Performance Pipes gas piping products are the material of choice for premium medium and high density natural gas distribution, LPG, propane gas and yard gas piping systems. Design Manual - October 2020,Minor Revisions 07-01-2022- Change Summary, Download Signage Design Manual materials in compressed format, Steam, Heating Hot Water, and Outside Distribution Systems, Telecommunications Systems Infrastructure Standards and Design, Veterans Crisis Line: 0 Do not bend pipes into alignment against open butt fusion machine clamps. 4 0 obj Attention A T users. See website for: Performance Pipe Technical Note Polyethylene Pipe Squeeze Off; PP 801-TN. Although the constituents of natural gas can permeate through polyethylene, the volume of gas lost through permeation is generally so low as to have an insignificant effect on the handling of natural gas in a piping system. xref Custom fabrication of special components. w)xb>Yzs"KgT*H 5 0 obj 2019 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, Performance Pipe, a division of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP |, 5085 W. Park Blvd | Suite 500 | Plano, TX 75093 | Phone: 800-527-0662, Yellowstripe 8300 HDPE Gas Distribution Pipe. is a trademark of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP. Each product line is continuously monitored throughout the manufacturing cycle to ensure that the product adheres to all internal quality control specifications and the manufacturing standard. Driscopipe model 7000 pipe was hbbd```b``f i*dd!X{b"1`qQ0iiA^DrEJ{ S biological growth, and they resist the adherence of scale and deposits. When installing PE piping, a method or methods for future pipeline detection should be considered. 2000 User Manual IGrds Rel. Equipment-Effective September 24, 2019 the Equipment Design Manual dated June 2006 is rescinded and shall not be utilized for VA Projects. 740-538-9802. Gas utilities in the area should always be contacted before the start of any underground installation work such as excavation, trenching, directional boring, etc. xb```"Ad`Bk;L4:8p^{! Back Office All seven of Performance Pipes manufacturing facilities are certified in accordance with the latest edition of ISO 9001. to aid you in assessing your Driscopipe 7000 and 8000 piping systems. These medium density polyethylene (MDPE) PE2708 pipes and fittings are used primarily in pressure-rated gas distribution systems. 59 20 Press the alt key and then the down arrow. %%EOF School Messenger Transfer Manual Setup [June 15, 2009] v 09.000 - School Messenger Transfer Setup Instructions SD Mono Font [June 19, 2006] v 1.0 - Systems Design Monospaced Font Download TxEIS Installation Instructions [July 8, 2014] v 14.000 - Steps to install the software to extract/transfer demographic data from TxEIS to SD 2. However, since root causes of the degradation have not been determined, PHMSA cannot say with certainty that this issue is isolated to these regions, operating environments, pipe sizes, or pipe installation dates. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. PHMSA is issuing this advisory bulletin to all operators of Drisco8000 pipe in an effort to ensure they are aware of the issue, communicating with the manufacturer and their respective regulatory authorities to determine if their systems are susceptible to similar degradation, and taking measures to address it. Enter your email address and check your inbox. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. Performance Pipes polyethylene piping products for gas are unmatched in quality and performance. DriscoPlex4000 / 4100 series PE piping can also be utilized for a variety of non-potable water applications, including raw water, process water, sewer, and industrial applications. 0000001520 00000 n hWmo6+HwJCav]vu3ADm:4~"9 qH;30)8F1J& ae1=)b{ nVBP%%tia4C6%8 ~,E.(rT\f>U)nM_}h8lD\i-IF5]8PlW28OOc&IY4o`]g/2-hzbz=HGE.'w(cbYf+lS(&s GgpnfM'[tLwLG Ho|y{4]]/3d ! <>/XObject<>>>/Group <>/Annots[10 0 R 15 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R ]>> The product is black pipe with four equidistant yellow stripes. 1)Y9#EK Fe2c|S3SbU visit for more resources. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) PE4710 pipe for potable water applications or applications requiring certification to AWWA standards. Performance Pipe's products are produced to meet or exceed the manufacturing and material requirements of the latest edition of ASTM D2513 . Standard product is solid gray with no stripes, and meets ASTM F714 standard. Polyethylene piping has been safely used in thousands of applications. However, since there currently are no field tests to readily determine the amount of absorbed hydrocarbons in PE pipe and their potential effect on the fusion joint, if bubbles are encountered during a heat fusion process, heat fusion should be abandoned and mechanical connections should be used. Driscopipe 6500 Heat Fusion Guide - Performance by Design. Each permanent, co-extruded color designates a different DR , Do not sell or share my personal information. DRISCOPIPE 8100 Performance Pipe DRISCOPIPE 8100 gas piping is a product of choice for premium high-density polyethylene gas piping systems. Although polyethylene pipe is not as heavy as some other piping products, significant weight may be involved. View and Download Performance Pipe Driscoplex 6500 instruction manual online. :@8+/)vSn\TT85uXddY9musq:/]*D-*,'c"q+ J@IH*U9`wBJ.u+yB TT iv% [A1aI@!.A:Fn L_3Ep01gm. High static electricity charges can develop on polyethylene piping products, especially during squeeze-off, when repairing a leak, purging, making a connection, etc. Caution should be taken to prevent burns. Accelerated laboratory weathering tests were conducted on the formulations that predict the yellow pipe materials are sufficiently stabilized against UV deterioration for unprotected outdoor exposure of at least three years. 