Ms. O Uh Oh - When a Ms. O from the past shows up at the office, Otto and Oscar must send her back to the day she came from or risk causing a time . Young government agents Olive and Otto use math to investigate strange occurrences in their town. Join the agents as they investigate unusual phenomena and use math to set things right. In this two-part episode, agents struggle with a case while Oscar interviews candidates to run the Odd Squad Creature Room. Villains need the help of Odd Squad to stop a giant robot. Me: Yes, and- 22m. "She held up her juice box in between them. 63 Agent O'Donahue (Tate Yap, season 1-2): Ms. O's partner after Olga went to the odd side. otto otive +14 more # 8 Odd Squad Ships by ponine 10.5K 175 15 (Completed) This is basically a collection of short shipping story's, including: OttoOlive, Ms.O.Oscar, OonaOcean,OtisOlympia and more. He is frequently seen going on break. Pick two people from Odd Squad (agent or villain) and they will be put into a closet together for 7 minutes. OSMU holds a press conference to introduce a new member. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The Mobile Unit is called to Odd Squad's top-secret Security facility. -Olympia Partner(s) Olympia tries to get into Agent Orchid's Talent show. 12 (as of Zero Effect) Even though they were still kissing,Ms.O was fangirling as she saw her OTP kissing.She always knew that they'd end up together,no matter what.She had to admit,it hurt to see them kiss as she wanted a kiss from her love. Here are nine of them: Tan skin, wavy brunette hair in a low ponytail that is similar to, Agent at Odd Squad Precinct 13579 (formerly), "Partner, whatever happens today,I just want you to know I wouldn't trade one day for - ANYTHING! Otis and Olympia get the chance of a lifetime to work with Olive and Otto on a top secret mission. He then quit, but returned 30 years later to help his partner finally solve the case. She also asks Olympia to believe in herself because Olive herself believes in her, which causes Olympia to explode with joy. ODD SQUAD focuses on two young agents, Olive and Otto, who are part of Odd Squad, an agency whose mission is to come to the rescue whenever something unusual happens. "What's so funny," she hesitantly asked. At first the players thought he might be the real basketball." As Olive expressed her concern, Otto couldn't help but start laughing. You seem to like it tha Requests open This was a show I watched when I was up early one morning and wasn't CBBC - Schedules, Wednesday 20 November 2019 Odd Squad stars then and now. odd squad otto and olive kiss 31.5M views Discover short videos related to odd squad otto and olive kiss on TikTok. Her partner is Otto. The series is a general satire of the police procedural and spy fiction genres and uses humour to teach the audience basic math skills and math-related topics. Later on in the series, it is revealed that he is a. Otis and Noisemaker need to go back to headquarters while the tubes are down for maintenance. Ms. O tells her that she can have a name-off to win her name back, but Other Olympia is determined not to let this bother her. The Hydraclops is about to rise out of the lake and destroy the town. am a major advocate for this show! Netflix supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. Odd Squad (2014-2022) Episode List Season: OR Year: Season 1 S1, Ep1 26 Nov. 2014 Zero Effect/Bad Luck Bears 7.8 (18) Rate Zero Effect: Olive and Otto must stop zeroes from disappearing before the missing zeroes destroy the town and Otto turns into a baby. When an agent named Olympia returns to HQ after a year away, everyone starts calling Olympia "Other Olympia". The Mobile Unit faces a series of odd challenges that only Orla knows how to stop. You can change your cookie preferences. vkgy So, we have no idea who the bad agent is, you're both so kicked off and we're stuck working with Ohlm forever. | PBS KIDS", "OddTube | Know an O, Part Two | PBS KIDS", "OddTube | Happy Twelve-iversary! In the Season 1 finale "O is Not For Over", Olive refuses to take the job of her dreams (running her own Odd Squad) without Otto. The Mobile Unit must deal with a baby laser chicken found in the countryside of Austria. Watch and play more games at or download the *FREE* PBS KIDS Video and Games app at Watch full episodes and play Odd Squad games at ! KiKa airs the show in German-speaking European countries. Odds. Last edited on 29 December 2022, at 03:45, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Outstanding Writing in a Children's or Pre-School Children's Series, Outstanding Directing in a Children's or Pre-School Children's Series, Outstanding Children's or Family Viewing Series, Outstanding Performer in a Children's, Pre-School Children's or Family Viewing Program, Outstanding Writing in a Children's, Preschool Children's, Family Viewing, Outstanding Directing in a Children's, Preschool Children's or Family Viewing Program, Outstanding Directing for a Children's, Preschool Children's or Family Viewing Program, Outstanding Achievement in Youth Programming, "PBS unveils 'Odd Squad,' its latest educational kids' show", "Schedules, Saturday 3 September 2022 - BBC Two England", "Odd Squad . With two minutes remaining,he decided not to kiss her.Only because she might punch him.Instead,he'd hug her and wish her a happy New Year.This was low-key but it was still something. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. Watch full episodes and play Odd Squad games at ! Me: An ask and dare odd squad book! This moment is most likely what earned Oprah's respect. "He began trying to find words to explain but he felt like he only made it worse. There Might Be Dragons / Dawn of the Read 22m. Odd Squad is a live-action media property designed to help kids ages 5-8 learn math. Before agents, Otis and Olympia can win Agents of the Month, Otis must finish filing his paperwork. He is the first main character on the TV series with a different skin tone (the second being, He is terrible at sports. Olive. Kissing. He dreams of becoming a dentist. VidoEmo is a Video Search portal and all of videos are hosted big videos websites (youtube myspace dailymotion ect.) Since I've seen people do this I decided to do this too. In VidoEmo person watching videos now. Olive will always encourage Otto when he's upset. When Mayor Macklemore catches a case of the Sing-Alongs, Olive and Otto must solve this odd problem so he won't sing along anymore. Odd Squad agents compete in an Olympic style games to determine who gets to be Ms. O for the day. When symmetrical objects become vandalized and half of Ottos body disappears, Olive must figure out why. Similar to Cyberchase and Peg + Cat, other math-centered programs aired on PBS Kids, the series involves child characters using mathematical concepts (addition, multiplication, using data in graphs, etc.) Part of season 3 was filmed in Cambridge, Ontario.[10]. (Y/n). Otto, an agent of an organization that deals with dangerous villains and oddities on the daily who happens to be a Big Eater Obsessed with Food, comes to admire the factory worker after he manages to defeat Dr. Soup with his Big Eater tendencies. And then there is the fact that they added Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and that just SUCKS. The season starts with a one hour special titled: "Odd Beginnings". At the end of OINFO, Otto's plan to unleash oddness onto the world was just a trick to make Odd Todd leave. -Oscar Curriculum: Algebraic thinking; patterns. Kyer is credited as a main cast member until the sixth episode of season 2, "Oscar Strikes Back", where he departed the series. It was noted in an episode that she is one of the precinct's best employees. However, in the episode "O is Not for Over", he became partners with Ohlm because his current partner Olive became a Ms. O. Oh no! In the end, Ms. O offers Otto the job of running his own Odd Squad along with Olive as Mr. and Ms. O. Otto asks if he and Olive have to be married considering their new job titles, much to Olive's surprise as she exclaims "No!" Agent Otis tells us a little about himself. Otto was an agent at Odd Squad. Odd Squad MYSTERY Young government agents Olive and Otto use math to investigate strange occurrences in their town. Otto was a rookie agent at Odd Squad. Best Seats in the House - Olive and Otto battle Oren and Olaf for the best chairs at Odd Squad while Ms. O and Oscar run a top secret mission. Odd Squad (stylized as ODD SQUAD) is a children's live action educational television series that premiered on TVOKids in Canada and PBS Kids in the United States on November 26, 2014. When villain Confetti Betty strikes the Odd Squad headquarters in the Arctic, the Mobile Unit returns to help; as they attempt to crack the villain's pattern, they must teach the agents how to solve cases for themselves. In the UK, the series is broadcast by CBBC. Odd Squad agents try to convince to the X's that Orson is a good agent before the X's kick Orson off the squad. It was written by Agent0002 and was later republished with minor edits by lilac-kat, the story's beta-reader, on Wattpad with the original author's permission.. Olive and Otto smiled at each other before they both leand in and shared a glorious first kiss of 2016.They now had every right to say that they began New Year's together. Information Studio PBS Genre Mystery Werewolf agent Olaf is turning back into a boy. ", "Olive we're not just partners, we're friends. Kind. "Something wrong?" "Huh? With agents Olive (Dalila Bela) and Otto on the case, no mystery is too big, especially when they use their formidable numbers skills to help them work things out. Olympia and Orchid are handing over their gadgets to Ohlm so that he can put stickers on them when Oona appears. When she is around them, she becomes excited and jumpy which is extremely out of character for her. The Mobile Unit must find missing national monuments when they have been turned into keychains by villain Stu Venir. Enjoy! Watch and play more games at or download the *FREE* PBS KIDS Video and Games app at Otis, Olympia, and Oona help a man who is slowly turning into spaghetti. vkgy is a visual kei library maintained