Number one, I carried out extensive research into the University, your track record of achievement and the support you provide for your students. They explain why they chose it and what they like about the school. So, you may not have the option to respond that you wanted to study in the ivy league universities. I hope so! I am a big fan of this professor (list out his achievements), I am excited to learn from him. How did Charlie Rose respond to the allegations? Also, the students transferring from one university to another in the USA can do so after or before the first semester or between the academic years. How was the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel painted? A flexible education system, cultural diversity, top-ranked US education programs and a welcoming US community are all potential reasons You may wish to discuss the quality of education you will receive studying in the US Also mention any special circumstances; i.e. Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities? Why did you choose this university? How to dress up for your F1 visa interview: dos and donts! My name is Couru, your virutal assistant. The good news is that theres no correct answer here. Discover more about institutions in your ideal destination to find your perfect match. The coaches are top-notch, and the facilities are some of the best in the country. She has a vast experience in SEO and content management with a great passion in writing. While you may be allowed to work part-time while studying, you should state that this isn't your primary goal before, during or . What do I need to apply to the University of New Haven? Whats the key to getting a student visa? Rated highest in student satisfaction amongst overseas education consultants in India. Getting your visa is one of the crucial steps of your journey. Below are two brilliant sample answers to the interview question, Why did you choose this University. For why you can answer as one of the following: I am passionate about that *subject* and want to gain more knowledge in it. Thats two of many ways to customize your answers for this question. They love it. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> I chose this university because it offers a great range of courses that interest me. But do not forget to check also sample answers to other tricky college interview questions: Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. 2 Provide the consular with all the documents he requires to see. For starters, this is a non-immigrant visa that is usually granted for a period of 5 years. The aims of creating is to: Jobsscholar.comis NOTawarding scholarships, isNOTan employment site,NOT recruiter or agency or third party, and isNOT directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment or employment. Richard believes that it is very important to say something like you did your bachelors in computer science and you are going to pursue your masters. Its also positive and paints the university in a good light. I chose this university because it has a great business program, and I wanted to study business administration. This is the case especially with nursing schools, pharmacy schools, med schools, law schools, etc. Additionally,Why did you choose CA as a career interview question? If you were an animal, what would you be? 3 Keep calm, and try to avoid drinking any alcohol at least 24 hours before your interview. Select a book which is relevant to your skills for the future - A good way to tackle this question is to include a book which has helped you develop a new way of thinking or even a . 10 Other Reasons Parents Are Choosing Your School Academic excellence. 35 Tell us about a time when you demonstrated good customer service / leadership skills etc. Explanation:This answer covers two important points: the facultys focus on practical learning experiences and the universitys diverse student body. Visa interview question: What is the reason for your low scores? Why does my voice sound Staticy when I sing? Tags Common Interview Questions and Answers Education Hub interview Scholars Forum Unique interview questions and answers why did you choose this University. Visa interview question: How are you going to fund your studies? F1 visa interview questions about your finances. Why did you choose them? Number three, there are many universities offering this program. What are the questions asked in an F1 visa interview? % General F1 visa interview questions. He helps job seekers from all walks of life to pursue their career goals, and to prepare for their interviews. 4 0 obj Our dedicated visa advisor will help you with your visa application and visa interview. Question: why do you want to study this university? <> In such cases you can bring in your work experience; you can say, youve had part time or full time work experience in a bank or you have worked in an organization where youve had financial exposure, which made you shift your majors to finance. With the information you collected, you can prove that you have done enough research to choose this university. endobj 19 What trends are likely to affect our industry over the next few years? Consider your interests Think about your interests. Answer : Do some research on this, List out the pros of the University. The university does not require students to submit SAT / ACT scores for most of its UG programs. F1 visa interview questions about your university and course. F1 Visa Basics Before you read the F1 Visa interview, here are, Jeevans successful F1 Student Visa interview at Chennai for Masters in Chemical Engineering Decision: Accepted Consulate: Chennai June: 17th june