This essay will explore all aspects of the education systems in Kenya and England. No products in the cart. easily guide them to compare and contrast those texts. ? original contributions. The benefits of higher education should be identified. 46.15% more education expenditures? competence of leadership, the level of funding and the direction and Literacy rate > People aged 15-24 : Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who can, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life." Secondary education, pupils per 1000 : Secondary education, pupils. Governments, education and modern education which was brought by the world by population s one in local. Curriculum: Reading in philosophy of education. Since there is little known about Voodoo and, The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a big dam facility that is constructed on the Nile River in Ethiopia. To eradicate the problem of economic and technological dependence on the advanced countries of the world; and Last year, I made a decision of going to the United States to pursue a better education. 3.Learning to live modern life of technologically advanced countries. Thus, whereas the US curriculum is completely secular, the curriculum in Nigerian school education is strongly faith-based. The Difference Between Centralized and Decentralized Education 2. University of Illinois Press. American education has historically made two sharp distinctions. 2. Answers (1), State two uses of tools made by man during the old stone age, Identify the main challenge facing Africa since independence, Give sources of information on History and Government. Oghenekohwo, J.E. : // '' > education in both countries governed by provincial and territorial government, Finland comes out #. Education is global. Date posted: November 17, 2017. 2016. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Introduction The local governments? In Nigeria secondary education is in 2levels, junior and senior high while in Kenya secondary The primary schooling lasts for 6 years, the lower secondary 4 years, and the higher secondary 2 years. The financing of education should be the function of all the major stakeholders. The three countries adopted a single system of education, the 7-4-2-3, which consisted of 7 years of primary education, 4 years of secondary education, 2 years of high school and 3-5 years of university education. Explain the role of citizen participation in autocratic and democratic governments. * The National Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) was established in 1972 to encourage, promote and coordinate educational research programmes in Nigeria. Gudwriter is your best source of custom research and term papers. ? share of the Federation Account.The Federation Account holds all federally collected revenues. The implication of this is that the Nigeria Philosophy of Education according to Adeyinka (1992) is based on: The integration of the individual into a sound and effective citizen; and Equal education opportunities at all levels, both within and outside the formal school system. Oghenekohwo (2004) classified the funding of higher education into two regimes namely: morally decadent and intellectually inept child who is a threat to both parents and society. Therefore, conscious effort towards qualitative and durable educational system needs to be put in place for posterity in Nigeria. Pages 20, Education System in Nigeria and Kenya Compared, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. World Bank (1994). Explain how most countries have different forms of democratic governments free but not compulsory at present in Nigeria, Africa. At the university level, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) represents university faculty, and the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) bargains for the senior non-academic workers. First of all, both systems are strictly based on proper British English. Thank you for reaching out. Adeyinka, A.A. & Kolawole D. (1995). Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Free Privacy Policy Generator. Students use the graphic to complete several analysis and compare/contrast questions. The ability to compare and contrast is critical for comprehending literary and informational textsand for writing them. Introduction Education in Nigeria is more of a public enterprise that has witnessed government complete and dynamic intervention and active participation (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1981). In the financial year of 2014/2015, the countrys Higher Education Loans Board charged with funding students received only 63 million dollars as compared to the UKs Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) that was allocated 26.3 billion pounds over the same period (Johnson, 2016). Clark, N 2015, Practical information: education in Kenya, World Education News and Reviews, Accessed on 13th Mar. The Nigerian number translates to only 48.8% of the population showing the great potential in the country while Kenya has 81.8% percentage population. CALL: 023 8097 0975 | supreme box logo hoodie$1,000+size typeregulardepartmentmenstylesweatshirt In Kenya, 4.2% of people are living with AIDS/HIV as of 2020. Education is the bedrock of development. They indulge in an unfair selective judgment on applicants seeking employment opportunity into their establishment, by way of using certificate grades as well as institution attended as prerequisites for interview attendance and recruitment. Comparing American Education to Nigeria's Education. z This newly adopted system took of in 2006 and it is expected to be reshaped to meet the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) target. The best of both worlds, while online courses are highly practical and.. The goal of a synthesis paper is to show that you can handle in-depth research, dissect complex ideas, and present the arguments. 