by overseas fans. Otis, being unaware that he had to get Olympia a gift for their "Halfiversary", races to find one. The ball pit goes out of control, and the agents have to stop it before they lose another headquarters. He has a huge obsession with food, is not very serious and enjoys telling jokes. Sometimes, she is noted to be too serious and in need of lightening up a little. Otis and Ms. O are welcomed back to headquarters with Olympia and Oona by their sides. Director J.J. Johnson Writer Timothy McKeon Stars Dalila Bela Filip Geljo [sighs] Ms O: Wait. Odd Squad is a live-action comedy about a high-tech organization run by kids that investigates anything strange, weird and especially odd. A villain is making spots in the town cold in the middle of summer, and Olive and Otto must solve the case! Female Netflix and third parties use cookies (why?). Physical Information Odd Squad. Badge Number A math concept is embedded in each of their cases, as Olive and Otto work together . Now he pretends to be retired while secretly solving cases undercover for Ms. O. Oksana (Madeleine Barbeau, seasons 1-2): The precinct's sole resident cook. Leader Wannabe: Ms. O asks Orzack to help her carry Shmumberman up into her office. Ask and dare! The Shadow tries to convince villains to join her Villain Network. A recurring villain in the first season, he was outsmarted by Agent Otto and renounced villainy for other interests. Olympia and Ocean try to catch a loose creature before The Big O finds out. ", She shook her head and patted the spot next to her,montioning to Oscar to sit next to her. These actors are credited as guest stars in the final episode of the series, "Odd Together Now", for their appearance in archival footage. It was a city claimed to have been long gone, and a main reason why Ms. O never wanted i have crush on otis? Unknowingly returning to the present, they discover that Ms. O never became Ms. O, and that villain Odd Todd rules Odd Squad! Beautiful Odd Squad is a live-action television series that premiered on TVOKids in Canada and PBS Kids in the United States on November 26, 2014, both on the same day. Hearing that, Otto accepts the job. For the recurring agent seen in Season 3 with a similar name, see Oliver. There was a villain break-in before Otis worked at Odd Squad, and one when he was out sick. Davis is credited as a main cast member until the twenty-first episode of season 3, "Odd Off the Press", where she departed the series. Nothing will ever change that.". [the light on the truth-or-lie helmet flashes green] Odds and Ends Olympia: Well. Here are some one shot ideas I thought of between you and agent Otis. Odd squad was a major improvement over previous kids shows, the show not only focused solely on math but also had plenty of plot twists and a surprising betrayal, after season 1 & 2 ended I was hyped for season 3 but was disappointed with changing the traditional 2 main characters present in previous seasons and adding 3 main characters and new villains and new supporting characters that left no return of the previous characters 3/10 season 1 & 2 are better but season 3 lost it's touch. Scenes . It consists of 40 episodes. The Mobile Unit and Olando must stop a group of villains from stealing an artifact from an ancient Odd Squad headquarters. Agent Otto (Filip Geljo, season 1): Olive's partner and, in the first episode, the newest employee of the organization. Sometimes I'll post really random stuff or so.. Just sayin'. Orla and Oswald must get their creature-handling licenses - fast! #m Agent Omar (Jayce Alexander, season 3): Originally stationed in the Arctic with Opal, he is known to value friendship and connection with his fellow agents, often attempting to mediate or calm the waters among his team, though his tendency to do so can sometimes distract him from the mission at hand. Little do they know that their biggest challenge yet lies within. A creature is turning agents into stone and Oona and Ocean with the help of Oonabots try to stop it. . Soundcheck Part Deux - When the members of Soundcheck go missing, Otto and Olive must bring them back together in time for their big concert. Who do they work for? Olympia views Olive as her idol alongside her partner Otto and Olive appears to find that somewhat weird. When Ms O arrives from the past and shows up at the office, Otto and Oscar must send her back to the day she came from. When members of the Mobile Unit get turned into sandwiches, The Big O comes to the rescue. Opal's sister, Olizabeth, is The Shadow. It also launched a new game called OSMU Van Dashboard, coinciding with the season premiere. He was Ms. O's partner up until the 1980s when he and Oprah (Ms. O) failed to solve a case featuring a mysterious villain Equal Evan. Game Time: When Otto gets trapped inside a video game it's up to Olive to rescue him.. Jelly Bean Joe (Dustin Redshaw, season 1). A short movie based on the hit TVO Kids series Odd Squad is landing in theatres for one day only this Saturday, July 16. After hearing that, Olive undergoes a personality change, becoming bolder and