Weve got this! Undergraduate BSN FAQ & Application Instructions. Nursing - communications exercise. It's super easy and not an interview. Clinical classes are offered Monday through Sunday during day or evening shifts. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (Acute Care), M.S.N. Prospective students and applicants should read theinformation below thoroughly. Admissions notices will be sent via email in late April (for Fall applications)/late November (for Spring applications). Please note that admission into the School of Nursing is contingent on being offered admission by the University, therefore, applicants must also meet the admission eligibility requirements for CSULB. While graduating faster definitely seems great, many times I have wished I had done the basic program-3 years-no summers. There is literally nothing to prepare for. Following the prerequisite courses, completion of this program requires 5 semesters of full-time study. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Similar to you, I just applied and I feel extremely nervous. The most popular undergraduate majors at CSULB are engineering and health and human services. I just got called in for an interview for the spring semester of this year.. Could you also tell me if the trimester program is better? Applicants will be notified of their admission late April. The Strike is over. All communication is via email. How did u do!? I electronically submitted to the CSULB TEAS option out of the two for the school. It is true that if you made it to this stage, you're pretty much there and have a good shot. All applicants will be notified via email by late April (for Fall applications)/late November (for Spring applications) from, Applicants should check their listed email inboxes and/or, If you have any questions regarding your admission status, please contact, For current CSULB students:pursuing another major (in the health sciences or a related discipline.). Moreover, with the budget crisis and the sad state of California's economy, there are immense numbers of people competing for spots into new grad resideny/jobs. AP Englishmay be acceptable for the Written Communication prerequisite. Spring 2019's cohort received their emails on October 9th for the exercise so I am starting to get a bit nervous. Please do not inquire as to when they will be held. Nurses should be able to quickly evaluate changes in a patients condition and prioritize the appropriate course of action. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR 668.43 (a(5)(v)(C). The test can be retaken without a limit, however, there must be 30 days between each retake. Be able to function and provide evidence-based, culturally sensitive therapeutic interventions (care) as a generalist professional RN in any of the following clinical settings: in any acute care hospitals: medical, surgical, womens health, pediatrics, psychiatric/mental health neonatal nursery, adult/geriatric, and rehabilitation nursing. Important:The degree objective is "Nursing BS Registered Nurse"(NOT "Nursing BS"). Provide health promotion, disease and injury prevention across the life span, including helping individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations to prepare for and minimize adverse health-related consequences of emergencies, and mass casualty disasters. Please read course descriptions and syllabi to ensure courses will be equivalent. 51 Posts Sep 30, 2010. Anyways, I have many friends whom are in the program right now. 119 Posts. Following acceptance into the BSN program, students are assigned by lottery at admits mandatory orientation to either the Semester or Trimester options. Applications received by CSULB students that are any major other than Pre-Nursing will not be considered. After applications are submitted, applicants with the highest-ranking cumulative scores will be contacted (via email) and must participate in a mandatory on-campus School of Nursing Communication Exercise.. All application materials are online. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My gf is in the program. The School of Nursing offers a Master of Science in Nursing with Nurse Practitioner Specialty Areas of Family, Pediatric Primary Care, Adult-Gerontology Acute Care, Womens Health, Psychiatric-Mental Health (across the lifespan), and Adult-Gerontology Primary Care. Nurses should be able to effectively treat clients with different backgrounds and needs. Has 1 years experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. San Francisco State University (SFSU) ABSN 2023, Western University of Health Sciences MSN-E Fall 2023. At the time of your application, these dates are not yet scheduled. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. TEAS Reading: 83.5= 1.67. Anyway it really is not a big deal (if its the same as it used to be) and you will absolutely pass. Additionally, some healthcare agencies will require drug testing prior to beginning clinical placement(s). The ideal candidate for this program is in their 2nd or 3rd semester of their ADN program. Malefocker - Trimester & basic students do not take the same classes as ELM students. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. Once enrolled, Pre-Nursing majors will work with their academic advisor in order to complete the required prerequisite coursework and apply to the School of Nursing. Lecture and lab classes are offered one or two days a week. I am still waiting to get my TEAS scores (hopefully they populate to my ATI account before Tuesday), so I haven't been able to complete the nursing school application yet. For everyone that's inwhat were your entering stats? TheTrimester BSNProgram requires 5 year-round semesters (Fall, Spring, and Summer). We definitely should be mindful of our economy and job prospects. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. All requirements contained on these pages are superseded by the official information published in the University Catalog of the current academic year. Is this a scam? I don't agree fully with the other comment. HomeAcceptance RateCsulb Pre Nursing Acceptance Rate Acceptance Rate December 23, 2021 Admin Sidebar FirstAll application materials are online. 2. Welcome to kindergarten! Thatswhat I readwhen I did my application . Applicants are advised to complete CSULB GE requirements. The activity we did was fun, like I could see my family doing it at a reunion, and no preparation would help! Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. 