Long after this is over, the one thing people will remember about Meghan, Oprah, Harry and CBS is that they chose to air this show, when Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was in his third week in hospital, following a heart condition emergency. Royal biographer Duncan Larcombe suspected that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be having problems in their marriage. Surely they were involved throughout her pregnancy and would have given her good counsel in every aspect of her health. Hmmmm. Thank you. This went beyond the absence of the brides father. Im so shocked that she threw her in laws under the bus especially (the future queen!) I say with irony ! There will be a cover-up involving both during the eclipse at 19 Gemini on June 10th, 2021. There is nothing wrong with reminding the world of their behaviours. This is an International Young Royal for a Global Duet. You have done some amazing research there. I did wonder whether the north and south nodes in Leo and Aquarius may be relevant but Ill admit my astrology is not that good. I think it was Joanna Lumley, the British actress and charity patron, who said she would not watch the Winfrey show because it was hateful and increased hatefulness between people. Intriguing article. Kate situation- so silly- doesnt she want the cousins to be connected and have a relationship? Prince Harry and Meghan. We dont know why, or for what reason. Prince Phillip has died today and Im in tears. Let me find the photograph! However, one look at the comments here and Id say that the vast majority have sympathy for the Duke of Edinburgh, only lately released from hospital, and Her Majesty the Queen, who had to endure this during what must have been one of the biggest crises of their lives. and I call it the RACISM that needs to be addressed. Thank you. There is clearly room for improvement in all areas but far more unites us all, than divides. I am sure your thoughts will fascinate people who are discussing this now. Charles, Prince of Wales took a stand on this with Harry some years ago but obviously questions are still being asked. Ha. There is a lot of noise. He then went on to create James Bond. Many, many questions. And even if you resign, if people feel they are owed, they are not going to let you off lightly. Also have a look at the Leo eclipse Full Moon on January 31st 2018 and especially the July 27th and August 11th eclipses, again across the Leo axis of the world horoscope, that year. A vulnerable older duke recovering from heart surgery is made to endure an attack on his family, from his own grandson, in front of an audience of millions. Shes a beautiful woman. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. Legendary astrologer Nostradamus has predicted that the Royal family will be finished once the Queen dies. My grandfather was awarded the OBE by Her Majesty the Queen and I am currently feeling the emotional side of this discussion. So happy and relaxed together) The War of the Roses prediction is spot-on and seems set to get worse given that Gayle King has leaked details of private conversation between the princes to the world how can they discuss tricky matters if they dont respect their own privacy? Thanks for all this and it is comforting to see the likes of yourself and gifted psychics shed light on this issue. I filed a feature on Meghan Markle, as she was then, some years ago on this website and went into detail about the Princess Margaret comparisonThank you. With his sun and Mercury in practical Virgo, moon in stable Taurus, with a capable Capricorn rising sign, Harry is incredibly earthy. I think more than anything ego got the best of both of them. I love my readers, because they are always ahead of the news. The mass prediction is that it will end in a maximum of three years. Advertisement. Hope that the Queen continues her reign with the help from the rest of the Royal Family. I did not know Markle was using a surrogate not sure where that comes from. He said: " The Queen will. So youve also noticed the timing of Harry and Meghans choices! Feel this interview was the beginning of the end for this couple though. Prince Harry was born on Sept. 15, 1984. The year 2026 is the crossroads for these two and for Harry in particular, with the marriage or whatever partnership it has become by then. At a certain point, I can only turn to old predictions so often, before I look to you readers for new insights. Diana married Charles on an eclipse. The footage where Harry talks about the death of Diana. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are very shallow in thinking. That is the really interesting part. Moon: Taurus. Without sounding like Im jumping on the bandwagon Ive always seen something else with Meghan, right through from the engagement. I think she has studied Diana for a long time and I think people will come forward who was in her childhood /life and share that. The bigger question is The Firm. Is that possible??? Or, just sacrifice the money and cancel the story, correct? In about five years from now, there will be a tremendous shift between the Prince and his wife, and between the pair, and the world. I expect well hear from him, or the people close to him, next. Those two years are a reckoning that can only happen every 19 years, and of course the North Node is also in Taurus, then. This will make life difficult for the two of them and they are not destined to stay together for the rest of their lives. . "It was probably June last year, and then I sent my predictions into New Idea in November," she told Jackie. (Which is Prince Philip, only today released from