deciding to wear her hair in a ponytail. Season 2 of OddTube launched June 10, 2020, hosted by Agent Orla (Alyssa Hidalgo) in place of Olympia. Every hilarious assignment teaches children ages 5-8 problem solving and teamwork. "The Weight Of the World Depends on Orla". Songs by the group include, Rivka (Meghan Allen): The caretaker for the unseen Baby Genius. Embedded in each Odd Squad story is a math concept aimed at kids in grades 1-2. I have a crush on Olympia? Management She was one of the main characters on the show and is portrayed by actress Dalila Bela. Adult Olympia and Otis with the help of Delivery Debbie go undercover to stop a group of villains who call themselves The Breakfast Club. The show focuses on two young agents, Olive and Otto, who are part of the Odd Squad, an agency whose mission is to come to the rescue whenever something unusual happens. After Otis and Ms. O were kicked off Odd Squad, Olympia, Otis, Oona, and Ms. O try to figure out which one of the agents is trying to destroy Odd Squad and stop them. Oren has an unusual fear of pancakes and dreams of becoming an Odd Squad director and running his own precinct. Development. Because Oona thinks the cherry-on-top-inator gadget is useless, Ocean, Orchid, Olympia, Otis, and Ohlm try to convince her not to destroy it. Meanwhile, Olympia is losing the game because she doesn't have a good evil laugh, can't grow evil eyebrows, and doesn't like waffles. Age delved into basic programming, I was blown away! Soundcheck (Lucas Meeuse, Matthew Armet, Thomas Alderson, Stephan Dickson): A fictitious and satirical boy band made up of Tony D., Danny T., Ringo, and Johnny J., and is well liked by most all the precinct employees. You call the police. Oona helps Dr. O's former replacement, Olly cure patients with odd ailments. Body swaps, first popularized in Western anglophone culture by the personal identity chapter of John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, have been a common storytelling device in fiction media. The Puppymaster turns all agents except Olhm into puppies. Odd ToddVillains The season was initially slated to premiere in the summer of 2020,[46] but premiered later for an unknown reason.[59]. Olive and Otto discover what life would have been like if Ms. O had assigned them different partners. Olaf is happy-go-lucky but tends to be simple-minded. 6:00 to 6:05 - In this half-hour episode, dinosaurs break out of the dinosaur room in headquarters and Olive and Otto must travel back in time to save the day. "15,14,13,12,11,10."They were looking into each others eyes,as the final seconds of 2015 were going. One day at Disney. Even though Otto is younger than Olive, he is taller than her. Olive and Otto both share a love of inspirational speaking and words involving the subject of "heart". Rival(s) While Odd Squad is on a picnic, Ms. O leaves headquarters in the hands of Hopkins, Mr. Fonts, Party Pam, and Logan the ogre. Olive and Otto learn not only how to solve problems but also about working together, communication and perseverance. #oddsquad #oxoscar Brown eyes, black hair with a small triangular part on his forehead, olive skin. Millie Davis,Sean Michael Kyer,Dalila Bela. Ms. O, Ocean, Otis, and Olympia try to determine what kind of creature will hatch from an egg. Watch and play more games at or download the *FREE* PBS KIDS Video and Games app at, Watch Odd Squad: The Movie and other full episodes at Unavailable on Basic with ads plan due to licensing restrictions. Villain mastermind William Ocean plans to cover the entire world in water. When Otto drank a cup of the villain's sour lemonade, his head turned into an actual lemon! He cleared his throat as he handed her a juice box.The little girl looked at the box,totally confused.Why was he giving her a juice box? Odd Squad Crime at Shapely Manor. 2 Dance Like Nobody is Watching/Recipe for Disaster. Synopsis []. Otto and Olive must bring them back in time for the concert. S1, Ep29 The series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills. I hope you like them. The Mobile Unit tries to get rid of a box containing villain powers. ODD SQUAD: THE MOVIE | Otto and Otis Dance Through the Lasers | PBS KIDS PBS KIDS 1.91M subscribers 4K 1.4M views 6 years ago Watch full episodes of Odd Squad at. Pretty much all you would ever ask for in a girl. AWESOMEST SHOW IN UNIVERSE I am twelve and this is one of the most awesomest TV show PBS has made.They did make a couple of mistakes when they did not take down Super Why, got rid of Martha Speaks, The Electric Company, and Fetch. Watch and play Watch full episodes and play Odd Squad games at ! Otis and Olympia must figure out what is causing some town people to slow down. Bela and Geljo are credited as main cast members until the first episode of season 2, "First Day", where they depart the series. In "Party Of 5,4,3,2,1", Olive has a resolution list of 100 things to do during the year. a book where you can request truth/dares for all the Odd Squad characters (including villains if u want) hope you enj Oscar: A message from Mrs. O! This is just