128 Reviews. Applicants are ranked by GPA and the highest-ranking applicants will be able to enroll in summer courses through CSULB College of Professional and International Education. There is just so much knowledge, you can't just get by being "smart" like in high school where if you're really good at math you can still ace the exam doing less hw. AP psychology may be acceptable for CSULB PSY 100(seeNursing BSN catalog). I also know people who graduated when the economy was bad and they went to work for home care agencies / nursing homes where you don't even need to be an RN, and they are worried that when the economy finally gets better the hopsitals will see that their critical care experiance/med surg clinical was from two years ago and wonder how much clinical skills they've forgotton? The interview is just a communication exercise. We look forward to having you visit our campus. At the time of your application, these dates are not yet scheduled. 2 Best Nursing School in California, 2020 (nursingprocess.org), Top 10 Best Nursing Schools in California (nurse.org), Top 10 Best Hispanic-Serving Nursing Schools in the Nation, 2020 (nursingprocess.org). Please see the Application Deadlines information above. Be able to practice as an entry-level public health nurse and provide community-focused care and promote the health and well-being of communities. The Communication Exercisewill be held approximately 30-45 days after the nursing application deadline (Fall term: late March/early April, Spring term: late October/early November). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts The School of Nursing can only evaluate applicants under the major they applied for and cannot edit incorrect applications. There are four general education prerequisite courses to be completed prior to application. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Online RN to BSN program at CSULB provides a competitive degree for working nurses in California who already have an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) with 70 lower-division units completed. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90840562.985.4111. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Did anyone else receive this email? The interview is just a communication exercise. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Another part was reading a paragraph from a projector screen and then answering some questions about it. They used to give stipend money, but thats not the case anymore. Any and all transcripts received by the School of Nursing will be forwarded to CSULB Admissions/Enrollment Services. . The baccalaureate program offers courses that prepare the student to become a professional nurse. The School of Nursing does not advise applicants regarding the support courses, please consult The College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Advising Officeto plan coursework. The School of Nursing receives applications from hundreds of highly competitive, qualified applicants. Both trimester & basic have its pros & cons but I don't think you can lose with choosing either. During their first year in the program, students are able to attend classes on a part-time basis. Established in 1949, Cal State Long Beach is the third largest university by enrollment in the California State University system. Super anxious! Undergraduate Programs. RN to BSN: A Registered Nurse with an Associate degree is accepted into the BSN program and completes the BSN in 18 months. There is no priority given to CSULB Pre-Nursing majors when applying to the School of Nursing - all applications are scored and ranked amongst the entire applicant pool (made up of current undergraduate pre-nursing students, undergraduate transfers from other schools, and second-degree BSN applicants). Also, here's the link to the supplemental application! Please do not inquire as to when they will be held. Thank you. The School of Nursing can only evaluate applicants under the major they applied for . Those whom got jobs quickly, were those whom had been working at a hospital that had a new grad program. There are three categories of applicants for the Traditional Basic BSN Program: current CSULB undergraduate students (Pre-Nursing majors), Transfer Undergraduate Applicants (students who have not yet earned aBA or BS), and Second Bachelor's Degree Applicants (students with a BA or BS degreein other fields). . inorganic, b.) Nurses must be able to interpret, process, and follow through on multiple sources of information to ensure a safe and optimal outcome for their patients. After the Communication Exercise is completed, applicants will receive notifications regarding their admissions status via email in late April (for Fall applications)/late November (for Spring applications). This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. I am sure my scores are decent enough to quality for the second round (the interview portion) but I know some people who have gotten a higher score than me statistically and have failed the interview so they did not . Trimester program will cost about a thousand dollars less than the semester program but they're pretty much the same you just graduate faster. Welcome to the School of Nursing at California State University, Long Beach! Do you know any other people that are applying? What is a Marketing Major and is it Right for Me? Nurses possess knowledge, skills, and abilities in physical diagnosis, psycho-social assessment, and management of health-illness needs in a primary or acute care environment. Considering applying to Cal State Long Beach? 2 Best Nursing School in California, 2020 (nursingprocess.org), Top 10 Best Nursing Schools in California (nurse.org), Top 10 Best Hispanic-Serving Nursing Schools in the Nation, 2020 (nursingprocess.org), The Step-Up Summer Bridge Program will be accepting applications, To apply, applicants need to complete the. also were you able to find the link for the nursing application? 1-612-816-8773. allnurses Copyright allnurses.com LLC. The above comments are really accurate. Options for Traditional Basic BSN applicantswho are not admitted: It is impossible to predict how many admitted applicants will decline their offer of admission in any application term. I do know trimester typically do clinicals at LBMMC and basic do theirs at VA by campus. Then you will watch a video and write a short essay about the video (while they watch). 