The Census Bureau categorizes ethnicity into two categories: (1) Hispanic or Latino and (2) not Hispanic or Latino. The worksite-to-residence commuting flows focus on where people work (worksite) and provide additional information on where people commute from (place of residence). .table thead th {background-color:#f1f1f1;color:#222;} What would cause a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) to be suppressed? EEO-1 Component 1 data are collected annually from private firms with 100 or more employees or firms with a Federal contract that have 50 or more employees and hold a contract with the federal government worth $50,000 or more. White A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. California Pay Data Reporting 2021 Pay Data Reports are due 4/1/2022 California employers of 100 or more employees must report pay and hours-worked data by establishment, job category, sex, race, and ethnicity to the Civil Rights Department (CRD) annually. #block-googletagmanagerheader .field { padding-bottom:0 !important; } The following four agencies sponsor this tabulation- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) The new EEO-1 form incorporates two major changes in racial and ethnic categories. See MD-715 Instructions, Section IV, Subsection II(C). For Hawaii, the Asian or Pacific Islander category is created, from the Race and Ethnicity for Hawaii specifications, by combining the categories for (3) Asian not Hispanic or Latino; (7) Asian and White not Hispanic or Latino; (4) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander not Hispanic or Latino; (10) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and White not Hispanic or Latino; (11) Asian and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander not Hispanic or Latino; and (12) Asian and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and White not Hispanic or Latino. Official websites use .gov .cd-main-content p, blockquote {margin-bottom:1em;} Is a new EEO-1 Job Classification Guide being created? information only on official, secure websites. @media (max-width: 992px){.usa-js-mobile-nav--active, .usa-mobile_nav-active {overflow: auto!important;}} #3. How will OFCCP review availability analysis? EEOC Federal Sector Occupation Cross-Classification Table (December 20, 2021) The following tables provides guidance to federal agencies in cross-classifying federal employees into the nine Federal Sector (FedSec) occupation groups and other relevant . The SOC code contains a two-digit prefix, a dash and, usually, a four-digit suffix. Frequently Asked Questions, Commissioner Charges and Directed Investigations, Management Directives & Federal Sector Guidance, Federal Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution. The first table, OPM/Federal Sector Job Group/SOC/EEO Tabulation (Census) Crosswalk, is for use by all federal agencies. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The Message Center will resume normal operations immediately prior to the opening of the 2024 EEO-3 data collection. 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone), Call 1-800-669-4000 "Balance of Not Hispanic or Latino" includes the balance of non-Hispanic individuals who reported multiple races or reported Some Other Race alone. The 1.2 EEO job category includes managers at the group, regional, or divisional level of the organization. According to the Census Bureau, the 2014-2018 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) dataset was the most recent 5-year dataset available at the time of the new tabulation release on March 2, 2021 ( However, since the Census Bureau has not made the table available for the online search tool, users will need to download the table, by geography, from the Census FTP site ( If you are interested, please apply below and a talent specialist will be in touch! An official website of the United States government. What should a contractor do if it is having challenges using the new EEO tabulation data for its availability analysis? For Hawaii, the Black not of Hispanic origin category is created by combining the Black or African American not Hispanic or Latino category with the Black or African American and White not Hispanic or Latino category, i.e., combine (2) Black or African American not Hispanic or Latino with (6) Black or African American and White not Hispanic or Latino, from the Race and Ethnicity for Hawaii specifications. 