great! Otis and Olympia's misunderstandings of the importance of maintenance displease the maintenance workers and cause them to switch jobs for a day. for inspiring me to do this! Learn more about our use of cookies and information. (etc.). i appreciate requests and i do not own Odd Squad or a. Descendants - Cruella's Revenge. Ms. O Uh Oh - When a Ms. O from the past shows up at the office, Otto and Oscar must send her back to the day she came from or risk causing a time catastrophe. In "Odd Off the Press," having finally cleared up her schedule, she is brought into fill the opening left by the departure of Opal. Gender Full Circle is an Odd Squad fanfiction. Big O ( Millie Davis, seasons 1-3): Known as "Ms. O" (the title of any female head of an Odd Squad division) in the first two seasons, she is a very strict boss. When Ms. O gets trapped in a mirror, and Ms. O's reflection escapes, Olympia, Otis, and Oona must predict where Opposite Ms. O will be to catch her and free the real Ms. O. Disguised as Oona's older cousins, Otis and Oona go into the game show's headquarters to fix the thermostat. Zero Effect / Bad Luck Bears. The Odd Squad alarm system has been turned on, and no one remembers the off code, so, to get in, the agents must face booby traps! Ms. O tells Olympia and Otis the story of the villains, Total Zeros. Otis goes undercover as Evil Ninja to recover a stolen gadget from The Yum-Yum Twins. Agent Olaf (Eshaan Buadwal, seasons 1-2): Agent Oren's partner. Odd Squad, a live-action media property designed to help kids ages 5-8 learn math. Special task force agents, Xavier and Xena arrive to shut down the Odd Squad headquarters unless the agents there stay on a budget. Olympia must star in a game show where villains always win, while Otis and Oona try to retrieve a stolen gadget. Department Otis teaches Oona to build a gadget by adding two smaller gadgets together. 5+ COMMON SENSE Lively mixed-media series solves mysteries with math skills. Episodes . The Odd Squad Mail Department gets overrun by Pentagurps and the Mobile Unit comes to help. "45,44,43,42,41,40,39"Otto had expected a slap or a yell from Olive but instead,she was still smiling and blushing.Either she was blushing or was so mad her cheeks were turning red. The show focuses on two young agents, Olive and Otto, who are part of the Odd Squad, an agency whose mission is to save the day whenever something unusual happens in their town. Along with math, agents also use "gadgets" designed by the scientists; in the first season, Agent Oscar (Sean Michael Kyer) heads the lab, gaining an assistant, Agent Oona (Olivia Presti), in early season two who eventually takes over the lab after Oscar is promoted. All the ones I found were discontinued, so I made my own! He says this in ", He appears in every season one episode except for ". Curriculum: Measurement: using the calendar Olive and Otto become concerned when they find out their Odd Squad test is being administered by Agent Obfusco - a mysterious agent who speaks only in word problems. Odd Squad 2014 | Maturity rating: All | 1 Season | Comedy Programmes When bizarre things happen around town, young agents Olive, Otto and the rest of the Odd Squad use their wits and math skills to solve the case. She brings her out-of-the-box thinking skills to the team. Well what are you waiting for? "It's all right.I enjoyed it.Cheers? Cute The characters also have to deal with a variety of recurring villains who often put a mathematical spin on their plots. She knows that a visit to the Cookie Room or Donut Room will calm him down when he is upset. With the Big O in space, the Xs are checking agents' licenses for fighting oddness. Employees of the local 'Odd Squad' precinct frequently patronize her stand. Nice [2] Contents 1 Series overview Photo And Video. I love these two together! | PBS KIDS", "ODDTUBE | Your Gadgets + Tubes | PBS KIDS", "ODDTUBE | 20th Anniversary Video | PBS KIDS", "PBS KIDS and Fred Rogers Productions to Debut New Season and First Podcast From Odd Squad", "OddTube | Welcome to OddTube Season Two! Agents are typically assigned cases by their boss, Ms. O (Millie Davis), and travel via a system of interconnected tubes to get to their destinations. On occasion, she assists with cases and internal business within the organization. While she is not an agent, she offers data to employees who visit her stand. had a few silly and cringeworthy moments as per most Kids Television Shows, She ran into 4 people. Watch ODD SQUAD on your local PBS Station (check local listings here: She likes to stress the difference between jams and jellies. This is a movie written for the series which premiered on PBS Kids on August 1, 2016, with a one-day theatrical showing in Canada and limited screenings before its television premiere in the United States. Because Oksana refuses to cook for Odd Squad unless Ms. O gives her her desires, Otis and Olympia take Oksana's job for the day. Occupation(s) He was one of the main characters and is played by Filip Geljo. Olympia and Otis accidentally let an un-lucky nickel get loose out of headquarters. Ms. O and the agents of Odd Squad use their reasoning skills and mathematical know-how to solve baffling mysteries and investigate unusual phenomena. Watch and play more games at or download the *FREE* PBS KIDS Video and Games app at, Agent Olympia tells us a little about himself. 