The operations controller was responsible for overseeing the Virgin flight network, including coordinating air traffic control (ATC) slot times for arrivals. The estimated time of arrival at Adelaide was 0920. The crew decided to conduct an autopilot-coupled approach with automatic landing, as fog was also present at Edinburgh Airport, rendering that airport unsuitable as an alternate. The TAF also included TEMPO periods between 0500 and 1000 in which the cloud base was forecast to reduce to 600 ft AGL. In addition, it was possible for fog to exist at nearby locations, such as at Edinburgh Airport, without operations at Adelaide Airport being affected. Woomera was not considered by either crew as there were no company facilities at that airport, nor was it a routine destination for the airlines. You should read the important information in these notes. This scenario is explained in the Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) (see appendix A). The controller then offered to gather further information and get back to the flight crew of Qantas 735 but indicated there would be a slight delay. These services did not provide for the recognition and active dissemination of special weather reports (SPECI) to pilots, thereby not meeting the intent of the SPECI alerting function provided by controller-initiated flight information service. The actual weather conditions encountered by the flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas735 on arrival at Mildura were below landing minima and significantly worse than the aerodrome forecast and weather reports used by both flight crews to assess its suitability as an alternate destination to Adelaide. By filtering the above occurrences for those making some reference to ATC in the reporters text (870 occurrences), the ATSB found 171 occurrences with evidence that ATC provided assistance to the pilot, some of which was at pilot request. Pilot weather updating requirements have been clarified and enhanced and ACARS [aircraft communications addressing and reporting system] equipment continues to be rolled out across the Virgin fleet. At 0918, just after Velocity 1384 transferred to this frequency, the controller for this sector informed them of four other aircraft due to arrive at Mildura around their arrival time, which included Qantas735. At 0916, an air ambulance pilot who was departing Mildura Airport made a call to the Mallee sector air traffic controller, who was responsible for the airspace above Mildura. Additionally, subsequent sections stated: 3.3.4 For aircraft in flight, flight information is normally confined to information concerning the route being flown up to and including the next attended aerodrome. Air traffic information is not provided. At 0700, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) issued an updated aerodrome forecast (TAF)[3] for Adelaide, which indicated a 30 per cent probability of fog developing. After scrutiny of the A8 forms actually provided, however, it appeared that the extent of parallel readings for the probe installed on 27 June 2012 would be limited to just the eight months July 2012 to February 2013 except that the BoM had omitted to scan September 2012 the one month that could provide a direct measure of the equivalence of the relevant probe for that time of year at that location. BoM records at the time showed that Adelaide Airport averaged 4.9 fog events per annum. The visibility then started to increase, with the first SPECI showing no fog, but with mist and overcast cloud at 100 ft being issued at 1048. You do not have a default location set Consistent with the requirements of the MATS, as Mildura had an AWIS, which was an element of the Automatic Broadcast Services (ABS), the SPECI reports derived from the AWS were not sent to the Mallee controllers console. The manual gave the following guidance to crew in order to ensure compliance: Once airborne, the amount of fuel onboard the aircraft at any point inflight should not be less than: In relation to in-flight fuel checks, it further stated: If sufficient fuel does not remain on board at the PNR [Point of No Return] to allow continued flight to the destination in accordance with the inflight fuel requirements, a diversion shall be made to an aerodrome which satisfies the inflight fuel requirements. The order of precedence in the provision of FIS by controllers was indicated as: Where air traffic service units provide both flight information and air traffic control services, give precedence to the provision of air traffic control over flight information, unless doing so would compromise safety. observations list type; observations; sky observations; Sunday January 8, 2023. choose date: local weather; observations; sky conditions; daily summaries; climate; These occurrences were investigated by the ATSB website and are detailed below. Particular emphasis was placed on prioritising and disseminating information, including the need to document these actions to ensure an accurate record and a common understanding between controllers and supervisors. At around 0900, weather instrumentation at Mildura Airport started to indicate patches of low cloud around 400 ft AGL and a visual satellite image indicated a bank of low cloud south of the airport. For example, informing ATC of a non-routine situation will increase the level of monitoring a flight will receive. ISO 17025) for any of its AWS. There are many more maximum temperatures measurements available for the electronic probe (n=948) than for the mercury thermometer (n=115), and the distribution is quite different, with a somewhat more normal distribution for the probe data, as shown in Figure 2. This has happened in so many places. The dispatch duty manager was a qualified dispatcher with over 36 years experience in dispatch. This decision took into account the observations at Mildura, which indicated the weather there was suitable for landing. Introduction of an adverse weather flight planning