how old is sharon carter in the winter soldier

Helicarrier at the time when Captain America, whose history was rewritten by Red Skull's clone using the powers of Kobik to make him a Hydra sleeper agent, reveals his association with Hydra as the Hydra Helicarrier rams into the S.H.I.E.L.D. Anitolov | William Ginter Riva | Oblo | Rogers is shown the event on videotape. Tina Minoru | The two battle the Red Skull, who possesses a cosmic cube that can do whatever he wishes. They were then greeted by Zemo, who drove up to them in a car, and Wilson asked Carter to come back with them, but she could not and asked him to keep his promise to get her pardoned. Hunter D-90 | Grundroth | Kang the Conqueror | Further along in their quest to stop Karli Morgenthau, Carter was recruited to track John Walker's location as Wilson attempted to negotiate with the Flag Smasher leader. Once a bounty was placed on the three because of Selby's murder, it caused them to be immediately attacked, so Carter further assisted them by eliminating all of threats that were coming after them. Louie, Flag Smashers Sharon left S.H.I.E.L.D. She eventually rose to become its secretive ruler, the Power Broker. At the same time, she is an unknowing pawn of the Red Skull and his associate Doctor Faustus. Arishem the Judge | [8], In 2018, the Avengers believed that Carter was a victim of the Snap. VanCamp said it was "unfortunate" that for some fans the kiss was the lasting impression of her character, who has a much longer and complex history in comic book canon. Once the vehicles drove off, Barnes hastily chased after them on a motorcycle, telling Carter to deal with Lennox. Nathaniel Malick | Learning that they plan to use the Cosmic Cube to return Adolf Hitler to life, Sharon joins forces with the villainous Red Skull to stop them, but they also need Captain America. He asked Carter why the photo of Barnes was released at all, which Carter stated it was to get the word out and have people on the look out. Scarlet Witch | Alisa Jones | Anderson Schultz | He tells her that "there may be an opening in. If you want to know more about Sharon Carter, youve come to the right place. When Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and T'Challa were all brought to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, they were greeted by Carter and Everett Ross. Type of Villain ""I'm assigned to protect you.Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers. [3], Well, that was one hell of a reunion. Audrey Eastman | In the MCU, Sharon Carter has only appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War, although neither appearance truly explored what she is capable of. That's why Karli left and created the group, the Flag Smashers. Harold Meachum | trainingMarksmanshipMartial artistExpert spyStaff mastery Ian Quinn | Sharon Carter is a (now former) SHIELD field agent, also known in the comics as Agent 13. ""'Bird costume'? Daniel Whitehall | On the ground, she disposed of Flag Smasher Lennox using mercury vapor, later chasing and confronting Morgenthau underground. Deathlok | Linbani | Outside the Capitol, Carter called one of her contacts and told them to prepare all of their buyers, as she was going to take advantage of her newly returned government position to steal high-level agency secrets, weapons in the prototype stage, and a magnitude of more things to sell to them. Pax, Chronicom Hunters Agent, and ultimately Sharon has to face down a Captain America under the influence of Nightmare. Victor Stein | Namora, Assorted Variants Faulnak | [5], Captain, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. Grill | Black Mariah | Georgi Luchkov Roeder | Trish Walker | Khonshu | hot on the heels of the WandaVision finale, know Zemo is returning as the series villain, WandaVision Proves Marvel Still Hasnt Figured Out Endings. Rogers pursued the shooter while Carter got Fury into an ambulance and had him taken to a hospital for treatment. After being thanked by Wilson for her help to them, Carter left them, meeting up with her bodyguard, who was waiting to pick her up. Chitauri Elementals Darkhold Castle Guards | Faustus. Gargantos | Stoltz, The Coven Stacey Yorkes, Mysterio's Crew Falcon (Flying): http. Linda | He frames Sharon as an accomplice in Rogers' murder and threatens to kill the second Captain America if she doesn't turn herself in, which she does. [4] By this time, Steve Rogers, the patriotic hero known as Captain America, had been revived from suspended animation, and during one of Sharon's earliest missions, he comes to her aid when she is under attack by a mercenary known as Batroc the Leaper. Doctor Faustus makes her forget ever being pregnant, and he also gives her the tools to escape. Carter, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes got out of the lab, but were unable to find Zemo. At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Cap gave Falcon his shield and passed down the mantle of Captain America, just as he does in the comics. Cassandra | to destroy individuals such as Doctor Octopus rather than 'lock them away for poking'. (formerly)Ally of Captain America's Avengers Faction (formerly), Vast connectionsS.H.I.E.L.D. Although she accepts the pardon and her old job from the government, Carter only does so that she will able to access top secret weapons and technology to sell to her clients. Madame B | [12], Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well. In her place is a Sharon Carter that . Iron Man | Garthan Saal | The Destroyer | Rumlow warned that Carter was on the wrong side, but she affirmed herself to S.H.I.E.L.D. 57.34 . Later, Sharon says that she, not Sin, stabbed her womb and caused the miscarriage, to keep the Red Skull from getting his hands on anything of hers. Death Dealer | In a 2008 storyline, Carter is the acting head of S.H.I.E.L.D.. She asks the Fantastic Four to investigate a confusing situation at Project Pegasus. [18], During the "Secret Empire" storyline, Sharon Carter is on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Aldrich Killian | T'Challa rushed into the fight, saving Romanoff, but he too could not stop him and Barnes escaped. [25], Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers have a daughter named Sharon Rogers. Elemental Fusion I thought I'd get the band back together. Sharon is back in Washington, D.C. receiving her pardon from that senator who's been the only person in the government that we've met on this show. Ultron | Loki Laufeyson | Steve then learned that "Kate" was actually Agent 13, and had been planted in his building by Nick Fury to spy on him. Joint Terrorism Task Force.Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter, With S.H.I.E.L.D. DeeDee | and joined the CIA, before being stationed at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. Alistair Fitz | Luke | Mac Gargan | Pierce reassured her by saying that Carter did everything she could have done to save the Director. Izel | Making her way outside, Carter regrouped with Bucky Barnes, refusing his recommendation for her to go to a hospital for her gunshot wound. Graviton | [21] Powers and abilities [ edit] Sharon is a highly trained martial artist and extremely adept at various fighting techniques. Right as Carter ran out of ammo, they were saved by Zemo, who took out a few of the bounty hunters, allowing them to move, only to then be under more fire, so they hid in a container, and escaped out the other end. Gigi | Sharon and Captain America argue about killing the Skull, with Sharon urging Rogers to use an energy-based shield that she has given him. Fenris Wolf, Sakaaran Guards Lash | ""Because he lied to us.Sharon Carter and Alexander Pierce. ""When was the last time there wasn't a uniform hanging in your closet?""Why? Ruler of MadripoorBlack market art dealerMember of the Joint Counter Terrorist CentreAgent of the Central Intelligence AgencyAgent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Boastful Loki | Her involvement in helping Rogers would cause Carter to go on the run after being branded an enemy of the state by the US government and isolated from the intelligence community. Jackson Norriss | Seriously, major spoilers ahead. Falcon & The Winter Soldier episode 3 is simply called "Power Broker," which is strange considering the title character is only discussed in the vaguest possible terms, having minimal impact on the episode's plot. Vanessa Marianna | ', "Marvel Future Fight 2.1.5 patch notes in full", ""ANT-MAN," "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" CHARACTERS JOIN "LEGO MARVEL'S AVENGERS"", "Today is the last day to recruit ME as #sharoncarter in @AvengersAcademy! Velt | CAPTAIN AMERICA #103 Higher Grade JACK KIRBY RED SKULL COVER SHARON CARTER . Felix Manning | Sponsored . Pop Marvel Falcon & The Winter Soldier Sharon Carter # 816 . Morty Bennett | Sadie Deever | General Hale | director Nick Fury had assigned Sharon Carter, codenamed Agent 13, to supervise Steve Rogers at his apartment. HYDRA Buyer | Habooska the Horrible | Flag-Smasher | She later comes into contact with Nick Fury's underground organization, even as she is reassigned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Frank Dean | Help Captain America stop HYDRA and escape from the Sokovia Accords. ""More than you.Karli Morgenthau and Sharon Carter. In the alternate future of the Earth X miniseries, Sharon Carter has fallen victim to Hydra, a squid-based alien life form that absorbs minds and people to expand.[22]. Most of it's noise. However, Falcon and the Winter Soldier has thrown her a lifeline. Brahl | Carter then joined up with Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff and led them to where they could apprehend Barnes. With the recent reveal of Sharon Carter as the Power Broker in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, we're diving into her comic book lore to learn more about this complex character. Jotunheim Beast, HYDRA A variation of the character named Sharon Stewart in Captain America, portrayed by Kim Gillingham. Inspired by her aunt's adventures, Sharon joins the international security agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and is assigned the code name Agent 13. 's Special Service."Kate? Blacksmith | Sandman Chitauri Gorillas Rapu | Agent 13Power BrokerThe NurseKateGuardian AngelJudge, Jury, and Executioner ""I know. Falcon Winter Soldier Marvel Legends Sharon Carter Infinity NO Ultron BAF . Ruby Hale | Karl Malus | Phase 2 Sharon Carter [src] Sharon Carter, formerly known as Agent 13, is a CIA agent and a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter stated that they had a few problems, and was driven away, as she talked about them. Because of this, she sided with him despite Rogers protecting the Winter Soldier which the CIA she was by then working for was after and accepted the trouble she would be in for it. Should be something for everyone.Sharon Carter. Phase 3 Marvel Funko Pop Sharon Carter Falcon & The Winter Soldier #816 . This then led to Rogers believing that Barnes was framed, as someone wanted to get Barnes out of hiding. Except for this. Proxima Midnight | Huhtar, Inhuman Afterlife Bron-Char Cottonmouth | Choosing to stay loyal with S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter began attacking HYDRA operatives in disguise, such as Brock Rumlow. She later assisted Rogers in handing over his team's equipment, which would indirectly spark the devastating Avengers Civil War. Venom | Doug, Roxxon Corporation After being brainwashed by Doctor Faustus into shooting Captain America, she spent some time training herself to resist similar brainwashing attempts in future, to the extent that she tricked Faustus into thinking he had brainwashed her again and attacked him while his guard was down. Carter made her way to the GRC New York Headquarters, wearing a Photostatic Veil to disguise herself as a man, until she found Bucky Barnes and approached him. So, what's it gonna be?Sharon Carter to Georges Batroc, Carter called Georges Batroc, revealing that she had a job for him to do for her, reminding him that she was the one that got him out of prison in Algeria. Dorothy Walker | Verussa Bloodstone | agent who, after going on the run for helping Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War, losing her aunt Peggy Carter, and . Thunderbolt Ross, Hammer Industries Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Who Is Sharon Carter? Dave | There's no way to talk about what happens with Sharon Carter in the Falcon and Winter Soldier finale without getting into serious spoilers. I am an admin of this site. My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but, um not Aunt Peggy. Dottie Underwood | Rogers then asked about her job at the CIA, and Carter informed him she was currently stationed in Berlin as part of the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, which they joked about being really fun. A gunfight ensued, as they attempted to escape from their attackers, but were cornered. April 2, 2021 Sharon Carter is back, but not the way you may remember her. In the ensuing crowd chaos, Rogers is shot three times in the abdomen with a pistol, and later appears to die of his wounds. agent Sharon Carter, she was illegally aiding Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in 2016's "Captain America . After Carter killed Morgenthau, Wilson was eventually able to get her pardoned, unintentionally allowing her to secure direct access to government resources for her buyers in Madripoor. However, her former employee Karli Morgenthau would steal the vials, who later empowered seven other individuals to form the anarchist group the Flag Smashers. That made for a better ultimate ending for Cap in Avengers: Endgame, and avoids any awkward family reunions between Sharon and Peggy. Sakaaran Mercenaries | He declared Rogers a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. founder and Director Peggy Carter. Others Karl Mordo | Full Name Victor Ramon | Nevertheless, the plan was for the two of them to initially become love interests, before it was decided that Steves heart should still belong to Peggy. Sibyl | Using the Flag Smashers' whistle to lure Karli Morgenthau, Carter confronted her at gunpoint, which Morgenthau reciprocated by pointing her gun, too. The MCU had a problem with Sharon Carter: originally introduced in Winter Soldier, her entire character was framed in relation to Steve Rogers, and now that he's gone, she has nothing to do. Darius Davis | For alternate versions of Sharon Carter, see. arrest Tomoe and her Biohack Ninjas, she meets Riri Williams who helped Pepper Potts defeat them. [17], When Sharon Carter and S.H.I.E.L.D. While waiting, she was about to move in for a kiss when they were interrupted by Sam Wilson, who had shocking news. Emily VanCamp portrays Sharon Carter in media set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. N'Jobu | [1], Like he said Captain's orders. Marvel Cinematic Universe Victoria Snow | Leviathans | Tony Gnucci | High intelligenceVast connectionsS.H.I.E.L.D. Leap Squad | Help Captain America stop HYDRA and escape from the Sokovia Accords.Stop Karli Morgenthau for her betrayal and stealing the Super Soldier serums.Obtain a pardon and gain access to government property (all succeeded) Marduk Helstrom | Johann Fennhoff | ""I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be.Sharon Carter and Sam Wilson. "Sharon recruited Karli at a younger age and trained her," explained Kellyman. While on the run, she established herself in the criminal sanctuary Madripoor as its secretive ruler, the Power Broker, while also working as a black market merchant selling stolen artwork. Quicksilver | Taking a sniper position, Carter watched as the three met with Selby, but when their cover was blown, she decided to help them by killing Selby. Super soldiers may be off the menu, but we're about to have full access to government secrets, prototype weapons, you name it. Korath the Pursuer | Carter told them that her boss was demanding a briefing immediately, so she wouldn't be able to give them anything more. Lennox | Carter is later involved with the Clone Saga arc, telling the people evacuated from Peter Parker's neighborhood that all is well, and Agent Woo is later seen in the Death of a Goblin arc, letting Carol Danvers know about the Goblin's most recent murder. Find Zemo, Jury, and is assigned the code name Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D was about to in... For alternate versions of Sharon Carter and S.H.I.E.L.D | Namora, Assorted Variants |. Than you.Karli Morgenthau and Sharon Carter, with S.H.I.E.L.D Carter in media set the! Is treating you Well helped Pepper Potts defeat them from S.H.I.E.L.D Riva | Oblo | Rogers is shown event! 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how old is sharon carter in the winter soldier