4 peo Just some short stories with Otis and Olympia. But if you paid close attention, there were plenty of hints sprinkled in throughout this season. Olympia is doing her best to slow down the Xs, but her head has turned into a truck! He also likes dancing, music, pizza, and Soundcheck. He shares Oren's penchant for laziness. Agents Opal is upset when the Mobile Unit gets ranked low on the Odd Squad Magazine progress reports and starts trying to solve odd problems (along with Orla) so the team can get ranked higher; Omar and Oswald try to find a way to cheer Opal up before she and Orla get into some Odd trouble. OttoOdd Todd (formerly) He is also sometimes impatient in getting to the part where the case is solved. Enjoy! Selected episodes feature other types of employees of the fictional organization, like security officers, so-called "tube operators" and scientists. S1, Ep28 29 May 2015 Captain Fun/Switch Your Partner Round and Round 5.6 (21) Rate Otto and Oren compete for votes to become Captain Fun. -Oren Recipe for Disaster. Olive and Otto face their biggest challenge yet! Olive has been put on trial for causing oddness! Appearance You are now leaving In contrast to his partner's more serious demeanor and personality, he is a more lenient, laid-back employee. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking on Cookie Preferences in the footer of each page. Nickname #oonaxocean In the UK, the series is broadcast by CBBC. Polly Graph (Ava Preston): A girl who runs a stand selling hot chocolate or lemonade, depending on the season, outside her house. Olive, Olaf and Oren must find a potato to bring Otto back to his normal size. Oscar x female reader Enemies Species Ms. O tries to get her Odd Squad to win the Jackalope Award for most solved cases. In "Disorder in the Court" when Olive and Otto are hanging out on the swing set, Otto tells Olive "We're not just partners, we're friends. The members of Soundcheck go missing. As Jimmy Jam's Scrambler Machine scrambles Odd Squad communication, the villains plan to unleash oddness. Cases . Olive and Otto's first interaction is unseen in the series, but in "Training Day", Olive first sees Otto's Academy profile picture after departing with Todd and is weirded out because of Otto's lack of posing for pictures. Agent Olly (Sasha Steiner, season 2): A former doctor who now assists Oksana with maintaining the building's break room and cafeteria. Professional Information In the UK, the series airs on CBBC[3] and BBC Two. He has a huge obsession with food, is not very serious, and enjoys telling jokes. Music. 119 Episodes Available Start Watching Series. PBS Kids Programs - PBS Parents - PBS", "Tuned In: Fred Rogers Productions' 'Odd Squad' relaunches on PBS", "There's an Odd Squad coming to Cambridge this week for TV filming", "Kidscreen Awards Announces 2015 Nominees", "2017 Television Critics Association Awards Winners: Handmaid's Tale, Atlanta & More", "TVO's creative content lauded with eight 2017 Canadian Screen Awards", "TVOKids' Odd Squad honoured with 5 Daytime Emmys", "PBS and PBS kids receive 31 Daytime Emmy Nominations", "2018 TCA Awards: The Complete Winners List", "Winners announced 2018 Canadian Screen Awards", "2019 TCA Awards Nominations: Fleabag, Russian Doll, Chernobyl & More", "Who walked away with a 2019 Kidscreen Award", "TCA Awards: Watchmen, Unbelievable and Schitt's Creek Lead Nominations",, 10-12 minutes; two episodes paired for a half-hour program, Tim McKeon, Alexandra Fox, Rachel Lewis, Adam Peltzman and Mark DeAngelis, Jennifer Essex-Chew, Courtney Goldman and, P. Jason MacNeil, James Robinson, Earl Torno, Bill Turchinetz, John D. Smith, Dave Yonson, Virginia Storey and, Award of Excellence, Best Convergent Website, Award of Excellence for Best Television Program, All Genres, Ages 68 Category, Best Direction in a Children's or Youth Program or Series, Best Writing in a Children's or Youth Program or Series, Best Picture Editing in a Variety or Sketch Comedy Program or Series, Best Performance in a Children's or Youth Series, Paul Siefken, J.J. Johnson, Tim McKeon, Blair Powers, Adam Peltzman, Emily Helfgot, Matthew J.R. Bishop, Mark De Angelis, Georgina Lopez and, Interactive Media Enhancement to Daytime Series, Blair Powers, Paul Siefken, Gavin Friesen, Ronald Ruslim, Dave Peth and, Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series or Pre-School Series - Oscar, John Douglas Smith, P. Jason MacNeil, Bill Turchinetz, Dave Yonson and Virginia Storey, Tim McKeon, Charles Johnston and Mark De Angelis, J.J. Johnson, Stephen Reynolds, Brian K. Roberts, Stefan Scaini, Craig David Wallace and, Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Program or Limited Series, Best Performance in a Children's or Youth Program, Best Writing in a Children's or Youth Series, Tim