There is something you can do to prevent this problem from occurring in the first place or from happening again. Pentair Easytouch air temp shows 255, not sensor, With over 300,000 members, TFP is the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet. Lay-Z-Spa are one of the most popular manufacturers and according to them if your portable keeps deflating its for one of two reasons. A hot tub leak is something you need to address quickly and take action to correct before things get out of control. Turn off the power to the spa and remove the side panelling so you can access the back of the light. "@context": "", ), the chances are you will simply need to replace one of the gaskets on it. This spring I took out all the removable barrell assemblies in the jets to get them replaced due to the white plastic inserts all dissolving . It could be on one of the fittings, jets or somewhere on the pipe. Very often fixing the leak is the easy part and finding it in the first place is like looking for a needle in a (very wet) haystack! If your leak is coming from the drain plug check that it is correctly tightened and that the washer or gasket doesnt need replacing. Glue the couplers to the ends of the replacement pipe using a primer and PVC cement. Of course, age is always a factor as hot tubs dont last forever. Hot tubs leaks can come from anywhere, not just the shell itself. There's a detailed explanation of the process available from JD Finley. Once inside the hot tubcabinet you will probably be presented with a wall of foam and insulation. Help! This makes it easy for routing the water around the peaks and valleys of the shell, rather than having solid pipes that would take up space. Inspect the gasket. A spa or hot tub thats leaking can be alarming. A good quality and well maintained older hot tub will give good service for many years and may not even leak at all during its lifetime. To a certain extent, there is not a lot you can do to prevent your hot tub from leaking. You may need someone to hold the cover inside the tub as these may turn at the same time. This is an indication that other O-rings and gaskets may also need replacement. Use oil filter pliers for extra strength as the fitting may be hard to loosen. This is a liquid that you simply pour into the suction area. But if the leak is substantial, drain the water before applying the putty. Adding a dark food coloring to the water can help you identify a leak, as water seeks the path of least resistance. Just give it 24-48 hours to see if it fixed the leak. This is an important step, as replacing the foam insulation helps the spa retain heat and block cold winter temperatures, too. Our friendly professionals are experienced in handling all types of hot tub and spa systems, and will provide service to all residential and commercial issues. I cover how much water levels drop from normal evaporation, and the key signs to look for if its really a leak. If your filter housing is leaking there are three probable problems. Thanks for any insights you may provide. Ensure the leak is fixed. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws holding it in place and put them somewhere safe while working. Jet nozzles part number LQ4aStvC. Once you have determined where the spa plumbing is leaking, carefully remove the exterior cabinet panels. Age The older the hot tub gets the more prone to leakage it becomes. Some connections are easy and only need to be tightened or sealed while others may need a full replacement. Sometimes repeated adjusting of the jet can cause it to come slightly loose and leak. Just dig it right out, using a screwdriver or large kitchen spoon, and search for the wettest area of the foam. They basically just screw into the shell of the hot tub with a locking ring system and, most importantly a gasket. For leaks smaller than 1/8 of an inch, use a liquid fix-a-leak product. But troubleshooting to figure out which area is the cause is crucial. The water going through the equipment is often upwards of 104 F. Thats also a lot of heat being applied to everything, often 24/7. "url": "" If you cant see it then we need to move on to Phase 2. FREE Shipping on orders $35+ Menu. Obviously, the seals are prone to a great deal of vibration heat and wear and they are one of the prime places for leakages to occur. Our friendly professionals are experienced in handling all types of hot tub and spa systems, and will provide service to all residential and commercial issues. Cancel. Danielle Smyth is a writer and content marketer from upstate New York. With all of this being said, we know how tricky leaks can be, so lets jump right into the facts. At first, you might be tempted to go into a bit of a panic with the thought of expensive repair bills and a lot of hassle. I have used it on 2 of my 4 hot tubs and always keep a bottle on hand. Heres are the steps I follow having owned and fixed leaks many times: With a leaking hot tub, first, remove the paneling to locate the leak. For the fitting, the rubber gaskets degrade with wear and tear, so the leak could be coming from there. A spa can evaporate several inches of water if left open and uncovered, or used for several hours per week. Turn off power to the tub and depress the gate valves on either side of the heater and pump. Wait! I just wanted to post an update in case anyone else comes along with a similar problem as I can happily say the problem is now solved! Simply complete BuyerZones request form below. How much to add, which ones to buy, and are all of them really needed? "name": "Leslie's, Inc.", So what causes leaks? Waterproof epoxy can work for small cracks but it may not last as long as replacing it. While its certainly not a situation you want to deal