In the southern part of the Qi state an extensive perimeter wall was gradually created using existing river dikes, newly constructed bulwarks, and areas of impassable mountain terrain. unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions: A great fire destroyed nearly half the city. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Wonderful is defined as an amazing, astonishing, excellent or enjoyable person, thing or event. THE GREAT. We went to visit our grandmother in hospital. When you are describing amounts, you usually use large. 5. extreme or more than usual: great worry. An example of it is a children's choir singing a patriotic song about the Red Army during the dinner with the ambassador of Sweden. About Us Nearly all of the rest (about 70 percent of the total length) is actual constructed wall, with the small remaining stretches constituting ditches or moats. Free Delivery. Attended by marks of recognition and honor: The definition of royal is relating to a kingdom or monarchy. ChIP-seq) and by computational methods (e.g. a great man who dedicated himself to helping others. WebGREATS designs classically inspired sneakers for men and women using luxury high quality materials and construction. The improvement in water standards over the last 50 Terms of Use The Great Wall has been the site of multiple battles and skirmishes between the Chinese and various peoples across history, including the Xiongnu during the Qin dynasty, the Khitans during the Song dynasty, and the Mongols during the Ming dynasty. The improvement in water standards over the last 50 WebCheck In for map and. Webgreat - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference Vedere Anche: Ricerche recenti: great Listen: UK:* /ret/ US: /gret/ , (grt) definizione | Sinonimi inglesi | collocazioni inglesi | in spagnolo | Coniugatore [IT] | Conjugator [EN] | nel contesto | immagini Inflections of ' great ' ( adj ): greater adj comparative greatest adj superlative Yes! Exceedingly great in size or degree; extravagant: Illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated; famous; as, a splendid victory or reputation. Webhaving, characterized by, or arising from a dignified and generous nature a great humanitarian great acts of charity Synonyms & Similar Words noble high sublime big honorable gallant magnanimous natural worthy chivalrous lofty greathearted elevated heroic magnificent high-minded inspiring venerable heroical valiant lordly exalted regal uplifting Support our mission. In reference to the size and extent of concrete objects. Please call us toll-free at 1-800-473-2825 or email us at [email protected]. All rights reserved. Webunusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions: A great fire destroyed nearly half the city. It began southwest of Yi City, the capital, and ended south of Wenan. WebMeaning of great in English great adjective us / ret / uk / ret / great adjective (BIG) A2 large in amount, size, or degree: The issue is of great importance to voters. Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent: The definition of transcendent is extraordinary or beyond human experience. How is great different from the adjectives large and big? Large is more formal. This wall often traces the crestlines of hills and mountains as it snakes across the Chinese countryside, and about one-fourth of its length consists solely of natural barriers such as rivers and mountain ridges. Great. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, The Watcher's eyes went around his study, as if this was his first visit in a great while. He ordered removal of the fortifications set up between the previous states because they served only as obstacles to internal movements and administration. The Minicheck Lodge Shawl Collar Cardigan. [Ruhm] great ability: ausgesprochene Fhigkeit {f} great achievement: groartige Leistung {f} great admirer: groer Bewunderer {m} great age: hohes Alter {n} archi. Delivered to your inbox! By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions People should be required to do an IQ test before their opinions are counted, and this should be required for voting in elections as well. great (plural greats) . In reference to the size and extent of concrete objects, great is highly formal and even poetic, suggesting also that the object is notable or imposing, large is only somewhat formal, and big is the most general and most colloquial word: a great oak; a large tree; a big tree; great plains; a large field; a big field. Then, each genomic region is associated with all genes whose regulatory domain it overlaps. Having no rival, equal, or competitor; matchless; peerless. WebGREATS designs classically inspired sneakers for men and women using luxury high quality materials and construction. To save this word, you'll need to log in. (Comparable) Of a person's mood or character, etc. Please call us toll-free at 1-800-473-2825 or email us at [email protected]. Non-coding regions typically lack such annotation. THE GREAT. A popular myth, the claim was disproved when astronauts stated that the Great Wall of China was not visible with the naked eye from the Moon. Creator Tony McNamara Stars Elle Fanning Nicholas Hoult Phoebe Fox See production, box office & company info Watch on Hulu S1-2 on and the Hulu app More watch options What should my background regions file contain? WebIn reference to the size and extent of concrete objects, great is highly formal and even poetic, suggesting also that the object is notable or imposing, large is only somewhat formal, and big is the most general and most colloquial word: a great oak; a large tree; a big tree; great plains; a large field; a big field. After a minute's pause, while he stood painfully silent, she resumed in great emotion. with acids and air; precious; pure. "Capital, capital," his lordship would remark with great alacrity, when there was no other way of escape. Donate Now This strengthens the case for work factors having a greater impact on socioeconomic inequalities in psychological distress among men. A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim. The Commodore Flower Stamp Cotton Jacket. Mar 29, 2011: GREAT version 1.7 adds support for, Jan. 27, 2011: GREAT version 1.6 adds support for the, Jan. 10, 2011: GREAT included in Nature Biotechnology, May 10, 2010: You can now submit to GREAT directly from the, May 2, 2010: GREAT version 1 is launched, concurrent to. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. I went to the ______ store to buy a birthday card. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. The total length of all sections of the Great Wall of China ever built adds up to about 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles), including overlapping sections that were rebuilt. WebHe struck gold and left with a great sum of cash. Adjective Impressive or striking striking impressive imposing profound remarkable magnificent tremendous arresting astonishing dramatic extraordinary extravagant eye-catching phenomenal spectacular stunning arrestive awe-inspiring commanding dazzling electrifying grand incredible monumental How many can you get right? WILL YOU SAIL OR STUMBLE ON THESE GRAMMAR QUESTIONS? While thousands of deaths in democracies made governments look ineffectual, Chinas mass testing, quarantine management, and overall control over the rampaging virus looked Free exchanges and returns. Don't use 'large' to describe feelings or reactions. great (plural greats) . FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. A 12-year-old boy from Massachusetts caught a great white shark on Tuesday while deep sea fishing off Fort Lauderdale. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Like something in a dream; not sharply defined; misty, vague, etc. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). First recorded before 900; Middle English, Unabridged Another song featured in the show was about the fight of Soviet people against the Naazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and has been widely popular in the war-torn former USSR. : : ( . A new study has found that consuming a single fish from the Great Lakes is equal to drinking a month's worth of water contaminated with high levels of "forever chemicals." Nglish: Translation of great for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of great for Arabic Speakers. [Ruhm] great ability: ausgesprochene Fhigkeit {f} great achievement: groartige Leistung {f} great admirer: groer Bewunderer {m} great age: hohes Alter {n} archi. Dec. 7, 2016: GREAT will be down intermittently for hardware relocation. We are trying to fix the issue. The definition of majestic is something very grand or stately. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A new study has found that consuming a single fish from the Great Lakes is equal to drinking a month's worth of water contaminated with high levels of "forever chemicals." Free Delivery. Webgreat adjective (BIG) A2 large in amount, size, or degree: an enormous great hole The issue is of great importance to voters. unusual or considerable in degree, power, intensity, etc. Indicative of sound, rational thinking or frame of mind: (Informal) First-class; first-rate; superior, (Informal) Thrown or batted hard or with great speed. WebMeaning of great in English great adjective us / ret / uk / ret / great adjective (BIG) A2 large in amount, size, or degree: The issue is of great importance to voters. (Informal) Outstandingly good; extraordinary. The Boxy Crewneck Forest Graphic Tee. That's such terrific news, congratulations! The definition of gone is something that has left, departed or that is no longer there. His life is transformed by the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter. Hear a word and type it out. Gene regulatory domain definition: Each gene is assigned a basal regulatory domain of a minimum distance upstream and downstream of the TSS (regardless of other nearby genes). 1 Do what you love. Fourteen words that helped define the year. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. WebGreat - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | great Add to list Share As an adjective great describes things that are very good, large, or important like a great movie, a great forest, or a great battle that changed the course of a war. The Boxy Crewneck Forest Graphic Tee. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Webrenown [great fame or glory, splendour] Glorie {f} [geh.] 7 1 Advertisement splendid Illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated; famous; as, a splendid victory or reputation. They can all be used in front of countable nouns, but only great can be used in front of uncountable nouns. GREAT assigns biological meaning to a set of non-coding genomic regions by analyzing the annotations of the nearby genes. Thank you very much for your help. 4. of larger size or more importance than others of its kind: the great auk. Newton and Einstein are two of the greats of the history of science.. 2019, Daniel Taylor, Lionel Messi magic puts Barcelona in command of semi-final with Liverpool (in The Guardian, 1 May 2019) Sadio Man wasted a glorious chance in the WebGreat Wall of China, Chinese (Pinyin) Wanli Changcheng or (Wade-Giles romanization) Wan-li Chang-cheng (10,000-Li Long Wall), extensive bulwark erected in ancient China, one of the largest building-construction projects ever undertaken. A great supply; more than sufficient quantity, (Archaic) Ornamented with designs showing scenes as from history, Of or having to do with the Top 40 or the kind of popular music they represent. This is a feature by means of which it is always possible to distinguish the Great Horsetail from any other species. The state of Zhao completed a southern wall and a northern wall; the southern wall was built mainly as a defense against the Wei state. 