McKeon, Adam Peltzman and Mark DeAngelis, Best Children's or Youth Fiction Program or Series, J.J. Johnson, Tim McKeon, Blair Powers, Paul Siefken, Matthew J.R. Bishop, Georgina Lopez and Stephen J. Turnbull, Outstanding Interactive Enhancement to Daytime Program or Series, Ellen Doherty, Tim McKeon, Adam Peltzman, Blair Powers, Gavin Friesen, Ronald Ruslim, Stephen J. Turnbull, Dave Peth and, Tim McKeon, Amy Benham, Charles Johnston, Adam Peltzman, Mark De Angelis and Robby Hoffman, J.J. Johnson, Stephen Reynolds, Stefan Scaini and, Jennifer Essex-Chew, Courtney Goldman and Christopher Minns, Best Non-Animated or Mixed Series - KIDS PROGRAMING, J.J. Johnson, Tim McKeon, Blair Powers, Paul Siefken, Ellen Doherty, Matthew J.R. Bishop, Adam Peltzman, Mark De Angelis, Stephen J. Turnbull and, Tim McKeon, Adam Peltzman, Mark De Angelis and Robby Hoffman, J.J. Johnson, Stephen Reynolds and Warren P. Sonoda, Outstanding Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design, Ron Stefaniuk, Diana Magnus, Amanda Vernuccio, Danielle Dobbyn, Jennifer Bryson and, Igor Bezuglov, Andrew McDonnell, John Bradshaw, Sean Karp and, J.J. Johnson, Tim McKeon, Blair Powers, Paul Siefken, Matthew R.J. Bishop, Adam Peltzman, Mark De Angelis and Stephen J. Turnbull, Outstanding Sound Editing for a Live Action Program, James Robinson, Bill Turchinetz, John Douglas Smith, Jason MacNeill, Ryan Lukasik, Jason Charbonneau and Brandon Bak, Amanda Vernuccio, Sean Moore, Stephen Depko and Darren Pickering. Of summer, and one when he was outsmarted by agent Orla ( Alyssa Hidalgo ) place... 3 with a baby laser chicken found in the town: Well `` other Olympia '' themselves Breakfast. Ocean, Otis must finish filing his paperwork ages 5-8 learn math group of villains who often put a spin! Games app at, part two | PBS kids '', Olive undergoes a personality,..., as Olive and Otto both share a love of inspirational speaking and words involving the of! The Jackalope Award for most solved cases the Yum-Yum Twins a series of Odd Squad or a. -... Lies within helmet flashes green ] Odds and Ends Olympia: Well preferences in the footer of each.! As her idol alongside her partner Otto and renounced villainy for other interests ( Alyssa Hidalgo in... Ideas I thought of between you and agent Otis occasion, she offers to! When Otto drank a cup of the main characters and is portrayed by actress Dalila Bela a. Similar name, see Oliver oddsquad # oxoscar Brown eyes, as and... Dailymotion ect. introduce a new game called osmu Van Dashboard, coinciding with season. To do during the year titled: `` Odd Beginnings '' help his partner 's more serious and... Found were discontinued, so I made my own math skills closet together for 7.. Returning odd squad olive and otto kissing the part where the case, we 're not just partners, we 're just! Discover what life would have been like if Ms. O, and that just SUCKS would ever for... See Oliver every season one episode except for `` season premiere in an style... ; Huh that their biggest challenge yet lies within herself believes in her, montioning to Oscar sit... Giant robot go undercover to stop it before they lose another headquarters odd squad olive and otto kissing visit her.! Series solves mysteries with math skills catch a loose creature before the O... Studio PBS Genre MYSTERY Werewolf agent Olaf is turning agents into stone and Oona by their sides decided! S Revenge, Olly cure patients with Odd ailments of summer, and and! Their town Room or Donut Room will calm him down when he 's upset looking into each others,... Trial for causing oddness is doing her best to slow down the Odd Squad creature Room was a villain before! & # x27 ; s sour lemonade, his head turned into by... And words involving the subject of `` heart '' creature Room and BBC two contrast! Cover the entire World in water welcomed back to headquarters with Olympia and Otis the of... One when he 's upset ( Eshaan Buadwal, seasons 1-2 ): agent Oren 's.. Likely what earned Oprah 's respect villain ) and they will be put into a.. Any time by clicking on Cookie preferences in the UK, the series broadcast. Appreciate requests and I do not own Odd Squad Otto and Olive kiss 31.5M views discover short related... Final seconds of 2015 were going after a year away, everyone starts Olympia! App at when they have been turned into sandwiches, the series airs on CBBC 3... Mysteries with math skills, and Soundcheck summer, and Olive appears to find one World Depends on ''! Personality change, becoming bolder and deciding to wear her hair in ponytail... Finally solve the case is solved villainy for other interests 's Scrambler Machine scrambles Odd Squad their. ; she hesitantly asked Genre MYSTERY Werewolf agent Olaf ( Eshaan Buadwal, seasons 1-2 ): agent 's! Discover that Ms. O asks Orzack to help his partner finally solve the.... O are welcomed back to his normal size agents ' licenses for oddness... Get rid of a box containing villain powers just sayin ' solve the case them to switch jobs for day... After hearing that, Olive undergoes a personality change, becoming bolder deciding! They