1-800-669-6820 (TTY) Within the official title, agencies may, for internal use, append additional information to distinguish specialized tasks or duties performed within the occupation. Tables organized by state are also available through the FTP site ( 11-2022: 0050: First/Mid Offs & Mgrs. Monitor and control data center equipment and systems (e.g., electrical, mechanical, access control and life-safety systems, Building Automation System (BAS . The American Indian or Alaska Native category is created by combining the American Indian or Alaska Native not Hispanic or Latino category with the American Indian or Alaska Native and White not Hispanic or Latino category, i.e., from above-cited specifications, add (5) American Indian or Alaska Native not Hispanic or Latino to (8) American Indian or Alaska Native and White not Hispanic or Latino. The filing by eligible employers of the EEO-1 Component 1 Report is required under section 709(c) of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. The minimum combined format for the racial/ethnic categories are: White; Black or African American; Hispanic or Latino; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. The EEO-1 Job Classification Guide was created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). For OFCCP AAP purposes, when determining minority availability, contractors must include the information from the Balance of not Hispanic or Latino column. American Indian and Alaska Native alone Since every job series can be a supervisor, agencies must identify the number of supervisory positions for each job series in the following three sub-categories: NON-SUPERVISORY FEDERAL SECTOR JOB GROUP includes eight of the nine occupational categories. Sourced from EEOC website 1 White (not Hispanic or Latino) - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. 00-02, Guidance on Aggregation and Allocation of Data on Race for Use in Civil Rights Monitoring and Enforcement (March 9, 2000). Updates regarding the 2022 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection, including the opening date, will be posted to as updates become available. An updated Online Filing System and platform. 1-800-669-6820 (TTY) The Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander category is defined by the Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander not Hispanic or Latino category, i.e., from the Race and Ethnicity for Other than Hawaii specifications, this is (4) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander not Hispanic or Latino. Provide security for campus and community events (including dances, sporting events, camps, concerts, etc.) Can contractors still search occupations by NAICS codes? "SUPERVISORY FEDERAL SECTOR JOB GROUP" refers to the Management occupational category, which is the first of nine categories used by EEOC for MD-715 reporting. The 2021 EEO-4 Data Collection is nowCLOSED. The Census EEO Tabulation provides statistical data on race, ethnicity, sex and other demographic data that allows for an examination of the labor force in the local area. Is this included in my availability analysis? "2014-2018 EEO TABULATION (CENSUS) CODE" is the four-digit code identifying each occupation for which EEO data is reported in the EEO Tabulation. For Hawaii, the White category is defined by the White not Hispanic or Latino category, i.e., from the above-presented Race and Ethnicity for Hawaii specifications, this is (1A) White, Not Hispanic or Latino. Each SOC code indicates the most precise match, or "cross-map", between each federal occupation and its civilian labor force (CLF) counterpart, as designated by the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (Census) and the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The site is secure. No additional 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Reports will be accepted. This position will report directly to the Global Supply Chain Manager with strong dotted-line accountability to the Business Unit Manager. Why did the number of occupation codes decrease from the 2010-2014 EEO Tabulation? For race-ethnicity survey questions, include a brief explanation about why the data is being collected, how it will be used, and how it will be protected. In this tabulation, there are a total of 7 race and ethnicity (Hispanic origin) categories: Hispanic or Latino origin Not Hispanic or Latino, one race- White alone Black or African American alone American Indian and Alaska Native alone Asian alone Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone And- Balance of not Hispanic or Latino The OPM/Federal Sector Job Group/SOC/EEO Tabulation (Census) Crosswalk was revised from the December 2021 version to add two occupations: Photoengraving (OPM 4425) and Bank Note Designing (OPM 4445). A lock ( "OPM SERIES NUMBER (December 2018)" lists, in ascending order, every job occupation series in use by OPM for federal occupations as of December 2018. Updates regarding the 2024 EEO-3 data collection, including the opening date, will be posted to as they become available. No additional 2022 EEO-3 Reports will be accepted. The State and Local Government Information Report (EEO-4), EEOC Form 164, also referred to as the EEO-4 Report, is a mandatory biennial data collection that requires all State and local governments with 100 or more employees to submit demographic workforce data, including data by race/ethnicity, sex, job category, and salary band. Washington, DC 20507 If you do not have a recent EEO-1, enter the Massachusetts totals for each category below based on your company's records. .h1 {font-family:'Merriweather';font-weight:700;} Contractors should consider this data when establishing the reasonable recruitment area for determining availability, see 41 CFR 60-2.14(b)(1). "2018 SOC CODE refers to Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Standard Occupational Code Manual (2018 edition). 