The user is on notice that neither the State Specifications - Special Provisions Lengths of stringers from centerline of bearings to centerline of bearings, Locations of and spacing between diaphragms, Angle between centerline of bearings and stringers, Elevations of the tops of the stringers at the centerline of bearings, Transverse intermediate stiffener spacing, Spacing between beams and between diaphragms, Location of profile line, transverse grades. If the STATE determines that any design submittal items noted in the QA checklist prepared by the CONSULTANT are unacceptable due to errors, omissions, or failure to comply with the requirements of the checklist, the CONSULTANT shall correct and revise the deficiency in accordance with directions received from the STATE at no cost to the STATE. The CONSULTANT shall be liable to the STATE for all damages to the STATE caused by the CONSULTANTs negligent errors and omissions, including interest and other expenses. (Roadway Excavation, Rock or Roadway Excavation, Earth are not recommended), All non-standard items and specifications have been approved by the Project Manager, All non-standard proprietary items have been approved by the FHWA, Revisions and additions have been marked on the Project Specific SI's and/or additional Special Provision inserts provided (with electronic files to each respective Specifications Development Group), Specifications/details have been included for all non-standard work items, Additional estimate documentation has been provided where additions or revisions made to a standard item could substantially revise the cost, The specifications for a Lump Sum item clearly spell out the work which will be included in the payment for the item and additional estimate documentation has been provided, Non-standard item numbers have been approved by Quality Assurance, including revisions to existing standard items, A final Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate has been submitted, Requirements of the Initial Design Submission QA Checklist have been satisfied. With their final verification response, the respective SDG(s) will also submit the completed electronic file for their portion. Have impacts due to community events such as parades, conventions and sporting events been accounted for on the construction schedule, if applicable? Does the location of lighting units show on the plans? Are there architectural plans for partial demolitions in the project? All dimensions required to construct piles and footings However, if minimum pile tip elevation is required this value could be higher to account for the driving resistance from the layers that are not to be considered for the permanent bearing resistance. The specifics of a project may require modifying a standard specification to create a non-standard item. Please choose an Exit that is of your point of entry. Have all permits been obtained for the contractor and the utility companies? The user is on notice that neither the State Preferably, plans, sections, and elevations should be drawn to a scale not less than 1/4 inch per foot and details to a scale not less than 3/8 inch per foot, except on the General Plan and Elevation Sheet. There may be other documents containing relevant, material information regarding NJTA which may be available from other sources, including, but not limited to, In general, all of the above requirements shall apply, however, the Project Manager or lead unit responsible for the project shall contact Quality Assurance in advance of any submission to develop any warranted revisions to the requirements and/ or procedures to complete an individual project or a group of similar type projects such as projects that are advertised/ awarded by Authority Agencies or local governments. DISCLAIMER: The Standard Plans are compiled using MicroStation dgn file format. Reinforcement Steel Bar List - These are used in computing net theoretical weight. Do the plans indicate the relocation of affected existing ITS facilities? -Read Full Dislaimer. Has adequate construction layout information been provided in the plans? Business First Steps, Phone Directory All certificates and permits required shall be obtained during the design phases. Applicable details which apply to the structure should be indicated or the plan sheet should be marked "OMIT" for the non applicable details. Has the electric service inquiry been confirmed in writing? signage, and detour signage, Include notes on transitions between stages, Include a legend for signs and associated dimensions, Show details for signs that need to be made just for this project. Further, those websites may have their own terms of use and policies which you should review prior to availing yourself of information on those sites. Elected Officials Is there access to underground storage tanks which are located outside of ROW limits? the NJDOT will consider the needs of all road users and neighbors. Details of foundation and channel excavation payment lines. Has reduced productivity due to levels protection been included in the contract time? Conditions of the Stream Encroachment Permit have been incorporated in the plans, if applicable. reason. If you access one of these websites, remember that NJTA has not participated in the preparation, compilation, or selection of information on any other website for purposes of reaching the investing public, and NJTA assumes no responsibility or liability for the views, content, or accuracy of any other website. Has milling or removing surface pavement, which will cause a difference in grade that will affect the utilities, drainage and/or traffic been taken into account? Has existing and proposed curve data been shown on the plans? Anticipated conditions/constraints that may result from required construction permits. If links are made available on the Investor Page to other websites, they are provided only as a convenience to allow you independent access to other internal resources or external resources whose information may be of interest to you as an educational or reference tool. Has the establishment of the Mean High Water been performed in the field?. For Private Developer projects, Major Access Permits may directly request review of the specifications by the appropriate SDG(s). Hydraulic and hydrologic data are shown for waterway structures. All updated and revised non-standard and standard electrical details are included Traffic Signing and Striping Plans Show roads and ramps with locations for signs Show roadway striping, including dimensions and direction of traffic All pay items are indicated; contract quantities are shown Show details for signs Show traffic signal locations structures, fencing, retaining