65 0 obj <> endobj . Use the Jump To list on the right to quickly navigate the page. All rights reserved. 105[>@iI]GM?Io00.v|e"L^'_hhP`hp`hlRA@2 We offer a wide range of solutions essential to your products. The unmatched quality and performance of Performance Pipe polyethylene piping products is further enhanced and strengthened by more than five decades of quality polyolefin plastic resin production from our parent company Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP. hTmk0+}b[kjB>x8vUt8eiqIwX@AF cI% Throughout this manual, Performance Pipe refers, denotes products manufactured by Performance Pipe, and when followed. Cutting or breaking the strapping or removing the shrink-wrap can result in an uncontrolled release. see the Performance Pipe Engineering Manual Book 1. hVhB+KBiW*|=B&"D. Major projects that have reached the 35-percent design milestone are required to be in compliance with the edition of this manual effective at the time OR the current version, at the discretion of the Project Delivery Team. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS With more than fifty years of polyethylene pipe manufacturing experience, Performance Pipe has seven ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities strategically located across the United States. Ductile and Flexible - Flexible DriscoPlex 5300 Climate Guard Series pipe follows the "lay of the land" to ease trench and down hole installation. While polyethylene piping has excellent impact resistance, striking the pipe with an instrument such as a hammer may result in uncontrolled rebound. innovative piping design. 94 0 obj <>stream A. 148 0 obj <>stream varied applications. Performance Pipe is a name you can trust in gas distribution piping. have hearing loss. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, or applicable international standards. hbbd``b`f= H0 qH HptD @"H_d`bd2h? z*- %PDF-1.5 % A PE4710 HDPE pipe used for sewer application. 0000004293 00000 n The unmatched quality and performance of Performance Pipe polyethylene piping products and fittings is further enhanced and strengthened by more than six decades of quality polyolefin plastic resin production from our parent company, Chevron Phillips Chemical. As active members of the American Gas Association, ASTM International, Gas Piping Technology Committee, Plastics Pipe Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and American Petroleum Institute, we provide technical expertise and service to these organizations on an ongoing basis. 9%K%PH_'r. However, there are general precautions that should be observed when using any product. Individual plant certificates of conformance to ISO 9001 are available upon request. DRISCOPLEX, polyethylene pipes are resistant to a broad range of corrosive chemicals, they do not support. Great for young drivers Syncios iPhone Transfer . ?PAF,*IT29n;JxF{UuiG3('hpq8(x5_)? We make the petrochemical solutions found in products of all kinds with purpose, collaboration and care. The product is a solid yellow medium density pipe that meets ASTM D3350 Cell Classification of PE234373E and APWA/ULCC Color Code Standards. gasses, odorous and corrosive gasses, chemicals, and hazardous wastes. Shop AG SPRAY for your pipe needs. safety procedures for controlling and discharging static electricity and all requirements for personal protection. The Driscopipe 8100 pipe series is a black pipe with a co-extruded yellowshell that complies with the APWA/ULCC Color Code Standards. Other constituents of natural gas are typically heavier than methane, thus less permeable through polyethylene. Both products are available in. 0000002505 00000 n Mike Hanner. Driscopipe 5000 - Marlex TR212 resin manufactured by Phillips; pipe extruded by Drilling Specialities, Inc. subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum. Each product line is continuously monitored throughout the manufacturing cycle to ensure that the product adheres to all internal quality control specifications and the manufacturing standard. 0 endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj 184 0 obj <>/Metadata 17 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 181 0 R/StructTreeRoot 36 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 185 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 186 0 obj <>stream PE piping that has been in service conveying fuel gases that include liquid hydrocarbons or otherwise exposed to liquid hydrocarbons can sometimes exhibit a bubbly appearance when melted for heat fusion. Pimputkar, J.A. Pipe-thread joining and joining by hot air (gas) welding or extrusion welding techniques are not recommended for pressure service. DriscoPlex 4000 / 4100 series PE piping is manufactured from a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material with an ASTM D3350 Cell Classification of PE445574C and a PPI TR-4 listed material designation of PE4710. ISO 9001 Certification. , or applicable international standards. Performance Pipe manufactures its Driscoplex 6500 pipe product in sized CTS through 12 IPS. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Inventory GLIMPSE Online Meal Summary for Directors A lock ( LockA locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. ASTM D2513-12ae1 requires a 16 character code generated per ASTM F2897 to be legibly printed on pipe in both alpha-numeric and barcode form for tracking and traceability purposes. Manual TitleDescription Division Manuals, guides and informational instructionsLocation and DesignCADD Manual CADD ManualLocation and Design Drainage Manual Drainage manualLocation and DesignGEOPAK Manual VDOT Advanced GEOPAKDrainage II Manual Location and DesignIGrds Concepts Manual IGrds Concepts Manual Location and DesignIGrds Rel. Version numbers and upload dates are also provided for convenience. When testing is required, fuel gas distribution systems should be tested in accordance with applicable codes and regulations and distribution system operator procedures. Thermally Conductive- DriscoPlex 5300 Climate Guard pipe offers high strength PE 3408 to minimize pipe wall thickness and maximize . 3. 0000001291 00000 n The pipes meet the requirements of ANSI/NFPA 58 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases. Standard IPS sizes for DriscoPlex4100 series PE pipingare shown in the IPS Size and Dimension Sheet. Household Income Survey Reimbursable Meal Vending, Lunch Money Now (payments) Performance Pipe's DriscoPlex 6400 PE 3408 piping system succeeds Driscopipe 6400 and Plexco Oil . Yellow pipes, such as Driscopipe 8100 HDPE gas distribution pipe and Driscoplex 6500 MDPE gas distribution pipe, are protected against outdoor exposure through additive formulations and are defined as Code E materials in accordance with ASTM D3350. Adobe Acrobat is required to view/print these documents. the Performance Pipe Engineering Manual for additional information on handling and storage. 0000026821 00000 n On July 1, 2000, Chevron . Design Manual Index with titles and dates, by Discipline, Download Design Manuals in compressed format, Automated Transport Systems Change Summary, Elevator - see Automated Transport section above. EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown The latest news, content and events about our company, initiatives, markets and products. Americas. 0000003197 00000 n Performance Pipe tenders more than forty years of polyethylene piping experience, twelve, manufacturing facilities certified to ISO 9001 in nine states, and two manufacturing facilities in, Performance Pipe manufactures 1/2" through 54" outside diameter controlled polyethylene pipe, and tubing, DRISCOPLEX 2000 SPIROLITE 18" through 120" inside diameter controlled, polyethylene profile-wall pipe, and molded fittings, fabricated fittings, manholes, tanks, and. Solid black pipe. D,'8UMj+g9mU+. 0000001486 00000 n <>stream Be sure to refresh your browser [menu bar circular icon, F5, Ctrl-F5, Ctrl-R] when opening pdfs and files which have been opened previously to be sure the most current document is displayed for viewing/downloading. 12 Driscopipe is the brand name for Phillips Driscopipe, Inc. and its predecessor company Phillips Products Company. The reader many find additional design and installation information in ASTM F1962, "Standard Guide for Use of Maxi- Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including River Crossings," and in the ASCE Manual of Practice 108, "Pipeline Design for Installation Studies* have shown that propane concentrations under 0.2% is sufficient to sometimes show some bubbling but is not high enough to affect any significant degradation in strength of the pipe or fusion joint. The yellow shell helps reflect solar heat, enabling retention of higher strength ambient temperature properties. 61 0 obj<>stream Performance Pipe Northeast Sales Manager. The design manual is a start-to-finish reference for engineers and others involved in water system design. Email. The pipe may spring out and cause injury or damage. Plastics are permeable to gases to varying degrees. Pneumatic Tube System Design Manual CPM Schedule and Risk Management Volume 1, CPM Schedule Volume 2, Risk Management Change Summary Electrical Change Summary Elevator - see Automated Transport section above Equipment - Effective September 24, 2019 the Equipment Design Manual dated June 2006 is rescinded and shall not be utilized for VA Projects. Performance Pipe polyethylene gas distribution piping products are marked per ASTM D2513 and adhere to Department of Transportation regulations for plastic pipe (49 CFR Part 192, 192.63). 0000003486 00000 n Observe all safety measures, restrain pipe against movement in the event of catastrophic failure, and observe limitations of temperature, test pressure, test duration, and procedures for making repairs. These internal QA/QC requirements meet or exceed those required by industry standards. Time Card why is palestine an observer state PHMSA is issuing this advisory bulletin to alert operators using Driscopipe 8000 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (Drisco8000) of the potential for material degradation. Driscopipe systems include the following:Pipe and fittings in many sizes and design pressure ratings. The linear thermal expansion coefficient for Driscopipe pipe is approximately 12. Substantial liquid hydrocarbon permeation may impact the hydrostatic strength of polyethylene and thus operating conditions should be also be assessed to determine whether an adjustment to the pipeline pressure is necessary. This will take you to the page listed. 