Optional. EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac). Specify 'yes' here to call allies of the countries that are willing to get involved in the war, specify 'no' here to not involve allies of the countries in the war. See arguments for ability IDs. Optional. Golden bull IDs: A number. The amount you wish to increase to the prosperity progress percentage by. See argument information for religion school IDs. This debug command runs the code test with the specified code test ID. The amount of reform desire you wish to add to your country. If no country tag is specified, this command will apply to the country that you are playing as. The value you wish to set the specified province's base manpower to. The amount of spy network points to add. All crash dumps older than the specified amount of days will be deleted. If specified, this command will change the drill of all sub units for the country with the specified country tag. Type a command into the text box and hit ENTER to send it. This command reloads the game's trade winds. This is a debug command - it tests a specified event (and character). This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of debug information. This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. This command adds a diplomatic enroute to the country with the specified tag. Victoria 2 Cheats The ID of the trait you wish to remove from your ruler. More quiz info >> First submitted: April 16, 2022: Times taken: 55: Average score: This resulted in the Statuto Albertino, a piece of legislation enacting a centralized monarchy on the French model. add_idea_group [idea group key] [country tag]. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for GPU memory leaks. add_local_autonomy [province id] [amount]. 1.26 added list of tags that can not form any other country: Be nice if that were more vocalised somewhere, like on the formable nations noting that none of the "end game tag" nations can form them with a hyperlink to the source oh well. The ID of the casus belli you wish to add. Institution IDs: The country tag of the country you wish to make all belonging spies fail. This is a debug command. Historically, both countries were in the Eight-Nation Alliance and intervened in the Boxer Rebellion in China from 1899 to 1901. If a heir already exists, this command will replace the heir with a new heir. Its a good idea to use your own nation when forming an endgame tag, but not for the same reasons that its useful for forming other countries. But no state can truly live without fear in the EU4 world. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove fervor from. The country tag of the country you wish to discover the capital. This command kills the first cardinal (in the cardinal list) of the specified country. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. So, I was playing as the Ottomans with the intention of forming Croatia after converting to Orthodoxy. Theres also a new diplomatic option that allows you to sell your fleet for a small amount. This is the amount of years that the consort's age will be set to. The ID of the province you wish to win the siege for. This command creates a general (military leader) with the specified fire, shock, maneuver and siege characteristics for the specified country. If you specify a second country tag, the consort will be of that nationality. Note that there can only be one target of a revolution at any given time in EU4. If you don't specify a country tag as the second argument, this command will appy to the country that you are playing as. See argument information for help with CID Type and Index. This command adds a specified amount of doom to a country (of the Nahuatl religion). Note that this number will be multiplied by 1000, so a value of 2 here would add 2,000 manpower. Religion IDs: The amount of church power you wish to add - specify a negative number to remove church power. This command removes a claim a specified country has made on a province. Endgame tags are nations that are not allowed to form other nations (with a few exceptions). However, Andalusia is still not in the game, and therefore, Spain is not an endgame tag. If a country tag is specified, it will be executed within that country. The ID of the province you wish to change the prosperity progress of. Proudly powered by WordPress 0 being paused and 5 being the fastest setting. The amount of army tradition you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to make the controller of the specified province. add_permanent_claim [province id] [country tag]. The amount of progress the country should have towards harmonization - a number between 0 and 100 (e.g. This command will open (or close if already open) the specified window. See argument information for reform IDs. This command adds the specified amount of levels in all technology types (for your current country). This command enables and disables (toggles) fullscreen mode for the game. [deleted] 8 mo. If a number is provided as an argument, the random count will be set to this. In 1848, Sardinia declared war on Austria but was defeated by Marshal Radetzkys forces. This console command starts the estate agenda with the specified ID. Specify 'open' here to open the specified window, 'close' to close it (no quote marks). And no button. You could become ridiculously powerful if that were allowed. The stability key, idea group key, or tech key you wish to add to a country. If not specified, you will be granted the maximum amount of government ability points. If not specified, this command will affect your current country. If you do not specify an amount, the default amount is 100. This command will make a permanent claim of a province for the specified country. The ID of the province you wish to issue a permanent claim for. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. The country tag of the country you wish to remove from your country's interest. 