2 Black or African American (not Hispanic or Latino) - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against employers are expected to increase sharply in 2022 as the agency becomes more aggressive, a report released . First/mid-level officials and managers Professionals Technicians Sales workers Administrative support workers Craft workers Operatives Laborers and helpers Service workers Employers must categorize all employees under a range of mandated ethnicity and race categories. The Hispanic category is created by combining all Hispanics, as was done in previous versions of the EEO File, i.e., from the above-mentioned specifications, add (1B)White, Hispanic or Latino to (11) Other Hispanic or Latino. The format for the collection and presentation of race and Hispanic origin (ethnicity) data in the Census 2000 Special EEO File may not match the format for previous and future data collection and reporting activities with respect to civil rights enforcement and monitoring. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that it will open the 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Report on April 12, 2022, with a due date of May 17, 2022. 2 - Professionals. The tables can be downloaded in Excel format by Clinking here, 2014-2018 EEO TABULATION (CENSUS) OCCUPATION TITLE, FIRST-LINE SUPERVISORS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT WORKERS, BAILIFFS, CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS, AND JAILERS, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SPECIALISTS AND TECHNICIANS, SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT, OTHER SOCIAL SCIENTISTS AND RELATED WORKERS, INCLUDING URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS, LIFE, PHYSICAL, AND SOCIAL SCIENCE TECHNICIANS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS AND GEOSCIENTISTS, ATHLETES, COACHES, UMPIRES, AND RELATED WORKERS, BUSINESS OPERATIONS SPECIALISTS, ALL OTHER, PRIVATE DETECTIVES, INVESTIGATORS, SECURITY GUARDS AND GAMING SURVEILLANCE OFFICERS, OTHER OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT WORKERS, BAGGAGE PORTERS, BELLHOPS, AND CONCIERGES, AND TOUR AND TRAVEL GUIDES, CLAIMS ADJUSTERS, APPRAISERS, EXAMINERS, AND INVESTIGATORS, MARKET RESEARCH ANALYSTS AND MARKETING SPECIALISTS, COUNSELORS, SOCIAL WORKERS, AND OTHER COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICE SPECIALISTS, INFORMATION AND RECORD CLERKS, EXCEPT CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT STUDENT TRAINEE, MATERIAL RECORDING, SCHEDULING, DISPATCHING, AND DISTRIBUTING WORKERS, FIRST-LINE SUPERVISORS OF OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT WORKERS, SECRETARIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS, OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERICAL AND ASSISTANCE, COMPUTER AND INFORMATION RESEARCH SCIENTISTS AND ANALYSTS, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND FACILITIES MANAGERS, MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM CLERICAL AND ASSISTANCE, OTHER MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT WORKERS, ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICE SUPPORT STUDENT TRAINEE, GENERAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, AND AUDITING CLERKS, TAX EXAMINERS AND COLLECTORS, AND REVENUE AGENTS, FINANCIAL CLERKS, EXCEPT BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, AND AUDITING CLERKS, MISCELLANEOUS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSING OR TREATING PRACTITIONERS, OTHER HEALTH TECHNOLOGISTS AND TECHNICIANS, NURSING, PSYCHIATRIC, AND HOME HEALTH AIDES, FIRST-LINE SUPERVISORS OF HOUSEKEEPING AND JANITORIAL WORKERS, OTHER HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS AND TECHNICAL OCCUPATIONS, DRAFTERS, ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS, AND MAPPING TECHNICIANS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, INCLUDING HEALTH AND SAFETY, BUSINESS OPERATIONS SPECIALISTS, ALL OTHER#, BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, BIOENGINEERS, BIOMEDICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS, PETROLEUM, MINING AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERS, INCLUDING MINING SAFETY ENGINEERS, ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE STUDENT TRAINEE, OTHER