with, if you approach it with a handymans attitude, you can probably fix it yourself at minimal cost, and learn a great deal in the process. If its not possible to access the leaks location, use leak fix products for small leaks, or waterproof epoxy putty for larger leaks. Check to make sure the tubs seals are tight. Because these leaks are extremely hard to find, you may find yourself spending the entire afternoon locating it, all the more reason to shriek, Why? Sign up now. It is awesome, but I have trouble keeping air in it. She also runs her own lifestyle blog, Sweet Frivolity. Sweep or use a leaf blower to dry off any standing water around the tub. "description": "If your hot tub is leaking at the bottom, check for pump, filter, skimmer and light leaks first. Waterway and CMP Hot Tub and Spa Air Control Valves. Volute: If the volute is your issue, where the impeller is housed, you most likely need to replace it. A pipe union is where two pipes are connected together with a screw connector o-ring. And there is a screw knob that lets air into the jet flow when it is heating, and also when you push the button to turn the jets on. Since I have trouble-shooted many leaks over the years of owning hot tubs, Ive had to deal with most of these. Hot Tub Air Control Valves. So if youre wondering whether or not its simply time to replace your hot tub or fix it, make sure to check out a recent article I published. Spray the soapy water onto the patch and look for the bubbles again. Unfortunately, you usually can't see it. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Its rare to have a crack in the equipment chain pipes, and youre more likely to come across water leaking from underneath your tub. We look forward to helping you out! Most often, it's something minor that can be resolved using routine hot tub leak repair solutions, such as a hot tub sealer or other simple fix. Sorry Lee, I don't know, but perhaps a bump will get you an answer Hi, There are a bunch of different types but if your hot tub is newer, there is some good info here that might help: Post a pic of the water leaking out of the pipe. The first step in fixing this issue is to get the hot tub ready to prevent a water leak or other problems with the mechanisms. As far as fixing your hot tub is concerned replacing the pump seals is probably one of the most difficult fixes to achieve. Lee. The air bubbles stopped working about a year ago. Rarely do spas leak from the shell itself. You can also try using a thread sealant like. Theyre referred to by a few names gate valves, slice valves, or knife valves and by blocking the flow of water they allow you to service the filtration system equipment. 99K views 2 years ago Video to walk you through how to repair leaks and generally take apart and fix various problems on the Lay-Z-Spa hot tub pumps for all models: This includes Monaco Paris. If unsure, please refer to the manufacturer. The best way to fix a small crack in the acrylic shell is to do the following: For larger cracks or a chunk missing, you can use the above process in larger amounts. So a little shift here and there puts a lot of pressure on the acrylic shell. Bear in mind, however, that the chances of the shell itself actually leaking are quite remote. This can be a slightly optimistic fix as its not always reliable but its worth a try before getting stuck into more drastic treatment as it could potentially fix the problem in minutes! "@type": "ImageObject", is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Theres a gem called Plast-Aid that seals up cracks or holes, which becomes stronger than the PVC pipe itself! Leaks from PVC pipes are typically pretty rare, but they do happen. Luckily, if this seems overwhelming, we have some great methods for you to follow for each area. While, of course, its always ideal to replace a worn gasket or cracked pipe, the jets are often encased in spray-on foam. Nowadays hot tubs are constructed from high-quality tough materials that with the proper care can last for a long time, but leaks can occasionally occur no matter what brand or model and people often ask us why is my hot tub foamy? Lets look at it first. Make the job easier by using oil filter pliers to get a better grip on the nut. I am currently using a drape over salt water chlorine generator. We have your back on any spa leak issue here at Hot Springs Pools & Spas. We lowered the water level, to an inch or two below the air control valve and the leak stopped. Luckily, most of it is easily fixed, which we get into below. Add full foam insulation in the cabinet of the hot tub as this not only will improve the insulation of the tot type but it will also help to keep the pipework in as play in place as well. The first thing you need to do if you suspect the outside of your hot tub is to identify where the problem is. Most shells are made of strong fiberglass combined with other layers, so you would think a leak could never happen here. "address": "", Middle Class Dad is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Its also a good idea to periodically check for vibrations and make sure that your pump is housed securely and isnt moving around. If you fancy having a go at it yourself then consult your manufacturer to make sure that you get the correct replacement parts and also details of exactly how to change the seals. Im John, and I created the InflatableHotTubGuide while researching these spas nearly a decade ago. Its a good idea to fill the tub back up before replacing the paneling in case you need to further tighten the split nuts. Using Silicone to fix a hot tub leak. If that doesnt do the trick then try undoing it completely and resetting it and tightening again. Hoping for no leaks! Am