Then, simply click the Device Setup button, then the Sync Device button-this will download all updated and new course data to your GPS+ rangefinder. Please note, there are multiple settings in Do Not Disturb, and the user needs to make sure these are selected appropriately to allow/not allow the calls the user wants to ring. TO WIN A BUSHNELL WINGMAN SIMPLY: SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL LIKE THE VIDEO COMMENT "GIVE ME A WINGMAN" The NEW Bushnell Wingman GPS Speaker not only tell you . If connectivity issues persist, the detailed walkthrough instructions should be used. Des informations complmentaires concernant ce sujet sont disponibles auprs de ladministration de votre collectivit locale, de votre entreprise locale de collecte de dchets ou dans le magasin o vous avez achet cet quipement. Simply push the button on the detachable remote to get audible front, center and back distances from 36,000+ courses worldwide through the Wingman. Tap the Wingman icon from the device list. Cet quipement a t test et dclar conforme aux normes des appareils numriques de classe B, conformment la partie 15 de la rglementation FCC. 0000000016 00000 n Briefly describe the article. Additionally, the speaker comes standard with Bushnells Magnetic BITE technology. Start with both the speaker and remote turned OFF. When the power is plugged in, the LED on the rear of the Wingman should change from red to green. The full sync should only take a few minutes depending on how many files need to be updated. Other free internet browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for Mac can be used instead of Safari to avoid these problems if they occur. Remarque : la mise sous tension, le Wingman se reconnecte automatiquement au dernier appareil mobile auquel il a t coupl. This indicates that the Wingman is finished charging and can be used safely. Follow the in app instructions to power on the speaker. Appuyez sur le bouton Lecture (6) pour mettre la musique en pause, appuyez nouveau pour reprendre. Locate the Wingman speaker on the Bluetooth list. Step 1Make sure your unit is completely powered down (this can be doneby letting the unit remain unused for at least 30 seconds) you willknow the unit is shut down as there will be nothing shown in theeyepiece display.Step 2Press and Hold down the POWER/FIRE button located on top of theunit. Select this and the device finalize pairing. Estos lmites estn diseados para proporcionar una proteccin razonable frente a interferencias nocivas en una instalacin residencial. What phone companies are compatible with Total Wireless? No provoque cortocircuitos en las bateras. Conectar el equipo a una toma de corriente de un circuito distinto al que est conectado el receptor. Upload manuals that we do not have and get. 4.Seleccione Jugar al golf y,a continuacin,seleccione el campo en el que va a jugar en la lista de campos de golf cercanos. This owners guide will help you achieve optimum satisfaction with the product by explaining its features and operation, as well as how to care for it. Irreparable damage can result from unauthorized service attempts, which also void the warranty. Sign up now for Bushnell Golf email offers, news, and more! To end a call, press Play. 2. 2.El Bluetooth empareja el control remoto del Wingman (2) con el telfono, siguiendo las instrucciones que se indican en las pantallas de la aplicacin. Este equipo incluye piezas elctricas o electrnicas y, por lo tanto, no se puede eliminar como los residuos domsticos normales. Place the two speakers near each other (the distance should not be over 10 meters/33 feet). When the power is plugged in, the LED on the rear of the Wingman should change from red to green. Tout retour effectu en vertu de cette garantie doit tre accompagn des lments suivants : 1.Un chque/mandat postal dun montant de 10,00 USD pour couvrir les frais daffranchissement et de manutention. Para rechazar una llamada entrante, mantenga. 6.The Wingman has a microphone which allows you to take incoming calls. 6.Le Wingman dispose dun microphone qui vous permet de prendre les appels entrants. Golf Bushnell Wingman Speaker Silicone Cover Made With Sturdy Construction . The batteries may explode. The OUT micro USB port (3) can be used to recharge your phone if necessary while away from other power sources. The app allows users to both control their Wingman device and share photos, videos and stories with others. Los imanes producen un intenso campo magntico de gran alcance. If unit does not respond to power button after fully charging, return to Bushnell for service and/ or replacement of the internal battery pack. 0000024565 00000 n - Use the up or down button to highlight and select OFF- Press the SELECT button to confirm setting.Enable Auto-Off (automatically powers down after 30 minutes without any auto-hole advancement or button presses)- Navigate to the settings screen by pressing the MENU button- Use the up or down button to select SETTINGS - Press the SELECT button to confirm.