University: University of Florida Program: MS in Chemical Engineering Cost on I-20: $41573 Funded/Unfunded/Partially funded (details): Partially Funded Financial Summary : personal savings + parents savings Work Experience : NIL The interview went rather smooth,, Are you applying for F1 Visa for Masters inRegulatory Affairs? These are both great selling points for the school, and the candidate does a good job of highlighting why theyre important to them. Their campus, study programs, their online presentation, scholarships they offer, modern technology they have in place, attitude to various issues we face as humanity, particular teachers and professors, research activity they do, their athletic teams, and so on, and so forth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Fast Food Interview Questions and Answers, Taco Bell Interview Questions to Ask candidates, Whataburger Interview Questions and Answers, Burger King Interview Questions and Answers. But not everybody can get admission in these top-ranking institutions. This university interview question gives you an opportunity to talk about a book you've been inspired by, but in a way which has helped shape you for the better. Overall, this university will provide me with a great learning experience. <> What accomplishments are you most proud of? This visa is issued to academic students enrolled in universities, colleges, high schools, language training programs, and other academic institutions. But as soon as I reached there. They wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Social & political environment - 58%. Tip: You should do some research on your university before visa interview. You will also learn two brilliant sample answers to the question, Why did you choose this University to help you pass your admissions interview. Tip 2: Show that youve carried out some research into their University youve studied online. Character Development. It can be researched, it can be business, it can be a cultural experience. Research is super important for F1 Visa Interview - here's the full video: - We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience with personalized content, relevant ads and enhanced functionalities. Ryan moved to New Zealand from the USA with his school teacher wife and his two children in 2017. The answer to this question would determine if you are a real student with real credentials and you have the required qualification to study in the U.S.A. Number one, I carried out extensive research into the University, your track record of achievement and the support you provide for your students. What makes the University of New Haven special? The important parts covered during the interview include questions about the college and university, bank and finances, family and relatives, work and job prospects and other miscellaneous questions that might seem irrelevant during the time of the interview. 2 Can I change my university after getting F1 visa? 1. Which is the most important question to ask during a university interview? Do you think this would be a problem? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I have been rejected as the potential immigrant both the times and neither I fumbled with my answers, nor nervous or produced long answers. But do your research first, because it is important to be realistic. 18 Who would you consider to be our main competitors? You can talk about the strengths of the university and the program (For example, you might have a Nobel prize winner as your professor, or the university is triple accredited or anything else that you think could convince the officer and make him/her believe that you made a conscious choice and selected the university). The university accepts a three-year UG degree from Indian aspirants only if the university/college has A, A+ or, a Five Star rating by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). This process is officially known as adjustment of status.. As you can observe on my list of sample answers, students typically pick several reasons for their choice. Can I Apply For Academic Job If In J1 Visa? Do not even think about saying this to the visa officer. Good governance, Quality Assurance and Responsibility in Higher Education in the Eurasian region: Towards a Better University. From your problem-solving skills to your personality traits, everything matters to the employers of CTS. How to prepare for a student visa interview? Who are the hosts of the Charlie Rose Show? Ask yourself why you choose that particular university. Ltd. She holds a master degree in Engineering Management from University of Technology, Sydney. 27 What motivates you in terms of work? , 2023 Happy Schools - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions - Contact - About, 101 F1 Visa Interview Questions and Answers, Answers to Two Most Common F1 Visa Interview Questions, Answers to 3 Most Important F1 Visa Interview Questions, 6 Lessons I Learned from My Student Visa Interview for University of Houston, The Best F1 Visa Mock Interview Questions & Answers UCLA, F1 Visa Interview Experiences From Various U.S. Consulates, F1 Visa Stamping Masters in Chemical Engineering Chennai US Consulate, F1 Visa Interview: Masters in Regulatory Affairs Northeastern University Approved, Longing Dream of Pursuing MS in US is Almost Over. Lets see how he teaches us to tackle this one. Check them out, pick one that resonates with the message you try to convey on your application, makes sense for the given university, and then adjust it slightly for your application form or the eventual interview at school. Expertise in computing helps you even if your primary career choice is something else. 7 What do you like doing in your spare time? What are your reasons for choosing this school? 