ENTERTAINERS AND PERFORMERS, SPORTS, AND RELATED WORKERS, PURCHASING AGENTS, EXCEPT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FARM PRODUCTS, PROPERTY DISPOSAL CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN, FIRST-LINE SUPERVISORS OF PRODUCTION AND OPERATING WORKERS, PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, AND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGERS, OTHER TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS, EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND LIBRARY WORKERS, MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS STUDENT TRAINEE, EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES ASSISTANCE, SUPERVISORS OF FOOD PREPARATION AND SERVING WORKERS, EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES, AND SERVICES STUDENT TRAINEE, GENERAL INSPECTION, INVESTIGATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND COMPLIANCE, CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION INTERDICTION, DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES AND STORAGE MANAGEMENT, COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGERS, GENERAL WIRE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, OTHER INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR WORKERS, GENERAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IN INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT MECHANIC, GENERAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, TEXTILE, APPAREL, AND FURNISHINGS WORKERS, PRECISION MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT CALIBRATING, RAIL-TRACK LAYING AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, CEMENT MASONS, CONCRETE FINISHERS, AND TERRAZZO WORKERS, BRICKMASONS, BLOCKMASONS, STONEMASONS, AND REINFORCING IRON AND REBAR WORKERS, CARPET, FLOOR, AND TILE INSTALLERS AND FINISHERS, VEHICLE AND MOBILE EQUIPMENT MECHANICS, INSTALLERS, AND REPAIRERS, GENERAL MOTION PICTURE, RADIO, TELEVISION, AND SOUND EQUIPMENT OPERATION, PIPELAYERS, PLUMBERS, PIPEFITTERS, AND STEAMFITTERS, PROTECTIVE AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT FABRICATING AND REPAIRING, AIRCRAFT SURVIVAL FLIGHT EQUIPMENT REPAIRING, HEATING AND BOILER PLANT EQUIPMENT MECHANIC, ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR INSTALLERS AND REPAIRERS, LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING EQUIPMENT REPAIRING, GENERAL TRANSPORTATION/MOBILE EQUIPMENT OPERATION, DERRICK, ROTARY DRILL, AND SERVICE UNIT OPERATORS, AND ROUSTABOUTS, OIL, GAS, AND MINING, GENERAL TRANSPORTATION/MOBILE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, GENERAL AMMUNITION, EXPLOSIVES, AND TOXIC MATERIALS WORK, EXPLOSIVES WORKERS, ORDNANCE HANDLING EXPERTS, AND BLASTERS, GENERAL LAUNDRY, DRY CLEANING, AND PRESSING, OTHER FOOD PREPARATION AND SERVING RELATED WORKERS, FAST FOOD AND COUNTER WORKERS, AND FOOD SERVERS, NONRESTAURANT, 2018 EEO TABULATION (CENSUS) OCCUPATION TITLE, SALES AND SERVICES/DISTRIBUTION ASSOCIATE, 131 M Street, NE The EEO-4 Report, formally known as the State and Local Government Report, is a biennial data collection conducted every other year in the odd-numbered calendar years from State and Local governments. Chief Financial Officer. Frequently Asked Questions, Commissioner Charges and Directed Investigations, Management Directives & Federal Sector Guidance, Federal Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution, EEOC Federal Sector Occupation Cross-Classification Table (December 20, 2021), MD-715 Instructions, Section IV, Subsection II(C),, This information is shared with other authorized federal agencies in order to avoid duplicate collection of data and reduce the burden placed on employers. 20 - Professional (EEO-2 Job Categories-United States of America), FINANC203 - Entry Professional (EEO Job Group) The Team: Be part of a global record to report team and collaborate with domestic and international retained staff, the Real . The 2014-2018 EEO tabulation data is used by supply and service contractors to determine availability and set goals. .paragraph--type--html-table .ts-cell-content {max-width: 100%;} The EEO Tabulation is derived from the American Community Survey (ACS). The EEOC collects workforce data from employers with more than 100 employees (lower thresholds apply to federal contractors). . .manual-search ul.usa-list li {max-width:100%;} For the bridging to the previous racial/ethnic categories other than in Hawaii, the following rules should be used to maximize comparability among employment files. A sample copy of the EEO-1 form and . Official websites use .gov No additional 2021 EEO-4 Reports will be accepted. We are hiring Assistant Guides for our campus in Reston, VA! No. above race/ethnicity categories. 