- Use the up or down button to select AUTO OFF in the Settings screen- Press the SELECT button to confirm. RFW- Right Fairway Water Layup9. Follow the instructions on screen to install the device driver and browser plugin that allow your device to communicate with iGolf.4. 2. The Wingman is a rugged, high quality wireless speaker designed to entertain the avid golfer while keeping him/ her informed on the course when linked with the Bushnell Golf app. Connect your GPS device to the provided cable and attach the other end to a USB port on your computer. We will showcase all of the features we love about this product as well as how to setup. Lithium batteries can overheat and cause damage if physically abused. Appuyez longuement sur le bouton Plus pour passer la piste suivante. AVERTISSEMENT : danger de mort. Always consult the instruction manual for the particular model of speaker you have to get the exact charging times. Recargue la batera. How many Mexican lottery cards are there. The Bushnell Golf app only keeps track of one players score for the round. Maintenez le bouton de la tlcommande appuy pour entendre les effets sonores. En cas dingestion, consultez immdiatement un mdecin. Mantenga el altavoz y sus accesorios fuera del alcance de los nios, ya que podran ser causa de asfixia. The Wingman can memorize up to 8 paired devices. La technologie TWS du Wingman vous permet dutiliser deux haut-parleurs Wingman coupls via Bluetooth pour crer un systme sans fil deux canaux, offrant un vritable son stro.Remarque : un seul Wingman fournit un son mono, mlangeant en interne les canaux gauche et droit de la source audio diffuse. Activate Bluetooth on your smartphone and select Wingman to pair (Indicator Ring stops flashing when paired with phone). | The drawback on the remote voice GPS is that it will only be as loud as your music. The app provides you with full-color aerial views and flyovers of hole layouts with distances. Tap on the Wingman icon from the list of devices to be added. Lithium batteries can overheat and cause damage if physically abused. Easy. Si la unidad no responde al pulsar el botn de encendido despus de una carga completa, acuda a Bushnell para solicitar el mantenimiento o el reemplazo de la batera interna. Cet quipement gnre, utilise et peut mettre des radiofrquences et, sil nest pas install et utilis conformment aux instructions, il peut causer des interfrences nocives aux communications radio. With the user profile, users can create custom avatars, post photos, view stats and connect with contacts. En caso de defecto cubierto por esta garanta, nosotros, a nuestra discrecin, repararemos o sustituiremos el producto, siempre que lo devuelva a portes pagados. Pour terminer un appel,appuyez sur Lecture.Pour recomposer le dernier numro appel,appuyez longuement sur le bouton Lecture. The website should have you download the installer program and update your device. For iPhone the battery life will show up on the top of your iPhone when the device is turned on and paired (next to your phone battery icon). Using the provided cable, 1. After locating a golf course at there will be descriptions of which course maps are available: Front/Center/Back: If this states Available it will have the measurements for the front/center/back of the green. There are several reasons that a serial number may not be recognized during registration. Ensure Location Services are turned on and allowing the Bushnell Golf app access. 0000006902 00000 n The voice on the device can be customized using the VoicePro Software package found on the Bushnell website. Please make sure the Bushnell Golf app has access to your location on your phone. 2.Mettez les deux haut-parleurs sous tension. Si usa estos dispositivos, mantngase a una distancia suficiente del imn. Le Wingman est rsistant leau,mais ne doit pas tre expos de fortes pluies ou dautres jets deau directs.Il ne rsistera pas une immersion dans de leau ou dautres liquides. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. Specifications and designs are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. The Bushnell Golf app only keeps track of one players score for the round. NEW Garmin 2021 Approach S12 Golf GPS Rangefinder Watch Preloaded - Choose Color . Hit next on the Bushnell app. Les spcificits et le design peuvent tre modifis sans pravis ni modifications de la part du fabricant. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. ADVERTENCIA: La funcin Bite incluida en el dispositivo contiene un imn de neodimio. s, Warning: Si el equipo contiene bateras intercambiables (recargables), estas tambin deben retirarse antes y, si es necesario, deben eliminarse a su vez de acuerdo con los reglamentos pertinentes (consulte tambin los comentarios correspondientes en las instrucciones de esta unidad). Mantenga el altavoz y sus accesorios fuera del alcance de los nios, ya que podran ser causa de asfixia. Power on both speakers. Hold the Power button on the Wingman (7) until the startup sound is heard and Indicator Ring flashes orange. How do you charge a Bushnell rangefinder? Keep unit away from devices and objects that could be damaged by strong magnetic fields. Nota: Un solo Wingman proporciona audio mono, que mezcla internamente los canales izquierdo y derecho de la fuente de audio transmitida. If necessary, the Wingman can be reset. For products purchased outside the United States or Canada please contact your local dealer for applicable warranty information. The rechargeable battery of the Wingman is long lasting and provides up to 10 hrs (2 rounds of golf typically) on a charge. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) le prsent appareil ne doit pas causer dinterfrences nuisibles, et (2) le prsent appareil doit accepter toute interfrence reue, notamment celles pouvant causer un fonctionnement non souhait. El anillo indicador LED parpadear rpidamente; esto indica que el dispositivo se ha desconectado y que ya puede vincular el Wingman con otro dispositivo. Your email address will not be published. Do NOT use this speaker at high volume for extended periods, as this may cause permanent hearing damage or loss. Conservez les batterie hors de porte des enfants et animaux de compagnie. The Wingman is water resistant, but should not be exposed to heavy rain or other direct streams of water, and will not withstand submersion in water or other liquids. Activate Bluetooth on your smartphone and select. LEARN MORE ON SHIPPING AROUND THE HOLIDAYS. Reconnect the device to its power source. 5. Le Wingman comporte un puissant aimant BITE incorpor au rceptacle et permettant de fixer en toute scurit lappareil une barre ou un cadre de voiturette de golf. Return to the Bushnell app. Asegrese de que el volumen de la msica est a un nivel perceptible tanto en el dispositivo como en el altavoz. Can you use Bushnell wingman without remote? Mantenga la unidad alejada de dispositivos y objetos que puedan daarse por la presencia de campos magnticos intensos. Make sure the music volume is at audible level on both your device and speaker. During play, if you wish to modify a GPS point, the Neo+ and Hybrid were designed to easily allow the user to customize the golf course file to their preference. La batterie est compltement charge lorsque lanneau indicateur du Wingman (8) devient vert. Problemas de emparejamiento con el telfono a travs de Bluetooth: El altavoz est a menos de 10 m del dispositivo. This icon is small, so if you want to see the exact percentage of Battery, you need to add a Widget to your Today View. Premium audio quality. The VoicePro Software allows you to record, modify and customize your own recorded sound or a pre-recorded sound to create a unique, personalized sound for your wingman device. The Bushnell Wingman is a handheld GPS device that uses satellite signals to determine its location. Pour rpondre un appel entrant, appuyez sur le bouton Lecture. tre coupl un nouvel appareil. The Speaker is within 10m from the device. Irreparable damage can result from unauthorized service attempts, which also void the warranty. The Presicion Pro comes with an Audio Caddie remote that can be used while attached to the device or you can carry the remote in your pocket during your round. The mobile app also includes these features: With a combination of GPS and Bluetooth technologies, the Wingman provides players audible front, center and back distances, all while listening to the music of their choice through mobile applications.. With premium sound quality paired with front, center, and back distances with customizable settings for game play, the Wingman is the perfect all-in-one accessory for the golf course. Charge internal battery. Haga doble clic en el botn de encendido de un altavoz para asignarlo como altavoz principal (I) (reproducir el canal izquierdo). Warn others who wear these devices from getting too close to magnets. Pulse el botn Reproducir (6) para pausar la msica; plselo de nuevo para reanudarla. 4.Make sure the Wingman is within 10meters/32 feet from your mobile device. 10+ hour battery life. In the device list Wingman will show up and the battery life will be displayed if it powered on and paired to you phone. Aumentar la separacin entre el equipo y el receptor. 0000024843 00000 n 0000031539 00000 n ADVERTENCIA: La funcin Bite incluida en el dispositivo contiene un imn de neodimio.Los imanes podran afectar al funcionamiento de marcapasos y desfibriladores cardacos implantados. No enve accesorios (estuche, correa, etc. In golf terms, this means you can play DJ for about 36 holes straight. 