or noise walls, drainage features, and proposed topography where needed, First sheet(s) show the method of cross sections, Stripping quantities and limits (cuts and fills), Regulated Material excavation and quantities, Excavation and quantities, including estimated % wet, estimated % rock, and final grades, Retaining walls, crib walls, abutments, piers and buildings (foundations), Limits of Zone 2 backfill with apparent firm bottom, Ditch sections with quantity, if from sections, Channel sections with quantity, if from sections, Note describing additional embankment available from project excavation to reduce borrow, Check for adequate driveway details and pavement runouts to cover all situations that may be encountered, Traffic signal, CCTV, HAR, and VMS utility conflict corrections, The size and type of Contract drawing sheets shall be according to the. Have reduced productivity rates for night work and limited work hours been considered in the bar chart in setting the completion date, and also for the contractor and Utility Companies? Examples of Standard Drawings can be found in Section 2 of the Bridges and Structures Design. Delaware Marketplace Shear Lock Device Details All pay items are indicated; contract quantities are shown. the contractors are contractually required to follow only the printed bound booklets, namely the njdot standard construction details roadway-traffic control-bridge 2016, the njdot general design criteria and standard drawings for overhead and cantilever sign support structures, 2007, and the njdot standard electrical details, 2007, as of the date Details of foundation and bridge excavation pay limits. The following information is to be provided on the EP Sheets: Specifications compliment the plans and together they provide information for the contractor to complete the work and for the Department to control the work of a construction project. Personal Income Tax Social Media, Built by the Government Information Center Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Details of epoxy waterproofing pay limits. Have Federal wildflower planting requirements been met? If, because of lack of space on a particular sheet, it is necessary to place a view or a section on another sheet, both sheets should be clearly cross-referenced. Has non-vegetative surface been included under guiderail? The transmittal memo must note if there are none. Construction Requirements - specifies the methods, equipment and performance required to complete the work. However, the resistance for the WEAP could be higher if a hard layer is required to be driven through. Has the proper allocation of jurisdictional apportionment been provided and is it correctly shown on the jurisdiction map and complete? Includes the pay item nomenclature and pay unit. Have utility agreement plans been submitted and approved? Abbreviation of words shall generally be avoided, and those abbreviations which are not in common use shall be explained. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, please do not access the information provided here. Gross Receipts Tax There may be one or more sheets under this heading. Location map showing the project, with the begin and end of project labeled. Any single revision and addition that contains more than thirty-five words shall be submitted with an electronic file on a virus-free disk. of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or -Read Full Dislaimer. Boxes numbering utilities, Structures, Index to sheets. Toll Calculator for SR 1 purported language translation. E-10 LIGHTING STANDARD ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS. Have Specifications been included for all utility items? Does the Bar/CPM/Primavera Chart include a winter shut down? Locations Directory It indicates: This sheet is a schematic outline with general information necessary to assist bidders in determining the extent of the work. Notes Has the designer properly incorporated the geotechnical design and recommendations given in the Geotechnical Foundation Engineering Report, the Geotechnical Roadway Engineering Report and/or Rock Engineering Report into the plans and specifications? 2, 3, & 4 above to Quality Assurance and other applicable units with the FDS. Reinforcement bar lists - These are used in computing net theoretical mass. Privacy Policy The user is on notice that neither the State The Designers Certified DPS&E submission to Quality Assurance (or any other submission to SDG(s)) shall include two copies of the following in addition to other DPS&E requirements (transmittal forms will be as provided by the Project Manager, see sample forms): The Project Specific SI with any revisions and additions, marked in the appropriate location, so that the plans, estimate/proposal, schedules and other applicable documents will match the Special Provisions. All designers are cautioned not to commit to any project design cost or schedule which will prevent the designer from performing the necessary quality control and quality assurance requirements in producing accurate plans and other contract documents. An earthwork chart should be provided only when the project is a large earth moving project and complex enough to warrant a graphic picture of available embankment sites. This information is provided by NJTA on a voluntary basis to assist the investing public, including bondholders, rating analysts, financial advisors, or any other members of the investment community. -Read Full Dislaimer. Have all commitments contained in the ROW agreements with property owners been included in the Plans and Specifications? parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Are the ROW availability dates compatible with the project schedule and staging for the various types of work, including utility work? Construction Standards And Details Construction Standards And Details It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Small scale diagram showing concrete placing sequence for continuous spans. The Standard Sheet Books are also available as compiled .pdf files for the critical letting dates for which they were applicable. Have permits or agreements required with other authorities been obtained - Turnpike, A.C. Expressway? Estimated quantities of the items incorporated in the pier. Have provisions been included to account for the impact of construction on the routing of school buses and/or emergency vehicles, if applicable? Materials - specifies the materials to be used and how they will be tested. Google Designers must be particularly careful that sufficient "over-all" and "tie-in" dimensions and geometric data are given on the plan. Estimated quantities of items incorporated on the sheet. Environmental Plan 1263 