, Asistente de Superintendente, Recursos Humanos, 17510 Lakeview Avenue Yorba Linda, CA 92886, School Accountability Report Card (SARC) [2020-21]. The oldest group ran a 1-mile-long course, while the two younger groups ran three quarters of a mile and half of a mile respectively. The students found 100 words in a classroom, made necklaces out of 100 Fruit Loops, and saw how far 100 steps would take them. 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