1250 BELLFLOWER BOULEVARD Thank you for the clarification! School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, & Emergency Management, Center for Criminal Justice Research & Training, After School Adapted Physical-Activity Programs, Undergraduate BSN FAQ and Application Instructions, Graduate MSN FAQ and Application Instructions, Registered Nurse (RN) licensing examination (National Council Licensing ExaminationNCLEX), California Public Health Nurse(PHN) Certificate, College of Professional and International Education, College of Professional and Continuing Education, Over 50 years of experience in nursing education, A faculty available for counseling and support to help you reach your academic goals, An opportunity to interact with a diverse student population, On-site Learning Center with Simulation labs, complete nursing library, and computer resources, Free assistance to improve reading and writing skills, Opportunities to take elective classes from any department in the university, University resources such as counseling, support groups, and social organizations. Nursing - communications exercise. Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/. Posted by 6 days ago. Important:The degree objective is for this program is "Nursing BS" (NOT "Nursing BS - Registered Nurse"). The Communication Exercise will be held approximately 30-45 days after the nursing application deadline (Fall term: late March/early April, Spring term: late October/early November). I am wondering. If you made it to that point, you're pretty much in. The School of Nursing may conditionally admit or waitlist any qualified applicants pending successful completion of the Communication Exercise at a later date. Lastly, I have straight A's and I wanted to apply to some other schools for Fall of 2011(like loma linda, csula), should i just start attending CSULB or should I explore my options and see what other schools accept me? I was wondering if any current cal state nursing students would tell me what being in the program is like. Your email address will not be published. I feel like an idiot for even asking, but Is it weird to bring my own lunch to orientation? This is not a direct entry program, students declared as Pre-Nursing will need to complete the required prerequisite coursework and apply to the School of Nursing when they have met all of the requirements. There are no paper applications to mail in. The basic baccalaureate program is the traditional track designed for students who enter the Nursing program with no prior nursing knowledge, experience, or skills. Phone: 562.985.4194 Parking Campus day parking passes can be purchased at dispenser in Lot G14 Building ET-200 is located on the East side in front of Lot E6 Campus location from a Google map perspective. 2.75 GPA or higher both Nursing and Overall GPA, Currently in a fully accredited Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) program. Personally I don't think I would of been ready to be a nurse without the extra year. NYC nurses have won!! All applicants must register for andtake the General Assessment Test (, More information for Transfer applicants is available from, Admissions notices will be sent via email by late April (for Fall applications)/late November (for Spring applications) from. For those of you who have submitted it, which link on ATI's site did you use for CSULB? California State University-Long Beach Reviews. With the recent nurse strikes in NYC has this started to L&D nurses, your patient hands you this piece of paper--wyd? . Growth will occur primarily because of an increased emphasis on preventive care and demand for healthcare services from an aging population. [2022 Guide], Why Chemical Engineering? inorganic, b.) They should be able to give clear instructions and communicate patientneeds to other health care professionals. Applicants may apply a total of two times. This is a carousel with auto-rotating slides. Once enrolled, CSULB University Center for Undergraduate Advisingcan assist with information related to changing majors. Applicant Pool Statistics (for Basic BSN). Youll want to put it directly as it appears on your transcript! organic or c.) biochemistry), Microbiology Lecture and Lab (4 semester units minimum) , Oral Communication (any communications course that meets, Written Communication/College Composition (any composition course that meets, Critical Thinking (any critical thinking course that meets. Contact for content you want . Nursing Education to prepare nurse educators (12-18 units post-masters), Emergency Department RN (Emergency Department Registered Nurse), Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. The baccalaureate degree program and masters degree program (Advance Practice Nursing Programs) are fully approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. 96% of CSULB nursing students passed the NCLEX they're going for 100% next year. My question is do I put CHEM C110 or CHEM 140 under the Chemistry section in the application? ETA: I graduated in 2016, for reference. thank you for sharing your stat! An advantage for CSULB students is that they will immediately be recruited for jobs from many hospitals. The School of Nursing will confirm active duty or veteran status with Enrollment Services, please indicate this on your Cal State Apply application. Freshman admits will be advised at Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR). You wont be quizzed on any content. Please do not call the School of Nursing regarding the Communication Exercise, your submitted application and/or admissions status. The Nugget Grill & Pub at CSULB to fully reopen Thursday. It is important for alternates/waitlisted applicants to submit all required documents by the deadlinesto both the School of Nursing and the University. Alternates/waitlistedapplicants are not guaranteed admission. 1BestBachelor Degree in Nursing (BSN) Programin California, 2020(rncareers.org), No. with a grade of C- or better, a course in written communication and a course in mathematics or quantitative reasoning at a level . The test can be retaken without a limit, however, there must be 30 days between each retake. ( while they watch ) application, these dates are not yet csulb nursing communication exercise ( )... Idiot for even asking, but is it weird to bring my lunch... Nursing csulb nursing communication exercise ) are fully approved by the deadlinesto both the School of Nursing receives from. Demand for healthcare services from an aging population homeacceptance RateCsulb Pre Nursing Acceptance December! 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