1.Be well prepared with answers to all possible questions.This helped me a lot in my interview. What is an F1 Visa? 36 Tell us about a time when you have been innovative at work. Richard concludes by saying, always make the officers believe that you are a genuine student and also that you have enough financial support for you to study abroad. This is probably one of the most important questions you can be asked during a university interview. The best thing to do is to justify your choice as honestly as possible. Why do you want to major in Computer Science? The University of New Haven (UNH) puts students first, and their personal and professional development is the universitys primary focus. Ready to answer this one? In this video, Richard explains what your answer should be if the visa officer asks you a question, why did you choose this course? Here are some steps to follow to help you answer the question " Why did you choose this course? With an acceptance rate of over 80 percent, UNH is rather selective while accepting students. Why did you choose this subject? 6 Tell us something about yourself. For example, say so if you choose a university because of its excellent reputation in your field of study. This is probably the most asked question during the student visa interview. They want to hear that you will contribute to the University campus in a positive way. We've taken the best advice from all our advisors and crammed it into a weekly newsletter that gives you the right advice when you really need it. This article will look into some tips for answering this question in an interview. What frequency should my sub amp be set at? Sample 1: I wanted to become a CA because I have an interest in accounting. What should I bring to my visa interview? Question 2. What were the results? Why do you want to interview for this job? So many different perspectives are represented here, which makes for a truly enriching educational experience. Why Did You Choose This University? Second reason is your location. Answers to Why This University for F1 visa. Series: F1 Visa Interview Questions and Answers, Following is the list of F1 Visa Interview experiences posted by several Happy Schools Blog fans after attending interviews at various Consulates across India and other countries. Discuss why you chose the specific A-levels you did, and highlight how they complement each other or will help you in your studies. Whatever your reasons for choosing the university, be prepared to talk about how the school can help you reach your long-term goals. 11 What do you consider to be the key skills necessary for this position? Options are almost endless. US visa interview question: Why did you choose this course? I want to say a big thank you to this website it helped me a lot in my preparation. By allowing all you agree to the use of cookies as per the. Plus, the campus is beautiful, and the students are friendly. 3.Trust God and remember to pray. Richard concludes by saying, always make the officers believe that you are a genuine student and also that you have enough financial support for you to study abroad. You will learn the exact keywords and phrases to use in your response. Explanation:This answer shows that the candidate has carefully considered their university choice. Employers want to understand your motivations for applying to the job to know if you plan to grow with the company long-term. am about to head to the am hoping that with your tips I will make it. You should arrive at the interview with all of the required documents and receipts, and you should be prepared ahead of time to answer personal questions about your decision to study in the US. But getting a job in CTS is not a childs play. Why did you choose this university? Instead, focus on explaining what you like about the university and why its a good fit for you. Sample MIT Interview Questions and Answers, List of Common Interview Questions and Sample Answers. When asked why you chose your current university during an interview, its important to avoid saying anything that could make you seem unprofessional or unprepared. Also know,Why did you choose to be an engineer? 3 What skills did you develop at university? I maintained, Its the time of the year where people are looking for Day 1 CPT Colleges and Universities. If the university of your choice is not among the. US Tourist visa interview questions and answers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". That is another top scoring answer, a really strong positive one. TIPS BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE WITH F1 VISA INTERVIEW Before going to an engineering interview, it may be helpful to know what type of questions the hiring manager may ask. Visa application process/delay/denial - 87%. I 5 What do you know about our company? Again, I believe I will get all of this whilst studying at this University and I give you my assurance is that, if I am fortunate enough to be offered a place here, I will work hard to achieve my goals whilst being a positive role model both on and off campus.. Get answers to the visa interview question Why this university?, Read up about your university and the program you selected, Make sure you correspond with the faculty of the university. Refine your search and find the right one for you. How can you face this question in such cases? Or, if you were attracted by the opportunity to work with a particular professor, mention that as well. We've taken the best advice from all our advisors and crammed it into a weekly newsletter that gives you the right advice when you really need it. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. However, the interview inst the part that everyone excels at. Sample 1: I wanted to become a CA because. Thats the ultimate goal you should try to achieve with your answer to this tricky question. Even while answering this question, try to convince the interviewer by giving him the impression you have no plans to remain in the United States and that you will return to your home country for sure. Location might be one of the reasons that you selected this particular university, so make sure that you know its exact location. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. For this part, you need to bring your bank statements, transactions, passbook, latest transactions, and other finance-related documents. Thanks and God Bless You for visiting and also reading my post articles. It is understandable that most students want to study in the top universities in the U.S. How many F1 visa applications were accepted in 2015? " in an interview: 1. Applying for a place at a university, youll always have to go through the admission process. I confirm I am over 16 and I agree to the Hotcourses. An answer Why Study in This University (this article). So, when they ask why youve chosen their university, theyre looking for more insight into who you are and what motivates you. The answer to this question would determine if you are a real student with real credentials and you have the required qualification to study in the U.S.A. How Do I Cancel Barclaycard Commence Mastercard Credit Card. The interview is the most important part of your F1 visa application. We hope these examples have given you a better approach to this question. At the end of the day, admission committee members are humans from flesh and bones, just like you or me. Is there a correct answer to the Computer Science interview question? This also includes the J1 and M1 visa applications. Answer the questions clearly, do not take a lot of time to think, since the interview is short. In 2018-19, the University of New Haven awarded 1,227 undergraduate and 734 graduate degrees. 28 What interests you most/least in your current work? This experience is invaluable and something you dont often find at other universities. 22 What sorts of things do you like to delegate? During the interview, visa officers are trying to figure out whether you are actually coming to the United States to study or not. This is a good answer that shows why the university was the right choice for them. The candidate demonstrates why they chose the university and what they like about it. 23 What qualities do you look for in a manager? And you should do the same thing, making sure that the study program is one of the reasons. <>>> If the next question is why not do the same course in your country? It ensures that students excel in every field through its unique educational approach and distinguished academic programs. This F1 visa interview questions and answers PDF is a research into what students who successfully got their visa to study in the USA said to convince the US visa officer to issue them . Thankfully, Richard is here to help you prepare to face such a question. For example: Their CS department is very reputed; they have many international publications. Inonu Cad. It looks like nothing was found at this location. But, considering the fact that 259,722 more applications were eventually rejected, getting through the F1 visa application process is not easy. Ill help you explore. Consider the following Courses : Identity what courses match your research interest or career goals. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Good luck! Richard concludes by saying, always make the officers believe that you are a genuine student and also that you have enough financial support for you to study abroad. Richard says that this would convince your visa officers that you have undoubtedly made the right decision inchoosing your universityand will grant you the visa. Your answer should be based on the facts and tailored to your interest and your career and this university will help you attain your goals. 43 How would your manager describe your work? Wish you get a rejection for US and all other countries you apply. Both the standards of teaching and the passion the lecturers have for their subject matter were just two highlights from the feedback I received. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Beside this,How to prepare for an engineering job interview? However, its perfectly fine to say a friend or family member recommended a certain job or profession, and you found you like it a lot. In many cases, however, you will have to pass an admission interview, competing with other students for the limited number of spots in the study program. 5 What are the most asked questions in a student visa interview? Theres no limit on what you can answer. By showing that youre familiar with the university and have thought carefully about why its a good fit for you, youll demonstrate that youre serious about your studies and eager to make the most of the opportunities the school offers. He and his family have been living in Auckland for the past four years. I spoke to several students who have already studied at this University and they all had positive things to say. 7 sample answers to "Why did you choose this university?" interview question I've chosen your place for two main reasons. Expect the above question in your F1 visa interview. Answer 1: "I have chosen this University for four reasons. If you did not identify those questions and if they happen to be the weak aspect of your profile, then chances of student visa approval are pretty slim. He is well known as one of the brightest in his field and has had the opportunity to interview several high-profile and important people. Visa interview question: What is the reason for your low scores? Tip 1: Be positive and enthusiastic in your answer. 