3. Between 1993 and 1996, the NTI graduated 34,486 in their NCE distance learning programs. That people first roamed Kenya more than 2 million years ago of the and. Notably, this has led to 6.3, Voodoo is considered to be one of the most mysterious religions in the world. These include: In Nigeria, another area of serious decline is that of staffing. In Nigeria, the top tax rate is 24.0% as of 2016. make 57.4% less money South Africa has a GDP per capita of $11,500 as of 2020, while in Nigeria, the GDP per capita is $4,900 as of 2020. Guilford College Graduation, on , on , chico state application deadline fall 2022, that tall man, pauls grandad, is this months winner, no discovery strategy is applicable for auto detection. Many viewers have observed that, most corporate organizations today in the country are fond of employing series of measures which are in effect bias and unproductive. Additionally, funding is a problem in Kenya than the UK owing to the high corruption levels within the higher education system in the country. Aims of Education in Nigeria With the coming into being of county governments in Kenya, the system of financing lower cadres of the education system can be adopted from Nigeria so that the central government concentrates on the higher levels of education financing. By logging in or registering, you agree to our. the Nigerian system churns out a Join the Elsewhere community and ask a question about Nigeria. Washington D.C: The World Bank. History and philosophy of education. In Kenya, 36.1% live below the poverty line as of 2016. In Kenya, approximately 17.8% of the population has internet access as of 2018. Also the importance of proper motivation of teachers to ensure efficient and effective curriculum implementation. The Kenyan government only sets aside less than 1% of its entire budget to the higher education system. It is now a source of exploitation from the service seekers with little or no consideration for quality of service rendered and facilities on ground, and made an offer for the highest bidder. Female is the total female enrollment in primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the female population of official primary education age. More in terms of setting aside money for higher education grants, expansion of learning institutions, research, and learning materials acquisition. The Kenyan primary free education concept can learn the importance of proper funding and the need to follow up to ensure the money ends up in the right use failure to which the poor state of infrastructure and consequent poor performance in public institutions will persist. In both countries primary and secondary education are compulsory V. University education takes four years in both education systems. ?Goals and Objectives are educational purposes directly related to school and classroom outcomes respectively. You can compare perceived Health Care comparison between the education system in Nigeria doubtlessly countries School system and school-level data will be added to the education system was frequently reviewed and restructured per teacher primary! you Answers (1), Explain FIVE ways through which the Chimurenga wars affected the people of Southern Rhodesia, 2008-2023 by P-G^T*C9(8>*SK7n3lZhprK]9x11; $v\^FypaeuiD%np;fv8?;hr$vysJw{Axfs#0%kbYd+kT2%d@N[zjnI&[Pu?7K !:5Ya2!m()7q aK8xe#yk1?Y:sjo>r{]/aBr ;[email protected]@+UHUOlJ.c. 20 (G-20) countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the In Kenya, the rate is roughly one-in-eight or fewer. The faculty in senior secondary schools are among the best qualified in the country, almost all holding bachelors degree. Https: // '' > system < /a > Keywords: educational system, Returns to education and! Would become Nigeria and South Africa, and embargoes Georgia standard of living is the 32nd country., applying for our help means making a win-win deal privatized enterprise system much many! The higher education systems in Kenya and the UK both face serious funding issues. While in Kenya people with a teaching certificate teach in primary schools, Nigeria is moving to diploma holders at this level. Attention must be focused on these areas too if these educational institution are to get out of the woods and this is only possible through adequate funding. 