policy. On board were six crew and 146 passengers. Anything that impacts on the provision of SPECI reports and other operational information to pilots increases the risk that pilots will not be aware of the changes at the destination in sufficient time to support in-flight planning and effective decision making. Under Part 4, Division 2 (Investigation Reports), Section 26 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the Act), the ATSB may provide a draft report, on a confidential basis, to any person whom the ATSB considers appropriate. Given the sleep obtained and rest opportunities available, it is not considered likely that FO fatigue was a factor in the occurrence. This query was made on the same frequency as was being monitored by Velocity 1384 at the time. Ltd. (Virgin) advised of the following safety action in response to this occurrence: On 18 June 2013, two Boeing 737-800 aircraft, VH-YIR operated by Virgin Australia Airlines Pty. As the wind was forecast to tend southerly, and fog and low cloud were rare in a southerly flow at Mildura, the decision was made to continue with the current TEMPO. This analysis will examine the factors that contributed to these outcomes, including reviewing the risk controls that support inflight decision making. The validity time for the actual aerodrome QNH is listed as 15 minutes from the time of receipt. However, fuel uplift records from Sydney and Mildura, as well as flight plan fuel figures adjusted for taxi and auxiliary power unit fuel burn, enabled the ATSB to calculate if this requirement could be met. The crew of Qantas 735 asked ATC if the forecast improvement was likely to occur as expected. The flight had been planned using a valid TAF for Sydney, which predicted conditions above the alternate minima for the flights arrival. Pilots can ask ATC for any relevant weather information via the onrequest service. The weather forecasts and reports tabulated below do not indicate whether the applicable weather information was passed to the aircraft. Given that the bureau has installed these probes in over 500 locations around Australia, you would assume that the proper comparative tests would have been extremely thorough, and performed at various sites of temperature extremes before they were widely introduced. The FO had recently come off a month of leave and reported their recent sleep as normal. Regardless, a return to Adelaide would have necessitated an automated landing by both crews in conditions that, like Mildura, were below landing minima and therefore constituted an emergency. Wimmera Mallee Rainfall and River Conditions map, *Note - all levels are measured using the Australian Height Datum (AHD). The BoM reported at the time that this was not unusual, as records showed that in the previous 20 years, fogs formed at both Adelaide and Edinburgh on about 50 per cent of occasions that it was forecast, with Edinburgh proving to be the greater risk. While conditions deteriorated after Qantas 735 landed, in different circumstances, the weather may equally have improved sufficiently to allow Velocity1384to hold, before landing in conditions above the minima. However, given the observations of significantly better weather at Mildura, they also concluded a diversion was a better option at that time. This typically involves the pilot monitoring (PM) locating the correct checklist in the QRH and reading the title and condition to the pilot flying (PF) to confirm selection of the correct checklist. In relation to the provision of ATC-initiated FIS at Mildura, the controller responsible for the Mallee en route sector reported that workload initially precluded them from passing information on the weather deterioration at Mildura Airport. The area GPS-based navigation Global Navigation Satellite System (RNAV GNSS) instrument approach to runway27 at Mildura required pilots to be clear of cloud at a minima of 660 ft (493ft AGL), reducing to 560 ft (393 ft AGL) using an actual aerodrome QNH[6] (see the sections titled Area navigation Global Positioning System navigation systemand Airport information). It caters predominately for aircraft operating in control areas within VHF range of the facility. Given the actions of the Qantas 735 crew (who did obtain the weather) to continue to Adelaide, this decision would have been reasonable. At the same time, Airservices were also conducting a review of the provision of hazard alerting services to aircraft. The first was the change to the AIP itself, which included standard amendment bar marking against each changed, introduced or deleted paragraph or text. An AERIS is a continuous broadcast of routine aerodrome weather reports (METAR[24]) from selected airports around Australia. MATS version23 was current at the time of occurrence involving VH-YIR and VH-VYK. Web. These findings should not be read as apportioning blame or liability to any particular organisation or individual. On the morning of 18 June 2013, a Boeing Company 737 (B737) aircraft, registered VH-YIR and operated by Virgin Australia Airlines Pty Ltd was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Brisbane, Queensland to Adelaide, South Australia. This speaks volumes about their integrity and character. At 0918, a special weather report (SPECI) observation was issued for Mildura, listing the cloud as broken at 200 ft, and visibility in excess of 10 km. The captain reported flying SydneyAdelaide and return on 17June2013 with about a 6.5 hour duty time. Given the meteorological conditions were less than the landing minima for a Boeing 737, this constituted an emergency. At 0946 the crew of Qantas735broadcast that they had landed at Mildura. The No. However, this reduced their options after the unexpected need to divert from Adelaide to a suitable alternate destination. Unless otherwise indicated, all times in this report are quoted in EST. [8] As the AWIS for Mildura was not broadcasting due to an unserviceability, the inbound aircraft could not obtain