25 Tell me about your ability to work under pressure. If youre being interviewed for admission to a university, the admissions committee already knows something about you. [wpdatatable id=2] This page will be updated frequently when new student visa stamping experience is published. 20 How do you typically approach new projects? I went through the curriculum for all four years, checked every subject, and I find your curriculum superior to other competing universities in the country. 10 Other Reasons Parents Are Choosing Your School, Navigating from F-1 student status to a spousal visa If youre an F-1 student who recently married a U.S. citizen or green card holder (permanent resident), you can apply for a marriage-based green card to stay and live with your spouse in the United States. =) I was really nervous when I was on my way. The third point..haha..seriously God? At the end of the day, you will likely apply with several schools. 46 Do you think you are overqualified for this position? I wanted to be able to play football at the collegiate level, and this school offered me the best opportunity to do that. Let us know in the comments below! They do those interviews because, unfortunately, a lot of people apply for an F1 student visa and dont plan to study in the United States they just plan to immigrate and overstay their visa. So, how can you craft the best answer? Provide the consular with all the documents he requires to see. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Stop that thought right there. 29 What would you change about your current job if you could? We have discussed some of the possible convincing answers you can give the visa officer. The professors have much real-world experience, and the classes are interactive and engaging. Former. 37 Tell us about a time you encountered a problem and how you resolved it. *** 50 common interview questions 32 What are you looking for in a job? Use those. Regardless of whether you have to interview for your place or not, you will almost always face the question about your choice: Why our university? 9. After graduating with a degree in history in 1964 and earning a Juris Doctor at the Duke University School of Law in 1968, Charlie began his career in the early 1970s doing freelance with the BBC. Plan to be issued 221(g) for your Visa. However, the interview inst the part that everyone excels at. 41 How do you work in a team? 1A What is your biggest achievement? 34 What kinds of decisions do you find difficult to make? 44 When were you happiest at work? It is very important that you answer all of the questions in a way that visa officers are expecting. In many cases you have to answer this question directly on the application form, and you will almost always face it in your interview as well. When applying to various universities, you must go through a lot of research. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Question: why do you want to study this university? In this article, well give you tips to handle the visa interview question Why this university?. Everyone Ive met has been incredibly welcoming, and I know Ill continue to learn a lot from my classmates in years to come. If you are on this page, you are probably at the last leg of your preparations to study abroad. Question: why do you want to study this university? What are your thoughts? Please try searching for a single subject or university. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. You will learn what the University interview panel wants to hear from your answer. 1. We dont charge anything for any information shared in this site. For instance, if you want to pursue a career in research, explain how the universitys resources will help you achieve that goal. 4.Speak clearly and do not use complex words. Having a computing major will provide you with a foundation of knowledge, problem solving, and logical thinking that will serve as a competitive advantage to you in your career, in whatever field you choose. Who is paying for your education? 38 Tell us about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Each year, the student body grows in size as it accepts more students. How many hours do Silicon Valley employees work? Organize your documents prior to your visa interview so you will not have a total mess in your hands when you go at the embassy/consulate. Refine your search and find the right one for you. You may want to research the company beforehand to find out their favorite languages, but if you arent fluent in them, dont lie! Doing so will show that youre serious about your studies and eager to make the most of the universitys opportunities. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The key to getting visa lies in the skill to identify the set of questions that could be asked based on your profile. 35 Tell us about a time when you demonstrated good customer service / leadership skills etc. 36 Tell us about a time when you have been . Richard says that only 5% of the Indian students go to Ivy League universities, while the remaining 95 percent will get enrolled in other universities. Whether you've chosen to attend a small liberal arts college or large university, your choice of school can tell an interviewer a lot about you. 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