5. Please address the FAQ on OFCCP's website that says, some geographies are not available due to population thresholds for select sub-state geographies. What does OFCCP want contractors to do if data on their Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) is not available? Please be advised that the 2022 EEO-3 and 2022 EEO-5 data collections are CLOSED. The Filer Support Team will resume normal operations immediately prior to the opening of the 2023 EEO-4 data collection. No additional 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Reports will be accepted. AttainX, Inc. is in search of a highly energetic Senior Technical Editor with strong technical, communication skills and organizational . Secure .gov websites use HTTPS "2014-2018 EEO TABULATION (CENSUS) OCCUPATION TITLE" applies to the Census/ACS code shown in the previous column. The EEOC updated its reporting requirements for employers with 100 or more employees in 2022. Laborers and Helpers 10. SF 1447 - Solicitation/Contract - Revised - 12/30/2022 SF 1442 - Solicitation, Offer and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair) - Revised - 12/29/2022 SF 33 - Solicitation, Offer, and Award - Revised - 12/29/2022 SF 26 - Award/Contract - Revised - 12/28/2022 GSA 3590 - Authorization for Release of Information - Canceled - 12/21/2022 Full Time position. Listed on 2022-12-30. There are nine EEO categories, but the first one is broken into two distinct groups for a total of 10 categories. A bridging methodology from the EEO File to the prior racial/ethnic categories has also been developed. Appendix A Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity(Excerpt from Federal Register, October 30, 1997) This classification provides a minimum standard for maintaining, collecting, and presenting data on race and ethnicity for all Federal reporting purposes. /*-->*/. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For Hawaii, the Asian category is created by combining the categories from the Race and Ethnicity for Hawaii specifications for (3) Asian not Hispanic or Latino and (7) Asian and White not Hispanic or Latino. The previous federal categories allowed an individual to select one of the following race categories: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black (non-Hispanic), Hispanic, or White (non-Hispanic). EEOC has partnered with Westat, a private research and data collection firm, to conduct and manage the EEO data collections. Job in Belcamp - MD Maryland - USA , 21017. Find your nearest EEOC office Pearl River Technologies has an opportunity at the NSSC for a Technician I. Are other agencies and organizations (e.g., EEOC and NCAA) adopting the same categories? . Updates regarding the 2024 EEO-3 and 2024 EEO-5 data collections, including their respective opening dates, will be posted to The Message Center will resume normal operations immediately prior to the opening of the 2024 EEO-5 data collection. A bridging methodology from the EEO File to the prior racial/ethnic categories has also been developed. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Story behind Leatt. Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary: 25-1062: 2200: Professionals: UGA is currently ranked among the top 15 public universities in U.S. News & World Report. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS information only on official, secure websites. Washington, DC, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Administrative Law Judges OFCCP Collection, Significant Guidance Documents (formerly "Guidance Documents"), Functional Affirmative Action Programs (FAAP), Notification of Construction Contract Award Portal, Opening Doors of Opportunity for All Workers Poster, Equal Employment Opportunity Tabulation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), The major difference between worksite and residence tables is the treatment of the long-term unemployed (occupation code 9920). And- 1-800-669-6820 (TTY) The Message Center will resume normal operations immediately prior to the opening of the 2022 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection. Male Female 3. In this tabulation, there are a total of 7 race and ethnicity (Hispanic origin) categories: However, contractors may begin to use the 2014-2018 EEO Tabulation in the development of their AAPs immediately if they wish to do so. Yes, but not through the EEO Tab Search Tool. To determine availability estimates, OFCCP requires contractors to use the most current and discrete statistical information available, which includes census data, data from local job service offices, and data from colleges or other training institutions. 41 CFR 60-2.14(d). Amp ; Mgrs collection of data and reduce the burden placed on employers EEO! And ( 2 ) not Hispanic or Latino as updates become available says, some geographies are available. Report released collection firm, to conduct and manage the EEO data collections are CLOSED OFCCP 's that! 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