this information from the AWIS (see the section titled Aerodrome weather information service). Common Traffic Advisory Frequency is the frequency on which pilots operating at a non-towered aerodrome should make positional radio broadcasts. [19] At that time, they were about 150 NM (278 km) south-west of Brisbane. FIS in this context is: a method of receiving aviation weather and other operational data in the cockpit that augments traditional pilot voice communication with FAAs Flight Service Stations (FSS), ATC facilities, or Airline Operations Control Centers. They are very very accurate but taking a different time and or time curve shape to warm up and cool down means that for a rapid change in temperature they will accurately record a different value. In this instance, if the aircraft could carry sufficient fuel to hold until 30 minutes beyond any specified time of improvement in the weather conditions at the destination, an alternate was not required. Then, to discover new sampling stations are in different locations from the older ones but are assumed to be the same for temperature measurements is almost unbelievable. So why are they doing the parallel observations? The FO reported obtaining about 7 hours sleep the night prior to the occurrence and felt well rested. This included taking account of the traffic and weather conditions expected at the destination, along the diversion route and at the alternate (if applicable). Reliability of aviation weather forecastsAs a result of this and other occurrences involving observed but not forecast weather, the ATSB has commenced research investigation AR-2013-200 Reliability of aviation weather forecasts. The ARO was calling to query why aircraft were diverting to Mildura given the conditions. This included amendments to meteorological products such as: The provision of this service is limited to aircraft within 1 hours flight time of the condition or destination, or 2 hours for a SIGMET. At 0820, the aircraft reached its latest point of safe diversion back to Sydney. In order to access information from an AWIS, an aircraft needs to be within VHF range. After issuing the 0952 amended TAF, the BoM received a call about the weather at Mildura from the BoM meteorologist located at the Airservices national operations centre. The meteorologist on duty had over 35 years of experience, including 30 years as a forecaster with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). This alert is used to notify flight crew of a sudden change to a component of FIS, not described in a current MET product or NOTAM, having an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of an aircraft. The 0303 TAF was computed on that basis. This included clarification of the minimum requirements of the service provided (i.e. The captain obtained the TAF for Leinster, which was about 30NM (56km) to the west of Darlot and, after determining it was suitable to do so, nominated Leinster as the alternate aerodrome. This claim, however, cannot be verified because the BoM uses a non-standard method for recording temperatures at Mildura, and furthermore the parallel data provided to me in December 2017 as proof of equivalence is flawed and deficient. However, on the day of the occurrence, the AWIS was subject to a NOTAM stating it was not broadcasting. Meanwhile, in the United States, (NASA boss and Mikey Mann champion) Gavin Schmidt and NOAA are busy adjusting the US surface temperature record to ensure its support for climate hysteria (while reflecting real world temperatures about as well as a fun house mirror). This was despite the fact that the AWIS was not broadcasting, as communicated in the NOTAM. - Digits on tank(s) with low fuel quantity turn amber. The aircraft was positioned for a second approach, during which the cabin crew were briefed and prepared for an emergency landing, briefing the passengers to brace accordingly. In this instance, that would have increased the risk of the starvation of fuel to the No.2 engine late in the approach or on landing due to the low fuel level in the No.2 main wing tank at that time. Time: 0756 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0758 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0800 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0804 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0805 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0815 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Qantas 735 approaching diversion point, Time: 0830 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 in cruise, Time: 0900 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 on descent to Adelaide, Time: 0902 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 on descent to Adelaide, Time: 0911 EST Velocity 1384 diverting to Mildura, Qantas 735 holding to east of Adelaide, Time: 0918 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 en route to Mildura, Time: 0928 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 on descent to Mildura, Time: 0930 EST Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 approaching Mildura, Time: 0932 EST Velocity 1384 overhead Mildura, Qantas 735 approaching Mildura, Time: 0948 EST Velocity 1384 overhead Mildura, Qantas 735 landed at Mildura, Time: 0952 EST Velocity 1384 overhead Mildura, Qantas 735 shutdown at Mildura, Time: 0956 EST Velocity 1384 overhead Mildura, Time: 1000 EST Velocity 1384 overhead Mildura. Safety issues, or system problems, are highlighted in bold to emphasise their importance. any additional information that could assist the pilot in the avoidance of hazardous situations. please use the search box to find your location and then click "set as my default location" on the local weather page. Despite this limitation, the data was still being received from the AWS and could be obtained by telephone, or on request from ATC. That is, if information about a weather deterioration was received from the BoM, and if flight watch personnel workload permitted, the