15 would be 15 years old. I understand the change, really. Check out other interesting guides and articles: EU4 (Europa Universalis IV): How to Release Vassal|EU4 (Europa Universalis IV): Ultimate Personal Union Guide|5 Great Games Like It Takes Two. This is a toggle command, it will enable or disable the Trade Company Investment with the specified ID for the specified province. This command will start a reformation within the province with the specified province ID. This command will make the specified country tag a vassal of the second country tag. add_republican_tradition [amount] [country tag]. This console command will pause the game when the specified in-game date is reached (i.e. This command sets the culture of the specified court member. This command prints the game's 'random count' and the seed of the map. The ID of the reform you wish to apply on the Holy Roman Empire. If executed with a command as an argument, help for that command will be printed to console. The tag of the country you wish to clear the consort flag from. I am 100% Orthodox, primary culture Croatian at 51%, and I even moved my capital into originally Croatian land to see if it would . See arguments for ability IDs. 'civil_war'. This command (without any arguments) reloads the game shaders. Format of YYYY.MM.DD - for example 1600.10.20 for 20th October 1600. The tag of the country you wish to add a consort to. Optional. Optional. Inflation will be proportional to how much you paid for the sale. This command re-initiates the chat (reloads the chat). In god mode, you will instantly win all wars you are engaged in or engage with. The name of the newly created light flagship (i.e. The amount of unrest (advancement) you wish to add. The amount of days old a crash dump should at least be for it to be deleted. This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. The ID of the province you wish to add local autonomy to. This command adds the specified amount of church power to the specified country tag (or the country you are playing as if no country tag is specified). If game controller support is disabled (default), typing this command will turn it on. This command will print a list of flags for the province with the specified ID to the console. The amount of money you wish to add to the Curia Treasury. The value you wish to set the specified province's base production to. This debug command can be used to free up space from crash dumps. All rights reserved. Province tax income is (base tax + local tax income) / 12 * tax income efficiency * (1 - local autonomy). The tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the specified province. If specified, this command will change the age of the ruler belonging to the country with this country tag. add_loyalty [estate id] [amount] DLC: The Cossacks. The admiral's Siege rating, a number from 0-6. This command will make your current country surrender. This command adds the specified amount of harmony to the specified Confucian country. For example, if you entered 1600, when the game hits the year 1600, the commands within the file would be ran. Casus Belli IDs This command prints to console the amount of memory (RAM) the game is currently using. If not specified, a list of commands will be printed. At Admin level 10, become Spain, take their ideas, and tag switch to Italy for the permanent cores and cultural union. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove military power to/from. This command prints information about diplomatic relations to the game console. On the other hand, tag-switching games were fun. This debug command prints information to the console regarding the neighbour status of the country with the specified tag and the country that you are playing as. Find below a list of all countries and country tags in Europa Universalis IV. Every nation has its own unique set of challenges, and your ability to overcome them will determine whether your nation survives or fails. Reform the Mayan religion Own these core provinces: Petn Sotuta Ceh Pech Ecab Chacujal Xicallanco Not at war Not an endgame tag Not a nomad, a colonial, nor a subject nation except as a tributary Note: The first condition is a tedious process of conquering, losing, and reconquering provinces. This command sets the base production efficiency (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. Its the only European nation which isnt already a part of the EU. If not specified, this command will apply to the country you are currently playing as. This command adds the specified amount of fervor to the country with the specified country tag. In fact, it's so tricky that it needs its own separate guide. This command can add or remove money (ducats) from your country's (or a specified country's) treasury. Optional. This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). setmissionaryprogress [province id] [progress]. Optional.The country tag of the country you wish to add to the innovativeness of. This command enables debug tooltips meaning country tags, province IDs and border distances will be shown to you when you hover over locations in the game. The name of the file containing the commands you wish to run. He hopes to someday find a geopolitical JRPG with the 4X systems of a Paradox game. karma [amount] [country tag] DLC: Common Sense. This command can be used to toggle (enable and disable) AI for either all nations, or a specified country. France can adopt missions and keep national values. A file name to save a log file to. If you specify a country tag, the consort will be added to that country. The leader's Shock rating, a number from 0-6. Second, when negotiating a peace treaty, the winning negotiator now ensures that the release of the nations will be permanent. Specify negative numbers to reduce reform progress. The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. The amount added is equal to the number specified multiplied by 100: an amount of 1 would add 100 natives. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Formable_countries. It will be written in a country's decision requirements on the wiki, for example Morocco can't be formed by Tunis. See tags at. Nominated. All other assets & trademarks are property of their original owners. Country Tags There is no way to specify another country tag/amount - use the tag command to switch to another country and use this command to add splendor to another country. This is a debug command - it tests a specified mission. This debug command shows the landing page for the DLC with the specified key. Optional. This command removes a country from your country's interest. If specified, this command will apply to the absolutism of the country with the specified tag. If a country tag is specified, the newly created admiral will be added to that country, if not, the admiral will be added to the country you are playing as. A number between 0 and 4 (4 being the most isolated). Optional. The admiral's Shock rating, a number from 0-6. However, this also disables achievements. The country tag of the country that you wish to change the devotion of. ). The tag of the country you wish to add authority to. ago. This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. You have not attempted this quiz yet. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The command makes the specified country the march of the second specified country. admiral [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [country tag]. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. Optional. See argument explanation for estate IDs. However, a brilliant pass by Kevin Lasagna into the box created an opportunity for the Italians. The progress to set for the missionary, a number between 0 and 100 (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Optional. Optional. Nevermind i was wrong. Use the command 'combat_dice -1' to restore normal functionality (random). If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. This command creates an admiral with the specified shock, fire, maneuver and siege rating. The ID of the institution you wish to embrace. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. If the specified province is a territory, it will be made into a state - if it is a state, it will be made into a territory. While this expansion has some issues, its worth purchasing if youre interested in the expansions added content. spawnactor [actor / mesh name] [province id] [animation]. If not specified, the country that you're currently playing as will be affected (provided it is Buddhist). These countries are not allowed to form other countries even if they otherwise meet the prerequisites. add_prosperity [province id] [progress %]. authority [amount] [country tag] DLC: El Dorado. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. This debug command prints a list of test entities for all nations to the local_temp.log file which can be found at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs. The file should be located in the game's root directory (the main folder for the game, where EU4.exe is located). add_liberty_desire [amount] [country tag]. Optional. The tag of the country you wish to toggle the lucky nation status of. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. The amount of years of age that the ruler of the country should be. The country tag of the country you wish to add points to all powers for. The country you wish to kill the consort within. Thirdly, the game has made war score, AE, and overextension less important. I am 100% Orthodox, primary culture Croatian at 51%, and I even moved my capital into originally Croatian land to see if it would help. This command enables infinite combat mode (unknown). The ID of the trait you wish to set for your country's military leader. When executed, it will print a list of invalid AI command counts. See argument information for where to place the file. Together, they are known as the Big Four and are the dominant economic powers in the world. A few endgame tags already exist in 1444: And these are the rest of the endgame tags in the game: There are actually seven formables that ignore this rule for endgame tags: As a frustrated otter who dreams of getting published, Louie instead wastes his life cuddling his cats. This command spawns an actor with the specified name and within the specified province. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). In 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont was granted lands in northern Italy. In addition, it borders rival Parthia in the east, minor African tribes in the south, and mostly barbarian German tribes in the north. Once youve got those three, you can start forming Israel. Endgame tags are nations that are not allowed to form other nations (with a few exceptions). This paved the way for the unification of the country. Use 'timer' to see results/data collected. Rate: Nominate. However, Horvaths superb save smothered the opportunity and Italy ended up losing. This debug command will print debug data for the AI budget relating to the country you are playing as. This cheat command kills all court advisors (along with those from the pool) for the country with the specified country tag. Some of them have permanent modifiers and rewards. This command prints information about the game's texture usage to the console. This cheat adds a consort to your current country. Optional. This debug command initiates a forceful reevaluation of all planned army movements by the AI. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. Specify a negative number to reduce Revolutionary Zeal. The country tag of the country you wish to annex. Note that this command *sets* age, it does not add this number to the consort's existing age. Otherwise, it will disable it. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove doom to/from. France is not an Endgame tag, so it can form any country and pursue its missions while remaining true to their national values. The message that you wish to print to the console (can include spaces). This command sets the controller of a specified province to the specified country tag (if no country tag is specified, the country that you're playing as will become the controller). The amount of trust to add. The province ID of the province you wish to change the culture of. You to sell your fleet for a small amount, Sardinia-Piedmont was granted lands northern... Will determine whether your nation survives or fails ( default ), https: //eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Formable_countries shows landing! Ducats ) from your country 's ) Treasury countries eu4 endgame tag if they otherwise meet the.. It tests a specified country fullscreen mode for the Italians the code test with specified... If no country tag of the province you wish to add to a country command as an argument the! 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