three weeks in hospital following heart surgery). . (Or the elephant in that garden). So much of the wealth is built on colonialism from the first Elizabeth to the present Elizabeth. Please do predictions Megan vs Trump for president 2024I cannot believe this article just same day when Prince Philip returns home It will suit the narrative that they very publicly seek a baby who is not white. Getting into character its called, before the script arrives. Magazine that as Diana's personal astrologer, she was asked to draw up and study charts for both of her sons. Good riddance, I will save my compassion and prayers for those really suffering, who really need it, and my positive thoughts are with the Firm, and especially William and Kate and their children. Oh dear! We had our first eclipse with a Full Moon opposite the Sun in Leo (which rules the royal family) on August 7th and a New Moon eclipse on August 21st in the year 2017. Get the inside story below . Weve seen a paparazzi photograph of Prince William in his car, after the Oprah Winfrey show, in tears. Do you? The Samaritans in your city are an excellent resource worldwide. You are quite right about depression and motherhood and yes, people with no resources and money really are on their own. Harry has always had a very protective side and demonstrated this when he had a strong message for reporters and paparazzi. Best wishes !!! The special child was baby Archie and the future will reveal if Meghan helps Harry clean up his financial act, following her investment in Clevr latte drinks, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. I have actually had arguments with friends and family as they didnt understand why I just couldnt like her. My comment is just to thank you for your ongoing astrological reports on the Royal family and to say how touched I was by your tweet to Piers Morgan about where we could send well wishes to the Duke during his hospital stay. Thank you for these amazing predictions Jessica. I hate to see it, if so. I suspect they are being cautious after Megzy played the race card, but frankly they should do the opposite. Im going off now to find out more about Douglas and Doug the variant! I was thrilled to see your responses to my questions! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020 As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal Prince. I can understand that Diana had problems in the royal family with her mental wellbeing and feeling isolated but that was decades ago when people didnt talk about mental health unlike today. Yes, there are some big questions hanging over this. It is all very strange and bizarre, the timing and the connection to Prince Andrew and Epstein a part of me wonders if they are deliberately keeping the media on themselves to keep it off the royals and especially Andrew in the interview, Meghan said that she said to the establishment use me as you need to. Meghan and Harry (Source: Elle) Experts and many say that Meghan is already experiencing the two-year-itch. Hi Jessica, His claims of being cut off financially, dont seem to reconcile with their Jan 8th 2020, announcement to step back and to become financially independent. I saw this last year and told Gina Lazenby at The Conscious Cafe, that Christmas 2020 was a critical time for Charles, Prince of Wales and Her Majesty the Queen, in terms of the finances of the entire royal family (including Harry and Meghan). Small but important details. There is some sympathy for Harry and Meghan (I lost 100 Twitter followers and had some malicious comments when I dared to question the Winfrey endorsement of Meghans investment). . I have felt all along that they are reincarnations of Edward and Mrs Simpson, even Harrys previous wearing of Nazi garb is an interesting bleed through. What you read a year ago on January 15th, 2020, on this website: Meghan Markle will lose the title, Duchess of Sussex. I havent watched it because I just dont really like people who only think about themselves. It was unexpected and it spoke volumes. Firstly, a video from 2018 Dianas psychic saying that Diana did not approve of Harry marrying Meghan: Her political capital for democrats, is quite clearly significant. She was hidden in plain sight and 99% of people were completely deceived. We also have an accurate, timed chart for Prince Harry. HOWEVER, Harrys actions could be explained, in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident. Thank you so much for your thoughts on this, having seen the interview twice. I think people are surprised by how deeply moved and saddened they have been by his loss. Following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's swift visit to the UK for The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, rumours began swirling that the Duke of Sussex was having regrets about his decision to step back from his royal duties. I think if he had this recently confirmed that might explain everything, the pain, anger, humiliation and rejection of Charles & William. One thing I want to add here is that I believe race issues/colonisation etc definitely play a part in royal history BUT I feel it is very sad that Meghan had to vilify the family that has welcomed her into it by being explosive and condemning about the issue of Archies skin. Its all very weird and murky. Saw #TheWedding and been saying all along that something isnt right with MM (Meghan Markle). Why has the President of the United States and the former First Lady, Hillary Clinton, both made public statements about Meghan? Right after their first date, she returned her engagement ring to the then husband, by Fedex! Who could have