I on the right track? If you can't find it or identify it, refer to the diagrams in your owner's manual for help. It could simply need to be tightened (dont use a wrench to do this! Having a hot tub leak is what you make of it. Finally, you can try one more tactic to remove air from your hot tub water lines. Enjoyer of hot tub soaking, fine cheese, music and photography. If you see foam and bubbles, the air-valve is loose, and you will need to secure it. Reattach the union fittings and lift the gate valves. Turn the power back on and run the water to ensure the leak is fixed. You may be able to visually see it pouring out of the exterior of the shell, or you can use the food color dye or drainage tricks to find the leak. The heating system is most likely to develop leaks at the gasket and split nut assembly on either side of the heater tube. Heres what to do! Why Won't the Circulating Pump Work After Changing the Water in a Hot Tub? Not a drip, but about as fast is it was coming out the hose. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. When I turn the bubbles on and there's air blowing through the pipe into the tub the leak at the connection stops Submitted: 2 years ago. "height": "500", Some links on this page may lead to us receiving a small commission at no additional charge to you. Larger cracks or damage can possibly be repaired with an under water adhesive. Its a natural by-product of using a hot tub regularly. The source of the leak can still be from the jets, a cracked PVC pipe, or a worn rubber gasket in the heater unions. Since the leak stops when you turn the air controls off, the issue is not with the gaskets, the water level is simply too high and water is backing up in the air lines. You'll probably have to remove the side panels to gain access to the light. "url": "", Unfortunately, the only way to tell if the repair has worked is by inflating the hot tub. Small cracks in the acrylic shell can be patched, and waterproof epoxy can also be used in inconspicuous places. One other note before we dive in: make sure you know your warranty options when you set out to buy a hot tub. We have your back on any spa leak issue here at Hot Springs Pools & Spas. Feel free to leave us a message and we will be in touch as soon as an agent is available. This could be because the inflation valve is leaking and happily there is a simple solution. It also goes without saying that you should try to minimize physical damage to your hot tub and make sure that it is moved carefully and installed properly. Leaks from the shell can be repaired using Plast-Aid as well. Newer models will potentially last longer and be significantly more economical to run. There is a great post here to help you but, if you are in any doubt then a professional needs to be called in to do the job. "wordCount": "1151", When you do, allow the hot tub to run for several minutes. Its constantly circulating and occasionally heating, depending on the settings you have on your system. "width": "1060", "mainEntityOfPage": "", Are Cheap Hot Tubs Any Good? Again the spare parts will be cheap and this is a relatively easy fix. After all, filled with water and people, that thing weighs thousands of pounds. Replace the insulation around the pipe by spraying expanding foam on it. This will take some sleuthing. But many hot tub leaks can be simple to find and cheap to correct. If you are unlucky and the cuff method doesnt work then you will need to get a replacement pipe. However, you might have a go at doing a repair if it is before the pump and not under pressure. Great advice and info. If by any chance the filter is placed in line before the pump then it wont be under pressure and you could have a go at making a repair. But the level doesnt drop. "image": { If the volute or wet end is leaking then it will probably be obvious as this type of crack lets out a lot of water. Fix-a-Leak is heavier than water, so it naturally sinks to the lowest place. Spa Air Control Valves. A heating element will fail over time. Dont worry though you dont need to rush out and buy a brand-new tub, as they are usually quite a minor problem. I'm Jeff Campbell. So in this article, we reviewed all the most common types of leaks. Is this a portable spa? It has to be said thats water is unpredictable and rather fickle. If you have a deflating Lay Z Spa check out this guide. If you do have a crack in the shell, its usually because the tub isnt level. Air Control Valves. So, you have purchased, following the manufacturers instructions for inflating it and are looking forward to enjoying your first soak. Inline filter leaks An inline filter is usually plumbed in between the pump and the heater and the water enters through the top. If your leak is coming from the drain plug check that it is correctly tightened and that the washer or gasket doesnt need replacing. Shine your flashlight onto the area around the housing to determine if water is leaking from the spa light. "publisher": { You will need to clean the area thoroughly with a de-greaser as the vinyl wont stick if the surface is oily and you will have wasted your time and money. Just click that link to see it now on my site. Here are the steps to follow that will help you find a hot tub leak: Remove the side panels or insulation if the water appears to leak from the underside of the tub. Find it or identify it, refer to the water to ensure the leak be... Concerned replacing the pump and the heater tube assembly on either side of the heater and pump spare parts be... Said thats water is unpredictable and rather fickle, most importantly a gasket the in. The washer or gasket doesnt need replacing ; Spas cover inside the and... 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