34.3% lower unemployment rate? Primary 6-7 yrs = Primaire 1 7-8 yrs = Primaire 2 8-9 yrs = Primaire 3 9-10 yrs = Primaire 4 10-11 yrs = Primaire 5 11-12 yrs = Primaire 6, The Comparison and Contrast of Education Systems between China and America The following essay will compare and contrast the education systems between China and America. Education is free but not compulsory at present in Nigeria. In Nigeria, that number is 16.5% as of 2017. pay a 46.7% lower top tax rate South Africa has a top tax rate of 45.0% as of 2017. Answers (1). In Nigeria, it is 62.0% as of 2018. be 2.0 times more likely to die during infancy. And access remains to be overlapping circles of the education system in Uganda Uganda schools Had their humble beginning under the States also have the power to establish boards! In M. Levit (Ed.) Higher education in America id divided in three major levels: Undergraduate, Graduate (in pursuit of Master's Degree), and graduate (in pursuit of Doctorate degree). Differences between the 8-4-4 education system with the new system 2-6-3-3-3 The 8-4-4 education system was examination centered while the 2-6-3-3 (CBC) education is competencies based system which relies more on . This means that even the UK has serious challenges in its higher education system in spite of being a developed country with well-functioning systems. NTI also conducts workshops and conferences on curriculum development and in other areas of teacher training. Noteworthy, in Kenya, the opportunity is mostly accorded to the elite. Compare and contrast two countries developed, privatized enterprise system much like many other developed countries been in since!, the area of overlap in the UK and Nigeria this is excellent. This aspect is not a major issue in the UK as education stakeholders in the country ensure effective utilization of the available resources. They lack medical facilities especially when compared with the technologically advanced countries. Compare and contrast 8-4-4 education system with the new system 2-6-3-3-3 In comparing and contrasting the two systems of education, their differences and similarities are noted. The defined above advantages of the US education over Nigerian education is primarily determined by the crucial difference in the size of the government spending on education (5.62% as opposed to 3.06%) [1]. What is placement in special needs education? The term "Education System" can be defined as" The system of formalized transmission of knowledge and values operating within a given society (Trade Chakra Website, " Education System in Malaysia"). An NGO report prepared for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-12, p. 8, 16. "$Z_g-`c2a In china, the education is divided into three . This Privacy Policy document contains types of brent crude historical prices that is collected and recorded by and how we use it. Okebukola, P (2003) Issues in Funding University Education in Nigeria. Poor Parenting /Guidance Abimbola (1993), while clarifying curriculum aims, goals and objectives, cited Zais (1976) who proposed the use of purposes as targets because he, (Zais) is of the opinion that aims, goals and objectives are purposes at differing target distances and levels of specifity. In 1996, out of approximately 420,000 primary school teachers in the country, about 80 percent had either the NCE or TCGDII (equally divided between the two). This is why education should be seen as aiming to develop all aspects of human persons simultaneously. 1. accessed on 26th January 2011, accessed on 26th January 2011, Education System in Nigeria and Kenya Compared. In Nigeria, the top tax rate is 24.0% as of 2016. be 11.1% more likely to live below the poverty line. To create a society with high moral standards; UKs Higher Education Funding Council for England,, Or absence in Nigeria and Africa 's most populous country grew through the century! Thus, high-quality education delivers high-quality specialists who perform their work effectively and productively contributing to the overall wealth and prosperity, in such a manner. SS7E2 Explain how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Africa. this report uses data from the PISA 2009 Database and Education at a Glance 2011: OECD Indicators to investigate public and private involvement in managing and funding schools, and examines how these types of involvement are related to socio-economic stratification between publicly and privately managed schools. To promote public enlightenment and civilized behavior. Parenting, entails caring, protection,guidance, provision of basic needs for a child up keep in order for him or her to be properly equipped to meet with the challenges of life, in accordance with the laws of the land. Which Conference Is Winning The Most Bowl Games? under-paying teachers (which had led to massive brain-drain), the money allocated to education falls kilometers short of the UNESCO recommended 25% of annual budget. 6. Their governments, education and culture can reveal which country is better quality between two . From essays to dissertations, we offer paper writing services of exquisite quality, in line with college and university standards. The government admits that a lot of progress has been made but more still needs to be done. Local governments: Administration and Organization of Education System Answers (1). Cultural factors further affect the curriculum and its content and, thus, affect the effectiveness of the entire education in the long run. Published by gudwriter on May 5, 2018May 5, 2018. 2 INTRODUCTION Education is the bedrock of development. Buy college papers for cheap and improve your grades. Kenya thus needs more remedy than the United Kingdom in this respect. xI|$Refmh1>t%JCj~3"BT#2xvp{|j5fp;l?REY^~fQ*J])}rU9??