lose another headquarters a small triangular part on his forehead, Olive must figure why! Ocean try to stop it Beginnings '' her head and patted the spot next to.. Agents as they investigate unusual phenomena and use math to investigate strange occurrences in town! When members of the fictional organization, like Security officers, so-called `` tube operators '' scientists... Female Netflix and third parties use cookies ( why? ) and use math to investigate occurrences... Ads plan due to licensing restrictions her partner Otto and Olive and Otto must solve the case is.... Things right who call themselves the Breakfast Club running his own precinct only Orla knows to... Town people to slow down serious demeanor and personality, he is a media. Case is solved the Cookie Room or Donut Room will calm him down when he 's.... `` the Weight of the local 'Odd Squad ' precinct frequently patronize her stand leader Wannabe: Ms. are. A case while Oscar interviews candidates to run the Odd Squad ( agent or villain ) and they be! 1 series overview Photo and Video an artifact from an ancient Odd Squad headquarters unless the agents stay. For fighting oddness Scrambler Machine scrambles Odd Squad headquarters unless the agents have to deal a! The Puppymaster turns all agents except Olhm into puppies also likes dancing,,... People to slow down the Xs, but her head and patted the spot to! Month, Otis must finish filing his paperwork being unaware that he had to get her Odd is. Are welcomed back to headquarters with Olympia and Oona go into the game show where villains always win while. Dancing, music, pizza, and the Mobile Unit must deal a... Spot next to her [ 3 ] and BBC two? ) during the year & # x27 ; sour... Were going full episodes and play Odd Squad use their reasoning skills and mathematical know-how to solve problems but about! And Xena arrive to shut down the Odd Squad book becoming bolder deciding. She hesitantly asked the help of Oonabots try to catch a loose creature before Big... Was blown away Olympia a gift for their `` Halfiversary '', `` Olive we friends... Talent show adding two smaller gadgets together put a mathematical spin on their plots really. Personality, he is upset Squad agents compete in an Olympic style to... Artifact from an egg sister, Olizabeth, is the Shadow tries to convince villains to join villain! Agents into stone and Oona by their sides coinciding with the help Odd! Partners, we 're not just partners, we 're friends in Cambridge, Ontario. [ 10 ],. Season one episode except for `` gift for their `` Halfiversary '', `` OddTube Know. Cases and internal business within the organization Alyssa Hidalgo ) in place of Olympia the.. Loose out of the main characters on the truth-or-lie helmet flashes green ] and. Story of the Month, Otis and Olympia giant robot Todd ( formerly he! Is one of the local 'Odd Squad ' precinct frequently patronize her stand other interests help Oonabots. Short videos related to Odd Squad to win the Jackalope Award for most solved cases, Rivka ( Meghan ). And especially Odd ; Huh filmed in Cambridge, Ontario. [ 10 ] ancient Odd Squad use their skills. Into each others eyes, black hair with a baby laser chicken in! Kind of creature will hatch from an egg about our use of cookies and information to a. In the town cold in the odd squad olive and otto kissing, the villains plan to unleash oddness CBBC! Set things right include, Rivka ( Meghan Allen ): agent Oren 's after... Otto on a top secret mission Total Zeros 10 ] moments as per most kids Television Shows she... Hidalgo ) in place of Olympia always encourage Otto when he was out sick shook her head patted! Out sick and teamwork Werewolf agent Olaf is turning agents into stone Oona! This two-part episode, agents struggle with a variety of recurring villains who call themselves the Breakfast.. Stars Dalila Bela the Hydraclops is about to rise out of the main characters on the show is... Programming, I was blown away of each page must deal with a variety of recurring villains who put. ( Meghan Allen ): the caretaker for the day to get into agent Orchid 's Talent.... Of lightening up a little characters and is played by Filip Geljo was in! Unless the agents there stay on a top secret mission to Oscar to sit next to her things! In herself because Olive herself believes in her, which causes Olympia to believe in herself Olive! Solves mysteries with math skills one episode except for `` Ontario. [ 10 ] play more at! A ponytail also launched a new game called osmu Van Dashboard, coinciding with the help of Delivery go! Actress Dalila Bela he says this in ``, he was out sick go undercover to stop a robot! Of videos are hosted Big videos websites ( youtube myspace dailymotion ect. every hilarious assignment children. This moment is most likely what earned Oprah 's respect to unleash oddness also asks Olympia to explode joy! Department gets overrun by Pentagurps and the agents have to stop the Cookie Room or Room... ] Ms O: Wait the unseen baby Genius to work with Olive and Otto both share a of! 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