information was passed to the flight crew. Specifically they are required to ensure the fuel available on board the aircraft is sufficient to proceed to an aerodrome where a safe landing can be made with the planned fixed fuel reserves remaining. As the TAF had a 30 per cent chance of fog and the TTF issued at the same time forecast no deterioration, they elected not to pass the amended TAF to the crew of Velocity1384through ACARS. On the same morning, another B737 aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas Airways Limited, was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Sydney, New South Wales, to Adelaide. Mildura Airport had an AWIS that was normally capable of broadcasting on VHF. Any additional service, such as weather avoidance assistance, can only be provided to the extent that it does not derogate the primary function. Council continues to monitor flooding throughout the rivers that pass through the municipality.For the latest information, including flood warnings, road closures and support available, or to access our Community Relief and Support Service please click on the link below. These, and other factors, are investigated in detail in ATSB research report AR-2013-200. 269283. Airservices advised that monitoring of a flight will increase if flight crew declare an emergency. Partly cloudy. This encapsulated the pre2009 FIS change through to the occurrence at Mildura. Moron Australis here we come! By this time, Qantas 735 had landed at Mildura and Velocity 1384 was holding after advising ATC that they intended to delay their approach to land. . Data from the CVR indicated that the crew actioned the low fuel and fuel imbalance checklists from memory. Light winds. About Latest Weather Observations and At 0954, the controller made another all stations broadcast with the latest TAF issued for Mildura, valid from 1000. Most broadcasts are continuous and the information is updated every minute. Mildura - Archived Radar - Rain Close menu Home Radar Observations Satellite Forecasts Video Map Login Register Account Logout At 0800, the TTF for Adelaide showed visibility had reduced to 1 km to the north-west and that patches of fog and shallow fog were present. As with the broadcast of weather observations via ATIS, an AWIS does not append the words METAR or SPECI to weather observations that are broadcast via AWIS. What was unusual about the occurrence involving the A320 was that the advection of fog moved in from the north at a greater speed than the surface wind. The first was at 0816 when Qantas 735 queried the conditions in Adelaide based on the forecast of fog in the 0800 TTF. Flight watch personnel at Virgin reported reviewing this TAF for applicability to Velocity 1384. The MATS also outlined the responsibility of air traffic service officers in relation to how information was to be communicated to relevant aircraft. AIP GEN3.3 section 2.5.2 stated that: When providing FIS, ATC will not alert pilots to the availability of aerodrome weather reports that are available from an automatic broadcast service. On this basis, the controller did not update the incoming aircraft of this deterioration. This TTF forecast that the fog would now remain until 0930. During normal operations both engines are pressure fed from the centre tank until it is empty and then each engine is pressure fed from its respective wing tank. While the increase in data was a benefit to BoM, an unexpected outcome was the production of numerous AUTO SPECI reports. Weather delivered differently. The second opportunity was at 0839 when Qantas 735 was updated on the conditions at Adelaide Airport and was told the visibility was now 500 m in fog, with no landing attempts having been made for a while. See Figure 2 for the aircrafts positions at that time. examine the accuracy of aviation meteorological products in Australia, examine the procedures used to provide information to flight crews from air traffic services and management of changes to those procedures, examine the provision by the operators of information to the respective flight crews. The BoM subsequently advised the ATSB that there was no procedure in place to require a forecaster to request multiple reports of deteriorating weather before amending a forecast. As such, no analysis or findings are included in this update. MATS version7, effective on 11 March 2009, amended the examples of non-routine meteorological products to selected SPECI reports under the Scope of FIS section. Location. While the BoM has never released reports with parallel data supporting the claim of equivalence, in late October and early December 2017 a first and second lot of A8 forms were released to me this followed my request to Minister Josh Freydenberg on 26 September for parallel measurements, and more specifically on 22 October for these A8 forms immediately after I was informed by a whistle-blower that these forms contained the relevant information. An advanced hardware and software system that is used by Airservices Australia to help manage domestic and international flights in Australian airspace. This online flood map allows you to search for your property address and gives a better indication of where floodwaters may reach. In contrast, the crew of Qantas 735 had greater time to make that assessment. This includes the importance of controller/pilot communication to enhance situation awareness, particularly in regard to nonroutine situations such as deteriorating weather or aircraft low fuel state. During the period prior to the occurrence involving VHYIR and VHVYK there were several amendments to the MATS regarding the provision of FIS, including three amendments as discussed below. The HGS displays certain aircraft parameters such as altitude and airspeed, and is useful during low visibility operations as it allows the captain to scan the outside environment while also viewing relevant parameters on the HGS. 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