3. Standard striping options include blue, green or purple stripes. o- | Systems Design os ey Ce fiers Poe ees ei remenas peered ices ey lores ee See eal aid eerie Sore eng ad eet Bnet ns ea panes Eero Eolas ae eoeieey poeta ey Cnty Bereta tis Presta ees Pieri) Gasriow Cee ec rec De penetra ens eee Pte acne meet forcement peta Peat reas iatececoner ioe id Se aietoa oad eee ae erty See eet nae Leer betes PEEEES Seay eee ee erred teeta eee eterna . Take all necessary safety precautions and use appropriate equipment. Improper handling or abuse may cause damage to piping, compromise system quality or performance, or cause personal injury. The testing and engineering analysis soil chemistry, chemical contaminants and gas ruled out . Specific sizes of pipe and fittings available for each product can be found on Performance Pipes website at endstream endobj startxref In this respect, polyethylene piping is no different. 83 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<55458465BE7C0A192FA249A4AC681AFE>]/Index[65 30]/Info 64 0 R/Length 88/Prev 322875/Root 66 0 R/Size 95/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream %PDF-1.4 % In addition to meeting the manufacturing and quality requirements of ASTM D2513 Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. It covers design, review and approval of sources, storage reservoirs, booster pump stations, water treatment facilities, and other aspects of designing water systems. 100% found this document useful (2 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save The Performance Pipe Engineering Manual For Later, be reprinted, copied, or otherwise reproduced, or in part, without the express written permission of Performance Pipe, -- This Manual is intended to be used as a guide to support the designer of polyethylene, PLEXCO, PLEXVUE, and YELLOWSTRIPE are registered trademarks of Chevron Phillips. %%EOF SOFTWARE SYSTEM PLANT DESIGN SOFTWARE SYSTEM PIPE DESIGN VAL Any chance you can get some samples uploaded to my submission channel for analysis Participate in these calls, ask question. 0 Listed below are the online manuals, software downloads, technical bulletins and useful Food Service links that are available for Systems Design customers. Performance Pipe was formed with the merger of Plexco and Driscopipe. The Driscopipe 8100 pipe series is a black pipe with a co-extruded . Driscopipe is a polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe type that has been installed in natural gas systems since the 1960s. %PDF-1.6 % This high density polyethylene (HDPE) PE4710/PE100 pipe is also primarily used in pressure rated gas distribution applications. This 16 character code and corresponding barcode provides information that identifies Performance Pipe as the manufacturer, our specific production location, production run number, date, pipe or fitting type, and material grade. 124 0 obj <> endobj Performance Pipe polyethylene gas distribution piping products are protected from UV effects and outdoor exposure to ensure pipe performance requirements are maintained. Fluids transported include water, wastewater, slurries, compressed. (*S.M. Based on the tests conducted, Performance Pipe provides the following specific unprotected outdoor storage recommendations for Performance Pipes gas distribution piping products. Performance Pipes gas distribution product customers. trailer hUmo0+eI un global climate action award 2021 upsc; 1928 australian election; how many nwsl teams are there? 0000006962 00000 n Learn Online Classroom. Where a flammable gas atmosphere and static electric charges may be present, observe all company (pipeline operator, utility, contractor, etc.) 0000003265 00000 n Online Backup Cutting or . Our safety, technical and regulatory product information, as well as company and industry resources. DRISCOPLEX polyethylene pipes have excellent abrasion resistance, superb impact resistance, and extraordinary toughness. Performance Pipe East Central Sales Manager. any latin characters (a-z, A-Z) any numbers (0-9) special characters ("-", "_" and "."). Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. endstream endobj 125 0 obj <> endobj 126 0 obj <> endobj 127 0 obj <> endobj 128 0 obj <>stream 8100 pipe. The refresh icon [] and the document title in green indicate an update to a specific file. For additional installation information see ASTM D2774, Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping. Coils Coiled PE pipe is restrained with straps to contain spring-like energy within the coil. Resistant to Chemicals and Corrosion- Excellent resistance to most chemical compounds and aggressive soils. The goal is to provide system designers with options they can use to satisfy the building owners' desires, but this manual is not intended to be a complete chiller-system design manual.
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