6 0 swell Excellent; wonderful: 9 4 The country is well inhabited, for it contains fifty-one cities, near a hundred walled towns, and a great number of villages. But you went to great lengths to help her. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. When grandma comes to visit, she always brings sweets. Can I use a different species or assembly? Comments. $325.00 Previous Price $325.00. Humor was a great word with the old physiologists. Reports of nobleness or exploits; praise. [Ruhm] great ability: ausgesprochene Fhigkeit {f} great achievement: groartige Leistung {f} great admirer: groer Bewunderer {m} great age: hohes Alter {n} archi. The His constant complaining grates on my nerves. 3. of relatively long duration: a great wait. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. All rights reserved. GREAT predicts functions of cis-regulatory regions. Non-coding regions typically lack such annotation. Great hordes of tourists descend on Europe each summer. Webgreat adjective (BIG) A2 large in amount, size, or degree: an enormous great hole The issue is of great importance to voters. A new study has found that consuming a single fish from the Great Lakes is equal to drinking a month's worth of water contaminated with high levels of "forever chemicals." The Great Wall actually consists of numerous wallsmany of them parallel to each otherbuilt over some two millennia across northern China and southern Mongolia. Be Careful!Don't use 'big' to describe amounts. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. estimated wait times. Although lengthy sections of the wall are now in ruins or have disappeared completely, it is still one of the more remarkable structures on Earth. Corrections? Add great to one of your lists below, or create a new one. How is, relatively large in number; having many parts or members, of larger size or more importance than others of its kind, of exceptional talents or achievements; remarkable, arising from or possessing idealism in thought, action, etc; heroic, poetry was a great convention of the Romantic era, doing or exemplifying (a characteristic or pursuit) on a large scale, being the parent of a person's grandparent (in the combinations, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandparent, being the child of a person's grandchild (in the combinations, great-grandson, great-granddaughter, great-grandchild, Christian Puglisi Is Closing His Influential Copenhagen Restaurants. Not moderate; without restraint; unreasonable, excessive, etc. Webunusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions: A great fire destroyed nearly half the city. It's obviously a comedy! 1 Do what you love. When the reference is to degree or a quality. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning Becoming great at anything will require a considerable amount of hard work, and if you aren't pursuing something you can get passionate about, your motivation for continuing will likely fade away In the Zhongshan state a wall system was built to thwart invasion from the states of Zhao and Qin in the southwest. Noun []. We just missed the last train home. The definition of grievous is something very serious, grave or severe. Free Delivery. Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent: Distinguished; well-known; renowned; eminent, That surpasses the average or usual; exceeding or excelling; unusually excellent, Making a strong impression because of great size, strength, dignity, etc. Copyright 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. WebDefinition of Great in the dictionary. Webgreat - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference Vedere Anche: Ricerche recenti: great Listen: UK:* /ret/ US: /gret/ , (grt) definizione | Sinonimi inglesi | collocazioni inglesi | in spagnolo | Coniugatore [IT] | Conjugator [EN] | nel contesto | immagini Inflections of ' great ' ( adj ): greater adj comparative greatest adj superlative Hear a word and type it out. I waited three months more, in great impatience, then sent him back to the same post, to see if there might be a reply. The $260.00 Current Price $260.00 (20% off) 20% off. Big, large, and great can all be used to describe objects. Big is the word you usually use in conversation. Newton and Einstein are two of the greats of the history of science.. 2019, Daniel Taylor, Lionel Messi magic puts Barcelona in command of semi-final with Liverpool (in The Guardian, 1 May 2019) Sadio Man wasted a glorious chance in the Learn a new word every day. Meaning of Great. Did he make any significant changes to my suggestions? Free exchanges and returns. What does Great mean? Hear a word and type it out. Contact Us, adds support for human hg38 assembly and updates ontology datasets for all supported assemblies, switches to Ensembl genes, adds support for zebrafish danRer7 and mouse mm10 assemblies, and adds new ontologies, adds new annotations to human and mouse ontologies and visualization tools for data exploration, adds genome distribution graphs and upgrades term details pages. is the most general and most colloquial word: a great oak; a large tree; a big tree; great plains; a large field; a big field. WebTHE GREAT. Learn a new word every day. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. WebIn reference to the size and extent of concrete objects, great is highly formal and even poetic, suggesting also that the object is notable or imposing, large is only somewhat formal, and big is the most general and most colloquial word: a great oak; a large tree; a big tree; great plains; a large field; a big field. Something that is great may be unusually or comparatively large in size or number. Updates? You typically cant see the Great Wall of China from space. 