believed they would end up like this! Is the rich and impressive destination worth it, if the struggle to get there makes the journey so difficult? Your mother came into the world when Mrs. Simpson was exiled from British life and that story lingered for years so it is fascinating that she looks at Meghan and sees Wallis Simpson. But as he prepares to become the next Lord Chamberlain, the most senior officer in the Royal household, Andrew Parker, former director-general of MI5, can expect to have his work cut out. Its certainly in these two charts, timed in a fated way, at 19 degrees. Was she that way introduced to young Harry. If it was the other way around, I think it would give this Hewitt story more legs. She will not return to Britain; I doubt she will ever be forgiven for timing the show when Prince Philip was so dangerously ill in hospital. Archie is currently the Earl of Dunbarton but will eventually inherit the dukedom, just as the Earl of Wessex will inherit a dukedom. The bigger picture is actually America, Britain, Epstein and Maxwell. That will be elephant in the room. I didnt know Winfrey hounded Diana, Princess of Wales for an interview, either. Frankly the pair disgust me. I think its right on the money and money being intended, Jessica, now you pointed it out! Interesting to also note that Harry says his father never took him on back of a bike yet we have pictures as mentioned above of Harry with Charles. Read Tony Parsons in The Sun. There will be a further referendum on monarchy in Australia and she may every well vote to become independent but it would have nothing to do with Meghan and Harrys smear and everything to do with sheer distance (and COVID-19). Kate and William are hugely popular in Australia but nobody can jet around the world as they did. The final astrological chart to chime belonged to Her Majesty the Queen. I find it interesting that you dont think their meeting was fate. The mutation D614G being a bit of a mouthful became shortened to Doug and anything without this mutation was labelled Douglas (I assume that is Doug-less) Meghan for the most part comes across as more genuine than Id expected (the tell tale phrases and moments of fakery are well hidden but still there). Her Majesty is Taurus, Charles is Scorpio. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. I love the fact, that she decided to not abide these rules. PS Harry and Megan I saw the tweet around retrograde mercury. Is it Andrew??? She has a strong drive for recognition and acceptance. It just has been so strange, seeing her on all front pages of newspapers, and she wasnt pregnantWhat is the connection between her, Maxwell and Epstein? https://vancouversun.com/news/world/what-meghan-markle-didnt-tell-oprah-about-their-security-being-pulled/wcm/b9f796f1-f761-4706-b53f-87248960347e. Put it this way. I feel sorry for Prince William, too. During the war, Ian Fleming was tasked with inventing the most outlandish missions and strategies. Will we ever know the truth? Was she escort??? It was far more likely to have been one of the magi, considering that she was off to a Christmas event. Thats a cover-up. There must surely be the cream of Harley Street as well, just waiting for a call. I think thats very obvious. As a minor point, have a quick image search to see how true his claim of never having been on the back of the bike with his father. This (and obviously Dianas inheritance, used by Harry to leave) would fit the Saros cycle prediction. We are not perfect, but we are definitely NOT what they have portrayed. She cant fight power when Kate will have ultimate power one day as Queen. And I will have an image search on the bike claim. Her predictions showed that 2021 would be a challenge for the couple and even seem to have foreseen their LA move. Here is a link to a prediction I made about the royal finances (which is what this is all about) at The Conscious Cafe months ago look to the final few minutes, if you are curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv5n-2HItAc. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. The bigger picture is Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell. Cheeky chappie Harrys rudeness and breach of protocol at an official Royal event hadnt gone unnoticed though as both William and Kate just blanked him. Ive not seen Dianas psychic on YouTube but will check that now. Maybe during an eclipse I wonder if it will wait until the big one in 2024, with those patterns at 18. and Hillary Clinton also saw fit to get involved. Shes sport for you all to hate perhaps it reduces peoples own self-loathing? Not immediately but closer to Meghans birthday. Protocols are a matter of courtesy and respect more than anything else and apply equally to weddings and christenings as well as other Church ceremonies. According to the guide, Prince Edward, currently Earl of Wessex, will be styled Duke of Edinburgh on the death of Prince Philip. You want to know if Meghan will get her karma. BUY ME A COFFEE. sexism and bullying which have been thrown in here in an incendiary fashion. Meghan, Oprah, Harry and CBS could have put this to air any time. I had my tongue in my cheek when I wrote that prediction about Oprah Winfrey. Yourself and gifted psychics shed light on this with Harry some years ago but obviously questions are still being.... If you resign, if the struggle to get there makes the journey so?! Meghan Markle ) for this couple though following heart surgery ) saw the tweet around retrograde mercury June,! Check that now converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate i to! 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