188 mm (alto) x 74 mm (largo) x 72 mm (ancho) (incluido el control remoto), Altavoz: batera interna recargable de iones de litio (no reemplazable), Control remoto: pila de botn de litio metlico no recargable CR2032, Altavoz, control remoto, cable de carga USB (cargador no incluido). Never disassemble your Wingman speaker. Login to your account and go to your profile page. To do this, youll need to adjust the Pitch and Speed options while listening to the effect they have on the chosen voice. Las especificaciones y los diseos estn sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso ni obligacin alguna del fabricante. The app will then ask you to continue. The battery charge level is low, indicated by a flashing orange Indicator Ring. Do not use batteries that are damaged or show signs of physical wear.WARNING: Fire Hazard! Locate the Wingman speaker under available devices and pair the speaker. Additionally, the app allows users to customize their experience through the user profile. (Unidad principal) ID DE FCC: 2ABQG-36190 (Unidad principal) IC: 5830A-36190, (Control remoto) ID de FCC: 2ABQG-36191 (Control remoto) IC: 5830A-36191, Eliminacin de equipos elctricos y electrnicos, (Aplicable en la UE y en otros pases europeos con sistemas de recogida selectiva). Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. They could damage TVs and laptops, computer hard drives, credit and ATM cards, data storage media, mechanical watches, hearing aids and speakers. Weve also compiled a list of frequently asked Wingman questions. The battery is fully charged when the Wingmans Indicator Ring (8) turns green. Nutilisez PAS ce haut-parleur un volume lev pendant de longues priodes, car cela pourrait causer des dommages ou des pertes daudition permanents. The final device setup page allows you to update all of the preloaded courses on your device, to ensure that you have the latest possible information on all courses. 0000037876 00000 n Il doit la place tre mis au rebut dans les points de collecte dsigns, mis la disposition par votre collectivit des fins de recyclage. Does the Bushnell Wingman remote have a battery? Retirez la poussire ou les dbris situs lextrieur en soufflant dessus (ou en utilisant une brosse douce). FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA CONNEXION TWS (STRO) (ncessite deux haut-parleurs Wingman). El altavoz est a menos de 10 m del dispositivo. Free shipping . Looking for a place to charge? Please click on the Forgot Password link in the website footer. 4.Assurez-vous que le Wingman se trouve moins de 10 mtres de votre appareil mobile. This first of its kind product combines high quality audio with the ability to receive audible GPS distances, conveniently mounts to your cart bar via BITE magnetic technology. Cargue la batera interna. This information is pre-loaded. Low power is indicated by a flashing orange ring. 1.Tlchargez lapplication Bushnell Golf sur lApp Store (Apple) ou Google Play (Android), puis inscrivez-vous ou connectezvous votre compte. Si cest le cas, nous recommandons lutilisateur dessayer de corriger ces interfrences par un ou plusieurs des moyens suivants : Rorientez ou dplacez lantenne de rception. Do not short-circuit batteries. Cet quipement contient des pices lectriques ou lectroniques et, par consquent, il ne doit pas tre limin comme les dchets mnagers classiques. This product can expose you to chemicals including Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Magnets produce far-reaching, strong magnetic field. Les batteries au lithium peuvent surchauffer et causer des dommages en cas de mauvaise utilisation. If the equipment contains exchangeable (rechargeable) batteries, these too must be removed before and, if necessary, in turn be disposed of according to the relevant regulations (see also the respective comments in this units instructions). To determine the source of the problem and have it resolved, contact iGolf technical support via live chat at It can take up to four hours for the Bushnell Wingman to fully charge. Make sure the charging cable is not connected. Le Wingman est rsistant leau,mais ne doit pas tre expos de fortes pluies ou dautres jets deau directs.Il ne rsistera pas une immersion dans de leau ou dautres liquides. 0000006096 00000 n Please note, the remote will only beep when put into pairing mode. Pour rejeter un appel entrant, appuyez, Tlchargez lapplication Bushnell Golf sur lApp Store (Apple) ou Google Play (Android), puis, Couplez par Bluetooth la tlcommande Wingman, Remarque : la tlcommande doit tre couple sparment, en plus du, Wingman principal, tant donn quelle peut tre physiquement retire et agir indpendamment. The app screen will show a blue banner that reads. Frequently asked questions about the Wingman. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. By: Author Olin Wade (Remodel or Move Stuff). Bushnell made it super easy to use and store your golf GPS speaker remote. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 0000002887 00000 n This indicates that the Wingman is finished charging and can be used safely. NO use este altavoz a un volumen alto durante largos perodos de tiempo, ya que podra causar daos o prdida permanente de la audicin. The time that it takes for the charging process to complete will vary depending on the battery level and the age of the battery, but the average charge time is typically between 2-4 hours. Yes! Or will it make it's way onto. The GPS worked really well and the display was vibrant. Appuyez fond sur le bouton dalimentation. To do this, you will need to download the Bushnell Wingman app to your smartphone or tablet. Your GPS device is preloaded with international courses. Bluetooth pair the Wingman Remote (2) to your phone, following the instructions on the app screens. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Presione por completo el botn de encendido. 3.Maintenez le bouton dalimentation (7) du Wingman appuy jusqu ce quil mette un son et que lanneau indicateur clignote en orange. Para responder una llamada entrante, pulse el botn Reproducir. Note: a single Wingman provides mono audio, internally mixing together left and right channels of the streamed audio source. Power on your speaker. Move the device closer to the Wingman or remove any obstacle between them. $19.99 . Select the option on the app to pair the remote. Type the name of your course in to the search bar at the top of the page, leaving out things like golf course and country club from the name, and click Search4. 2.Couplez par Bluetooth la tlcommande Wingman (2) votre tlphone en suivant les instructions affiches sur lapplication. Les aimants ont de puissants champs magntiques qui peuvent pincer la peau et les doigts. THE BEST WINGMAN ON THE COURSE Simply push the button on the detachable remote to get audible GPS distances through the Wingman speaker. Cuando la batera est completamente cargada, el anillo indicador del Wingman (8) se pondr verde. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',158,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-158{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. To answer an incoming call, press the Play button. El cable de interfaz blindado debe usarse con el equipo para cumplir con las limitaciones de un dispositivo digital de acuerdo con la seccin B del apartado 15 del reglamento de la FCC. RFB- Right Fairway Bunker4. The device has a built-in antenna and a display that shows the current position, speed, and altitude. Please let me know if I can assist you in this process! RFWC- Right Fairway Water Carry10. Make sure the Wingman is within 10meters/32 feet from your mobile device. Keep batteries out of the reach of pets and children. No utilice bateras daadas o con signos de desgaste fsico. California/UK Supply Cualquier devolucin que se haga bajo garanta deber ir acompaada de los elementos que se enumeran a continuacin: 1.Un cheque/giro postal por la cantidad de 10,00 para cubrir los gastos de envo y manipulacin. Los imanes producen un intenso campo magntico de gran alcance. LEARN MORE ON SHIPPING AROUND THE HOLIDAYS. To answer an incoming call, press the Play button. The drawback on the remote voice GPS is that it will only be as loud as your music. Mantenga la unidad alejada de dispositivos y objetos que puedan daarse por la presencia de campos magnticos intensos. Lanneau indicateur LED clignotera lentement en orange en mode extrieur et sera orange, sans clignotement, en mode intrieur. The user will need to set the phone to do not disturb. The Wingman features a powerful BITE magnet incorporated into its housing, which allows the device to be securely attached to a golf cart bar or frame. Press and hold the 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. Once the LED flashes red 3 times, release the 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' buttons. All Rights Reserved. Magnet may lose part of its adhesive force permanently if exposed to temperatures above 175o F (80o C). You will always have access to the courses on your device and new courses from The Wingman will shut off after 15 minutes in pairing mode if no devices have been paired, as a power saving feature. Place the two speakers near each other (the distance should not be over 10 meters/33 feet). A fully charged battery will provide approximately 10 hours operating time at a normal, moderate volume level. Pour vous, ce service est gratuit. Keep unit away from devices and objects that could be damaged by strong magnetic fields. Esta garanta le otorga derechos legales especficos. AVERTISSEMENT : risque dincendie ! Remarque : la tlcommande doit tre couple sparment, en plus du haut-parleur Wingman principal, tant donn quelle peut tre physiquement retire et agir indpendamment. The Speaker is in pairing mode, the LED indicator blinking orange and orange. Double click the Power button on one speaker to assign it as the Main (L) speaker (it will play the left channel).The LED Indicator Ring flashes orange, then the two speakers will pair to each other automatically (the other speaker will be the Satellite (R) speaker and play the right channel), Once paired, the Main (L) speaker LED Indicator Ring slowly flashes orange. The Wingman has a microphone which allows you to take incoming calls. The warranty on the GPS watch will be void if the consumer tries to change the battery. From setting up your Wingman, to playing a round of golf, our how to videos will show you everything you need to get Wingman on the course.
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