7 1 Advertisement splendid Illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated; famous; as, a splendid victory or reputation. Any of the luminous clouds of solar gas arching from the chromosphere into the much hotter corona: best seen at the edge of the sun, as during an eclipse. June 22, 2017: GREAT hardware upgrade to meet increasing submission volume. The wall constructed during the Ming dynasty, the most well-preserved section, is about 8,850 kilometers (5,499 miles) long. Exceptional, conspicuous, outstanding, most usually in a negative fashion. having or showing exceptional knowledge, experience, or skill in a field of endeavor, having, characterized by, or arising from a dignified and generous nature, of a size greater than average of its kind, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. Information and translations of Great in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The definition of gravid is someone who is pregnant. Donate Now It was one of the most important legal cases of the century. The Great Leap Backward of 1960s and 2020. 7 1 first-rate Foremost in quality, rank, or importance. The Red Army did not exist until 1918, a year after the Russian Revolution. Designating or of a panel made up of persons specially selected as for their expertise. Non-coding regions typically lack such annotation. Creator Tony McNamara Stars Elle Fanning Nicholas Hoult Phoebe Fox See production, box office & company info Watch on Hulu S1-2 on and the Hulu app More watch options After administrative reorganization was carried out by Shang Yang (died 338 bce), the Qin state grew politically and militarily to become the strongest among the seven states, but it was frequently raided by the Donghu and Loufan, two nomadic peoples from the north. Noun []. WebGreatSchools is the leading nonprofit providing high-quality information that supports parents pursuing a great education for their child, schools striving for excellence, and communities working to diminish inequities in education. A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim. There were two defensive lines in the Wei state: the Hexi (West of the [Yellow] River) and Henan (South of the River) walls. Webgreat ( ret) adj 1. relatively large in size or extent; big 2. relatively large in number; having many parts or members: a great assembly. See production, box office & company info. great beauty; great mistake; great surprise; sometimes alternates with it in colloquial style: is usually not used in reference to degree, but may be used in a quantitative reference: Along with Noma chef Ren Redzepi, Puglisi is a groundbreaking chef of new Nordic Cuisine, which turned Copenhagen into one of the worlds, There's also an influx of counterfeit cheaper whiskies seeping into the markets, which could pose an even, In 2012, 85 percent of Republicans and 66 percent of Democrats said the United States was the, Floridas way down, Texas is now way down, Arizona, governors done a, Scarane kept the pitch to the agenda she'd take to Washington, always starting by saying the system was working, "Capital, capital," his lordship would remark with, CHRISTIAN PUGLISI IS CLOSING HIS INFLUENTIAL COPENHAGEN RESTAURANTS. How can I create a test set from a UCSC Genome Browser annotation track? Going beyond what is reasonable or customary, especially in cost or price: The definition of inclusive is something that does not leave any part or group out. great altar: Choraltar {m} Weitere 125 bersetzungen fr great innerhalb von Kommentaren: The Great Leap Backward of 1960s and 2020. For those whose accessibility needs require more assistive channels, Great Clips can facilitate the use of Online Check-In through appropriate communication methods consistent with applicable law guidelines. Seventy-eight per cent admitted that they would be more empathetic towards patients, with greater sensitivity to their psychological distress, in the future. The Minicheck Lodge Shawl Collar Cardigan. Proximal: kb upstream, Webhaving, characterized by, or arising from a dignified and generous nature a great humanitarian great acts of charity Synonyms & Similar Words noble high sublime big honorable gallant magnanimous natural worthy chivalrous lofty greathearted elevated heroic magnificent high-minded inspiring venerable heroical valiant lordly exalted regal uplifting GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Work factors had a greater impact on class differences in psychological distress in men. Becoming great at anything will require a considerable amount of hard work, and if you aren't pursuing something you can get passionate about, your motivation for continuing will likely fade away GREAT predicts functions of cis-regulatory regions. Comments. Send us feedback. Outstandingly good of its kind; of exceptional merit, virtue, etc. Webgreat - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference Vedere Anche: Ricerche recenti: great Listen: UK:* /ret/ US: /gret/ , (grt) definizione | Sinonimi inglesi | collocazioni inglesi | in spagnolo | Coniugatore [IT] | Conjugator [EN] | nel contesto | immagini Inflections of ' great ' ( adj ): greater adj comparative greatest adj superlative FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. A 12-year-old boy from Massachusetts caught a great white shark on Tuesday while deep sea fishing off Fort Lauderdale. 5. extreme or more than usual: great worry. 4. of larger size or more importance than others of its kind: the great auk. $325.00 Previous Price $325.00. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Built during the reign of King Hui (370335 bce), it was expanded from the dikes on the Luo River on the western border. 7 1 first-rate Foremost in quality, rank, or importance.
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