S. Stewart Street. NJTA has no obligation and expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained on the Investor Page. Location and identification of utilities. Standard Input (SI): The most current approved revisions and additions to the Standard Specifications, with instructional text and locations noted where decisions must be made or information provided specific to a project in order to complete the Special Provisions. of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or For consultant design projects, the Designer shall submit the following to Quality Assurance and the other respective SDG(s) for the FDS in addition to the other FDS requirements (transmittal forms will be as provided by the Project Manager, see sample forms). "New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Electrical Details," 2007 edition, incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented, available from the Department's Engineering Documents Unit at 609-530-5587 or on the . Stationing 2014 Standard Specifications (Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1, 2016) 2014 Standard Specifications (Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1, 2015) Manual and Publication Sales Order Printed Specification Manuals Resources Notice of Disclaimer Contact Staff Phone: 701-328-2590 Have survey controls for utilities been addressed? Will adequate roadway width available be maintained during the shifting of breakpoints or lanes? Has the designer prepared and submitted an approved Geotechnical Foundation Engineering Report, Geotechnical Roadway Engineering and/or Rock Engineering Report - including structural foundation selection, bearing capacities, settlement, structural foundation stability (external & internal stability)? Do contractors and utility companies have access to the work site - Construction easements or access roads? Under no circumstances shall the information on the Investor Page constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities and should not be relied upon to provide specific offering information in connection with any issuance, sale, resale, or remarketing of bonds, notes, or other obligations. Bridge number (7 digits). Street Reconstruction Full reconstruction of streets provides long-term upgrades to the roadway and the underlying infrastructure, addressing serious issues related to a street's condition and design. Refer to Section 24 of the Bridges and Structures for guidance on plan requirements. parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. While the files are presented here in .pdf format, the source drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .dgn files. Small scale schematic diagram showing the following minimum information: Baseline and other control lines - Stations at 25 feet intervals, Contours at 10 feet intervals between variable cross-slopes. Has the telephone service inquiry been confirmed in writing? Has paving been provided if it is required prior to opening the roadway to traffic during staging? silt fence, hay bales, turbidity barriers, temporary detention basins, etc.). Programs Route and Section number under which the bridge was built. Has multi-year funding been considered in setting the completion date with the work limited to the amount of funds available in each Fiscal Year? Standard Construction Details, 2016 The Contractors are contractually required to follow only the printed bound booklet, "Standard Construction Details Roadway-Traffic Control-Bridge, 2016" (pdf 42m), as of the date of the contract, and the revised details included as part of the Contract documents. E-mail / Text Alerts parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. The purpose of the Environmental Plan Sheet is to provide the Project Manager, designer, Resident Engineer and construction contractor an easy way to monitor, update and implement during construction all environmental commitments and permit conditions on a project. It will also graphically indicate the location of any sensitive environmental resources, land uses and/ or other properties. Google FOIA Requests It may also include additional clarification on what additional work is or is not included. Factored Uplift Resistance The following outlines the various steps to be used for keeping track of and implementing a projects environmental commitments from the completion of the environmental document through the development of final plans, including an Environmental Plan (EP) Sheet, and construction. Right of Way information and Design Traffic Data. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, NJTA is under no obligation to update any information included on the Investor Page. Does the information in the typical sections, tie and grade sheets and the construction plan sheets agree with the Design Exception? Plan, elevation and typical sections with key dimensions and elevations Have existing utilities that will affect major items of work such as proposed footing locations or major drainage structures been located in the field? Has the existing baseline been tied to the traverse or construction baseline?. It is hereby certified that the CONSULTANT has performed the necessary quality control and quality assurance tasks for the project and specifically for those applicable items as shown on the attached checklist. Reinforcement bar lists - These are used in computing net theoretical weight. All characters shall be open, bold, uniform and formed with a dense but not wide line. Google Use of the standards provides for more consistent estimating / bidding and control of the work by both the Department and the contractors. The details may be typical or specific. NJDOT Engineering Department of Transportation Engineering The Engineering area contains most of the reference material needed to design and construct a Capital Program project. *** Required Resistance for WEAP: Generally this value should be equal to the resistance In addition, all Designers are required to submit the Final Design Checklist Certification. Public Meetings - The NYSDOT Standard Specifications is a body of directions and requirements for commonly used items of construction for bridge and highway . Division 03 - Pipe Culverts. Project specific special provisions submitted on CD, with one hard copy. Has the item, Clearing Site for Structures been established for removal of structures other than bridges? E-06 HIGHMAST LIGHTING STANDARD DETAILS - 1. Extent of removal and staging Division 08 - Incidentals Part 1. Standard Details BDC Announcements These views usually indicate: 3. Proposed alignment with coordinate geometry sheets is provided with all existing baseline data.
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