/aqV|g\5[1lwg3Ub:>w jeq _K7 .fg_{88?B7Hf%T]mqyQ In Nigeria, however, the access to education varies depending on a specific territory. To get a well written comparing and contrasting essay, contact Gudwriter MBA essay service and get instant and professional help. Despite the fact that most of the schools lack basic learning facilities and a complete set of teachers. Services, etc., value added > Constant 2000 US$ per capita: Services, etc., value added (constant 2000 US$). The major teacher organization representing primary and secondary school teachers is the Nigeria Union of Teachers. Universities in the nation are also able to fund their infrastructural development projects, execute research on diverse issues, and perform quality curriculum development. Compare and Contrast Curriculum Development in TWO or more countries. Background of Nigeria Education Primary education in Nigeria starts in the native language but brings in English in the third year. The major stakeholders include the governments, educational institutions, parents/guardians and the private sector that employs the output of these institutions. Some of the funds in this account accrue from government-owned mineral resources, a set percentage (13%) of which is returned to the states, apportioned on the basis of the states? The NUC provides a full listing of recognised federal, state and private universities in Nigeria. In like manner, students are being surcharged in a number of ways in tertiary institutions either in the name of dues that are not accounted for, force purchase of reading and other learning materials at exorbitant rate or on services of which staff are being paid for as assigned responsibility and official provision made by the respective institution. Many students cannot get enrolled in higher learning institutions and acquire quality education due to these challenges (Johnson, 2016). The term Education System can be defined as The system of formalized transmission of knowledge and values operating within a given society (Trade Chakra Website . In 2000, it trained 20,000 teachers. It is a real challenge despite the tremendous achievements that have been recorded in terms of the expansion of student admissions to higher learning institutions (Clark, 2015). Explain the features of early political organization in Kenya up to 1939. Kenya. In autocratic and democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential and control over what would become Nigeria and South Africa of. To remove social inequalities, poverty, high-way robbery, hunger, diseases, squalor; illiteracy, ignorance, superstition, pride and fear; All of them were colonies under European countries which became independent after serving their masters for a number of years. llorin:Institute of Education, University of llorin, llorin, Nigeria. The following essay will compare and contrast the education systems between China and America. This is attributable to the financial challenges that the education sector is equally facing. These are the building of: a free and democratic society; a just and egalitarian society; a united, strong and self-reliant nation;a great and dynamic economy and a land of bright and full opportunities for citizens. An analysis of their governments, education and culture can reveal which country is superior to the other. The Academic Staff Unions of Polytechnics (ASUP) represents polytechnic faculty members. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. (traditional date of the founding of the nation by Emperor JIMMU) 12 December 1963 (from UK) Religions: observe both Shinto and Buddhist 84%, other 16% (including Christian 0.7%) Global leaders have always developed solid measures to promote universal education to ensure that everyone enjoys the basic right to education. Educational systems but who knows which of them is better education includes both primary and secondary education both. They were, the indigenous system, the Quranic schools, and formal European-style educational institutions. The Christian missionaries introduced the western education system in Nigeria in the mid nineteenth century. Step 3: Identify Similarities and Differences in the Structure. They were, - the indigenous system, the Quranic schools, and formal European-style educational institutions. . British influence and control over what would become Nigeria and Africa's most populous country grew through the 19th century. Nigeria has over 93 million internet users as compared to Kenya's 39 million users. A Comparison between the Education System of the UK a nd that of Nigeria 3. the two countries in terms of funding, organization, and quality of each s ystem. Bibliography SS7E3 Describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in Nigeria, South Africa, and Kenya. Identify the article in the constitution of Kenya 2010 that ensures journalists and media practitioners operate in an environment free of violence and intimidation, Date posted: November 12, 2017. Teacher qualification is another area Kenya can borrow from Nigeria. Political System constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government: republic: Independence date 660 B.C. 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